Part 31

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Namjoon turned his head to the side as Jin's open hand struck his cheek, exhaling and pressing his eyes closed. He knew Seokjin wasn't going to like his idea but he had hoped he would go along with it anyway.

It seemed he was wrong.

"Hyung!" Jungkook squeaked, lunging out of the bed to restrain his owner before he could hit Namjoon again. Seokjin struggled weakly but Jungkook held him, wrapping his arms around him to pin the man's hands at his sides, burying his face in his back.

"How can you even suggest that Namjoon? What is wrong with you?" Seokjin shouted through tears that stung at his eyes. Namjoon clenched his jaw and looked up sadly at his boyfriend through his eyelashes, his head still inclined.

"Baby," he said softly, reaching a hand out for the older man.

"Don't! Absolutely not, I can't believe you!" Seokjin snapped, standing still now and letting Jungkook hold him, a tear leaking. "I will not risk it, Jungkook is my life."

"Hyung I want to do it," Jungkook whispered, his forehead still pressed against the man's broad back.

"I knew you were going to say that - Namjoon why did you suggest it in front of him, you idiot!" Seokjin spat, his voice breaking into sobs. More than angry, he was terrified.

"Kook-" Namjoon started and the bunny quickly released his hyung, allowing Namjoon to pull him into his arms.

Seokjin buried his face in Namjoon's chest and cried. "No, no, please no, I can't lose him," he whimpered.

Jungkook's ears twitched as he considered. He thought Namjoon's idea was pretty good though. Jungkook was a bunny hybrid, he would make the perfect bait. And if he could get himself inside the facility, then he could find a way to get little one out. Jungkook looked up. He made eye contact with Namjoon over Seokjin's head. He nodded. Namjoon widened his eyes as if he would say no, but Jungkook had already slipped out of the room and taken off silently down the stairs.

He snuck out the back door as quietly as he could and began to run. Namjoon had given a brief rundown of where he had found the facility before Seokjin had hit him, and it was closer than they had originally estimated. Jungkook figured it would only take him a couple hours, judging by how fast his hybrid body could run. He pushed himself, knowing he needed a head start before Jin realized what he had done.

He hadn't bothered with taking anything, assuming he wouldn't be able to keep it if he was successful in reaching the facility. He suddenly had a thought as he reached the tree line and he paused. He reached up and removed the blue collar he wore around his neck, holding it in his hands and looking down at it fondly. He ran his fingers over the woven band and to the tag with Seokjin's and his own names engraved on it, rubbing the letters softly. He couldn't show up claiming to be a stray hybrid and expect to be taken to the facility if he was wearing a collar. But he had worn one every day for nearly his entire life, and it felt so foreign to remove it. He lingered for just a moment more before carefully securing it around a tree branch at the edge of the forest, planning to come back for it once little one was safe. Then he spared a glance back toward the house and took off running again.


You awoke to an orderly changing the bandages on your back, her fingers careful and precise. You had stopped bothering to talk to the orderlies a long time ago. They weren't allowed to speak to you anyway. It seemed as though none of the humans who worked at the facility were aware of Dr. Yoon's goal - or if they were they must support it in some sick way.

You lay still and waited for her to finish. When she walked away you tentatively sat up, looking around the room in boredom. They had brought you back to the same room you had always been in, and the terrible familiarity did anything but comfort you. You pulled your knees to your chest and lay your head on them. You heard the door open and looked up to see Dr. Yoon entering.

"Hello Jeonghan," you murmured softly, looking away again. He walked into the room and came over to sit on the bed next to you.

"How do you feel fox? Did the injections take? He asked, grabbing one of your hands and turning it over, feeling your pulse in your wrist and then squeezing your forearm a bit. He put his stethoscope on and pressed it to your back for a couple breaths. You released your knees so he could listen to your lungs and heartbeat as well, removing the instrument then and looping it around his neck.

"I don't feel the burning from them anymore," you said softly.

"Good. Look at me," he said. You did and he reached out to hold your eyelids open one at a time, peering into your irises carefully. You studied him as he did so, unable to look anywhere but his face during this. He was so pretty. His features were flawless. You raised a hand slowly and brushed it over the perfectly smooth skin of his cheek. He froze, his gaze focusing in on you. "What are you doing fox?" He asked softly.

"What did they do to you?" You whispered, your eyes drifting up to his damaged ear. You decided you were curious after all, and you had nothing else to think about but your own nightmares anyway.

His ears twitched and he blinked. He sat back and you dropped your hand to your lap. He looked up at you, an emotion you didn't think you had ever seen shining in his eyes before. He looked...vulnerable. But it only lasted a breath, and then he sighed, shaking his head.

"It doesn't matter my fox. And do you know why?" He asked, darkly, the open feeling he had displayed gone now. You shook your head, your eyes widening. He leaned in close, his lips brushing your ear as he whispered. "They're dead now. I killed them." You felt a shiver run through you as he pulled back, smiling. "Anyway, goodnight pet, sleep a lot and hopefully in the morning your heat will be here." He patted your thigh as he stood and left the room without another word.

You shoved down your terror at the look that had been in his eyes. Maybe one day he had been innocent - but Jeonghan was really the terrifying and ruthless doctor of your nightmares - with no remorse it seemed. Your heat again so soon? You squeezed your eyes shut and lay down on the bed, hoping he was wrong and it wouldn't come at all. You missed the comforting touch of Jungkook. You wished he was here with you right now to pat your back and tell you it was okay. You wished Namjoon was here to softly touch your ears and tell you to smile. You hoped you would see them again someday.


Jungkook found it. He was lingering at the edge of the forest and looking at the facility. He began to circle it slowly, keeping to the trees and studying the outside of the building, counting all the entry points and all the guards walking around. The building wasn't as big as he expected and it wasn't very heavily guarded. It was all one level, but sprawled out like an old school building, with a chain link fence topped with barbed wire around it. There were two gates in the fence, and only one of them had a guard post.

Jungkook considered. He might be able to try and sneak in but-

He suddenly heard a twig snap and his ears twitched as his head whipped around. A guard - too close. He would see him. So Jungkook opted to make himself seen instead. He tripped and fell, sprawling loudly in the leaves on the forest floor and whimpering as if he had hurt himself. The guard's attention snapped to him.

"H-help - is someone there? Please I - I'm lost," Jungkook said, standing but making himself limp as if he had hurt his ankle.

"Who's there?" The guard called, stepping into the trees. "Oh look - a lost little bunny," he said, blinking at Jungkook in surprise. "Aw, are you hurt bunny?" He asked, tilting his head. Jungkook pouted exaggeratedly, nodding. The man pulled a radio from his pocket and held it to his mouth. "Someone tell the doc I found a bunny and he looks lost."

Jungkook limped toward the man, feigning slight fear but also interest. "Doc? Is there a doctor here?" He asked.

"Yep, come with me bunny," the man said, motioning for Jungkook to follow him. He did so, making sure to maintain his limp. He felt nervousness bubbling in his stomach but he shoved it down, letting determination sink in instead.

Fox was here, and he was getting her back.

- you guys know my bias?

How about my main wrecker? 🧐

Bunny Baby : jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now