Part 27

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"Alright, Hoseok and Taehyung, you guys head west toward the creek. Yoongi and Namjoon, you two head south into the woods. And that leaves Jimin and Jungkook and I - Jimin do you think you can go alone?" Seokjin was asking, organizing the boys to look for the fox.

They each held a flashlight as well as cell phones so they could communicate if they found her. Each team needed a hybrid to help smell for her, but also a human to keep the hybrid males calm since the fox was in heat. Jimin was biting his lip uncertainly at the idea of finding her on his own. Yes, he was in a loving and committed relationship, but he knew what happened when a hybrid was in heat. He didn't know if he would physically be able to resist his body's natural reactions.

"I can go alone hyung," Jungkook said, determinedly.

"I don't know Kook," Seokjin said, glancing at the bunny.

"I can! I've been around her during her heat before! I'm used to her smell, and I want to find her and help her so bad that I will be fine. Please hyung, we need to split up and cover more ground."

Seokjin nodded. "Alright then. Kook you go toward town. Jimin and I will go east toward the field."

Everyone nodded at their assignments and took off, jogging in every direction. Jungkook went at a sprint, wanting to get as close to town as possible quickly. He wanted to start at Yoongi's apartment in the hopes that he could pick up a trace of little one's scent and track her to wherever she had gone. It wasn't a long walk to Yoongi's so he ran fast, his heartbeat racing. He was actually glad he didn't have a human with him - this way he could use all his hybrid strength and speed and not worry about being slowed down.

He reached the building Yoongi lived in and paused, panting for a moment and trying to sniff the air as much as possible. There was a faint scent. As soon as he picked it up he felt his body react to the smell of the heat in her veins, the need to mate her thrumming beneath his skin, but Jungkook pushed that away, making himself focus on just finding her. He inhaled deeply through his nose and began to move quickly, hoping he was following the scent I'm the right direction.


Namjoon was crashing through the brush and Yoongi kept wincing at the sound of his loud stomping.

"Dude do you think you could be a little more quiet?" The cat asked, his black ears flicking in annoyance.

"Why would I be quiet? If she hears us and she's hiding maybe she'll come out! I have to find her Yoongi. She's - she's everything to me, and I failed her," Namjoon said, his voice shaking.

Yoongi put his hand on the man's shoulder. "You didn't fail her Joon. I did. I'm sorry," he said, hanging his head, his ears and tail drooping sadly.

"It isn't your fault," Namjoon said to the cat, pulling him into a quick hug. "It's no one's fault. Let's just find her." Yoongi nodded and Namjoon smiled, drawing a deep breath and opening his mouth. Yoongi flattened his ears, knowing what was coming.

"LITTLE ONE" the man shouted.

Yoongi grit his teeth against the loud noise, but he still felt responsible for the fox's disappearance so he took a deep breath before calling out for her as well as they trampled through the brush.


Hoseok and Taehyung were darting through the woods, Taehyung frequently dashing too far ahead and needing to be called back by Hoseok, who was moving more slowly.

"Tae - you can't do that what if we find her and we aren't together - come here," Hoseok scolded and the dog's ears drooped as he returned to his owner's side. He slipped his hand into the older man's and Hoseok entwined their fingers, sighing softly. "I'm sorry buddy - I just want us to stick together."

Bunny Baby : jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now