Part 22

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When they arrived at the bakery the two cat hybrids were already there, finishing cleaning up for the day and Seokjin was there as well. With the bakery empty of customers the fox was looking around in interest, not feeling nervous like usual. She was looking up and around with her mouth hanging open at all the hybrid decorations when she backed into a solid chest. She froze in fear as she felt hot breath brushing over her fluffy ear.

"Hello there," a musical voice purred in her ear and she squeaked and jumped away, whirling around to look at the man with wide eyes. He was a grey eared cat hybrid with soft pink hair and he chuckled as he grinned at her. His black apron had his name printed on it in orange lettering - Jimin, it read. Jungkook was suddenly at her side, his shoulder angled protectively in front of her. "So this is the little fox then, hm? She's cute Kookie," Jimin said, his eyes crinkling as he smiled at her. Jungkook bared his teeth at the cat but Jimin just rolled his eyes. "Chill bun, no one's going to steal your girl," he chuckled, untying his apron.

"Speak for yourself," came a deep, smooth voice from behind Jimin as a second cat hybrid with black ears and black hair stepped foreward, his dark eyes sparkling as he smirked. He had already removed his apron and was wearing all black, his pale skin showing starkly against it.

"Y-Yoongi hyung," Jungkook said nervously, still angling himself in front of the fox. The dark cat chuckled and reached out to ruffle the bunny's ears.

"You know I'm kidding bun," he said, walking away to go sit down as they waited for Namjoon to arrive.

"Fox?" Jungkook said softly.

"Y-yes?" She replied, a bit shaken after meeting the cats.

"I - uh - I want to show you something," he said nervously.

"Okay," she replied. He wrapped his large hand around her smaller one and tugged her toward a frame on the wall. She looked up at it, recognizing the logo for the store that had been on the sign outside and on Jimin's apron. "Kitties and Cupcakes" it read, the stylistic design eye catching and pretty. Her eyes slid over the black ink sketch of the logo in the frame until they fell on the signature in the lower right corner. She gasped and turned to him, pointing at it. "Jungkook! It's your name!" She said.

He chuckled shyly, his ears cocked to the side. "Yeah um, I made it. So I signed it," he said awkwardly. She tilted her head to the side.

"You - you made it?"

He nodded. "I drew it."

"I didn't know you could draw," she said in amazement, looking up at him with her big brown eyes.

Jungkook blushed and looked away. "I'll show you my sketch book later," he said shyly. She grinned at him nodding as the bell over the door to the bakery tinkled and Namjoon walked in. The fox's face lit up and she ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck.

Namjoon broke into a grin and hugged her back tightly, leaning his head down to press his cheek against her temple. "Hello little one," he said softly to her.

"I missed you oppa," she replied, looking up at him. She felt a rush of emotion when she did so, her heart clenching as she remembered how she had felt so deeply protective when Jungkook had spoken ill against him earlier and the immediate crushing disappointment when she realized there was nothing she could do anyway. It was quickly followed by a burning sense of guilt and shame for kissing both Jungkook and Taehyung when she knew it would upset Namjoon to know about it. All of this must have shown on her face because Namjoon's suddenly creased in worry and he frowned, brushing her hair back from her face and clutching her shoulder with his other hand.

"What's the matter my little one?" He asked her softly. She just shook her head though, forcing a smile back to her face as she stood on tip toes to kiss his cheek and then went to sit down next to Seokjin. He frowned after her but sighed as everyone sat and he remained standing looking around at them all. Jin rubbed the fox's back absentmindedly and she leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder.

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