Part 46

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Bobby and Ju-ne were walking into the bakery, following their owner. The bunny glanced around the room, looking for his favorite hybrid, but the fox and her 'friend' weren't there yet.

"Okay Ju-ne, do you think you can get Jungkook away at some point today? I really want to tell little one I like her. But he will ruin it," the gray eared bunny said to his brother nervously.

"That's because he likes her too," Ju-ne said flatly, his gravely voice rumbling low in his chest. His eyes lit up when he saw that Yoongi was working today. He thought the older black cat was so cool and he desperately wanted to be friends but was always afraid to talk to him.

"I know he likes her. I can't tell if she knows he likes her though, so I have to tell her before she figures it out," Bobby said.

"I'll do what I can bro," Ju-ne said, reaching up to ruffle the bunny's ears.


When Jungkook and little one got to the bakery, they were chatting and laughing, Jungkook's hands resting easily in his pockets, his pretty brown eyes squinting happily as he looked at her. There was no shadow of the discomfort the fox had felt the last time she was in the bakery and she nudged the boy next to her as he joked, grinning. They didn't even look in the direction of the other hybrids at first, too absorbed in each other as they went straight to the register to order their breakfast.

Jungkook was in a great mood that day, and little one seemed to be too. Something about the way she had smiled at him when she came down stairs that morning had just set him right and he couldn't help shooting little sideways looks at her at every opportunity, admiring everything about her.

She was so healthy looking now, the apples of her cheeks were full and pink, her hair was shiny and her skin was glowing and she smelled so nice and he wanted to touch her and kiss her and- Jungkook took a breath, and looked away from her. He needed to reign himself in.

She greeted Yoongi warmly and the cat smirked, looking between her and Jungkook as if he could read the bunny's mind. Jungkook tightened his lips and didn't say anything, and Yoongi chuckled as he prepared their order.

"Thank you Yoongi oppa!" She said brightly as he passed her a hot chocolate.

"You're welcome little one. Say...I have a question," Yoongi said, his eyes flashing mischievously as he shot a glance at Jungkook.

"What is it?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and blinking at him.

Cute Jungkook thought, nearly melting as he watched her before regaining control of himself.

"So Jimin and I were arguing about the best fur color," Yoongi began, smirking at Jungkook. "And I say black is best, and he says gray is best. So I'm wondering little one - what color fur do you prefer on a male?" He asked, leaning down and resting his elbow on the counter, propping his chin on it.

She considered for a moment, sipping her hot chocolate, then looked at the cat. "Okay don't tell Jimin oppa but...I think black fur is better. It's always shiny and you know it's gonna be soft," she said, grinning. Jungkook coughed, his cheeks going pink and ears standing up straight automatically. He was still coughing and Yoongi was grinning smugly when she turned her attention to him, patting his back with concern. "Are you okay Jungkook?"

"Y-yeah - I'm fine," he replied, regaining control of himself. "Anyway, let's go sit down." Jungkook shot a glare at Yoongi over his shoulder, but the cat just snickered.

They sat down with little one's friends, greeting the boys happily. Jungkook couldn't be bothered with being annoyed over Bobby and Ju-ne at the moment, so he just smiled politely at them and nodded. The other bunny immediately began chatting but Jungkook tuned him out, all his attention on little one. The way her delicate fingers held her cup, the way she took little bites of her breakfast pastry, the way she covered her mouth when she laughed, her eyes scrunching up cutely. Jungkook didn't even know what was funny, but he chuckled along with her anyway, absorbed in her laugher.

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