Part 38

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"So little one, everyone is coming over for dinner tonight," Seokjin said over breakfast the next day.

She blinked at him, her mouth full and her cheeks puffed out. "What do you mean everyone?" She asked after swallowing.

"Tae and Hobi and Yoongi and Jiminie and the noonas!" Jungkook said excitedly.

"Th-that's a lot of people," she said, a bit uneasily.

"Don't worry love, everyone just wants to welcome you home. We're all relieved you're okay is all, and they want to see you. You know, all the boys helped look for you the night we lost you," he finished, his voice a bit soft.

She shrank in her chair a little, looking down at her plate, her fork resting lightly in her hand. She chewed her lip uncertainly.

"Don't feel bad fox," Jungkook said quietly, his big brown eyes looking imploringly at her. "No one is upset with you. We're all just happy you're home and safe. We promise. Please don't feel bad. I want you to be happy to see everybody. Okay?" He asked, his ears cocked to the side. She looked up from her plate a little shyly, making eye contact with him but then quickly looking away.

"Okay Jungkook," she said then, returning to her breakfast.


Hoseok and Taehyung were the first to arrive that evening, and the fox was just coming downstairs from a nap before dinner when they walked in, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Fox!" Taehyung exclaimed as soon as the door shut behind them and he launched himself forward, bounding across the room excitedly and throwing his arms around the small hybrid's waist. His tail was wagging a hundred miles an hour behind him as he crushed her to his chest, smiling hugely.

She squeaked and blinked in surprise, her eyes huge and startled as she peered over the dog's shoulder at Hoseok who stood in the doorway chuckling softly. Her orange ears which had flattened against her head when Tae first attacked her now relaxed and although Jungkook itched to scold his friend for surprising her like that, she was now tentatively raising her small hands to pat his back gently.

"H-hi Tae Tae," she said in a small voice, a little uncertain smile on her face as he pulled back and beamed down at her, his wide, boxy grin making her feel a bit more comfortable.

Then the door opened again and Jimin walked in, holding hands with a pretty girl who seemed to be about Seokjin's age. The fox's nose twitched when she smelled them and the container Jimin held in his other hand. The girl saw Hoseok and grinned, stepping away from Jimin to talk with him as the gray eared cat headed over to where Taehyung was still standing next to the fox.

"Hi little one!" He greeted happily. "We brought dessert," he said, holding the container up. She sniffed at it and licked her lips with interest. Jimin smiled. "I hope you like them, it's vanilla cupcakes - my favorite."

Jimin and Taehyung then began chatting loudly and asking her lots of questions and she was starting to look a bit overwhelmed until Jungkook silently slipped up to her side and touched her arm softly. She looked to him, visibly relaxing immediately at his presence. He gave her a little smile and then hopped into his friends' conversation, drawing some attention away from her.

The little fox's hand unconsciously drifted up to grasp Jungkook's sleeve as he spoke and the room filled with bodies and she blinked around, listening to everyone speaking, smelling the food and the people and keeping herself calm with the assurance that the bunny was right there next to her.

The door opened again and in walked Yoongi and his girlfriend with her bright, colorful hair and the fox immediately froze up, embarrassment coloring her face, her fingers tightening on Jungkook's sleeve. He glanced at her before his eyes found Yoongi across the room, the black cat looking at them with an unreadable expression. Yoongi gave his girlfriend's hand a squeeze and then let go of it, and began to cross the room slowly, heading toward them. Jimin and Taehyung noticed him and immediately backed off, Taehyung going to talk to Yoongi's girlfriend by the door and Jimin stepping aside to watch his friend.

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