Part 44

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Jungkook and little one were at the bakery having breakfast together. Jungkook was in a good mood, because Bobby and Ju-ne weren't there. And then, just when he thought he was going to get an entire morning alone with her, the door opened and a familiar scent floated in as the two hybrids and their owner entered the shop. Bobby immediately came bounding across the bakery toward them, flopping down into the chair next to the fox.

"Hiya little one!" He chirped.

The fox flinched away from his excitement slightly, but smiled at him all the same as Ju-ne crossed the room more calmly, his hands in his pockets. Jungkook glanced at the fox, noting her mood was slightly off today. Bobby was always a little over excited, but it didn't usually bother her.

"Hi Jungkookie!" Bobby said, grinning at him.

"Don't call me that," Jungkook replied with a little scowl.

"That's what little one calls you," Bobby replied, frowning.

"She's allowed," Jungkook replied, standing. "I'm going to get some more hot chocolate. Do you want anything fox?" He asked her.

"No thank you," she replied, smiling at him. Jungkook couldn't help smiling back before walking up toward the counter. Yoongi was there, giving him a little smirk.

"Hey Kook. How are things going with your girl?" He said.

"You see her all the time now, you know how she is," Jungkook muttered, referring to the weekly piano lessons the fox was taking with him.

"I asked how are things going, now how is she. Like with the two of you. Dummy," Yoongi said, getting Jungkook a refill as he spoke.

"Yeah well. Not great. She holds my hand a lot but...I don't know. She holds Namjoon hyung's hand too. So I can't tell if it means anything when she does it with me or if she just likes to hold hands. And she's always talking to those two," he pouted, gesturing over his shoulder.

"I have this crazy idea," Yoongi said, sarcasm dripping from his tone as he looked boredly at Jungkook. "Would you like to hear it, Kook? I'm gonna tell you anyway. Maybe - just maybe - you should talk to her. Crazy, I know."

Jungkook shook his head. "What am I supposed to say? What if she says we're just friends and she likes Bobby? No way," he said. Yoongi sighed and rolled his eyes. "But she's supposed to have a drawing lesson with me tomorrow afternoon, so I'll get to be alone with her for a while. And, I have this painting I've been working on-" but Jungkook cut himself off and tilted his head to the side, his ear twitching.

Something was wrong, and it only took another breath for him to figure out what. His head whipped around and he found little one, staring out the window with her enormous eyes wide with fear, her hands gripping the seat of her chair tightly, her breath coming out in little gasps. Bobby was speaking to her uncertainly and looking worried and Ju-ne was staring at her in a mixture of confusion and irrittion.

"Shit," Jungkook murmured, shoving away from the counter and darting across the bakery. In another breath he was at her side, crouching down on the floor next to her chair and looking up at her.

"What's wrong with her Jungkoo-"

"Shut up Bobby," Jungkook cut him off, placing a hand on her knee. She didn't look at him though, her wide eyes trained out the window. "Did you say something to her?" Jungkook demanded of the other bunny, not looking away from her.

"No! She just-"

"Little one!" Jungkook said, urgently but quietly, tuning out the other voices. Her heart was racing and her breath came in little gasps, her face knuckles white on the chair and her eyes unfocused. He reached up and cupped her face in his hands, steering her gaze to him. "Look at me. Breathe," he said softly. He brushed his thumbs back and forth over her cheeks soothingly as she looked down into his eyes. "Listen to me breathe baby," he said in the softest voice, only for her to hear.

He could hear the other two hybrids talking behind him, but he continued to ignore them, giving all his attention to the fox as they stared into each others' eyes. Her heartbeat slowly returned to normal, her breath evening out and Jungkook stood, moving into the seat next to her.

"What happened fox?" He asked, holding her hand lightly.

She pointed out the window. "I saw - I saw one of the orderlies. From - from-" she looked at him, her bottom lip trembling.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I'm calling Seokjin to pick us up," Jungkook said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He stood and punched Jin's name, holding the phone up to his ear.

"Little one, are you okay?" Bobby asked her, scooting in. "What are you talking about? Why were you scared?"

"Jungkook? What's up bun, I'm at work," Seokjin's voice came through the speaker.

"I know hyung, but - is there any way you can come get us? Something happened and I don't want to little one to have to walk home right now." Something in Jungkook's voice must have told Jin it was important, so he agreed.

"I'll reschedule my next appointment and come get you now," he agreed.

Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief and turned back toward the table to see Bobby leaning very close to the fox, talking softly to her and making a tiny, but strained smile appear on her face. Jungkook was hurt for a second - until he saw a her eyes flit around tensely, landing on him instead. She seemed immediately relieved when she saw him and he walked back toward the table.

"We're gonna go home, okay little fox?" He said, touching her shoulder lightly.

"What? No," whined Bobby, pouting cutely at little one.

"I - I'm okay now Jungkook," she said, looking up at him. But her eyes were still strained and Jungkook shook his head.

"I already called Seokjin hyung to come get us," he told her. And although she had claimed she was fine, he saw a tiny look of relief cross her face at his words. They sat with Bobby and Ju-ne, the former doing his best to cheer her up and succeeding in making her smile a couple of times while the latter frowned quietly, as if in thought the whole time. Jungkook stayed quiet but sat near her, feeling protective and stressed at what she had seen, but also secretly proud that no one else had been able to help her besides him.

When he saw Seokjin pull up outside he reached unconsciously for her hand, tugging her with him as he stood to his feet.

"Hyung is here little one, let's go. Bye guys," he said, nodding to the other hybrids as they headed out of the shop hand in hand. Little one waved at the boys and Jungkook saw the tiny frown that appeared on Bobby's face when he saw their hands linked together and he couldn't help but smirk silently.

He walked close to the fox and held onto her hand as he opened the back door, handing her into the car and then quickly climbing in after her.

"What happened?" Jin asked immediately as he began to drive away, his eyes cutting to Jungkook's in the rear view mirror.

"Tell him little one," Jungkook said softly, squeezing her hand. But then he noticed her lip trembling again and tears gathering in her eyes and decided to answer for her. "She said she saw an orderly from the facility outside. But I didn't see anyone. What were they doing fox?"

She shook her head though, and pulled away from him to cover her face with both her hands, sobbing quietly into them. Jungkook frowned in concern as he watched her cry and looked up into the mirror again to find Seokjin frowning as well.

"I'm calling Namjoon," he said, pulling his phone out as he drove and pressing it to his ear. "Hi babe - yes. Listen, I need you to come home. Yeah I know. Yes, you need to talk to her. Okay. See you soon." He hung the phone up and spoke soothingly. "Little one, Namjoon is going to come home and spend the afternoon with you, okay?"

She sniffed and nodded but didn't answer.

"Little one, you can talk to me," Jungkook whispered, leaning toward her. She just bit her lip and looked at her lap though, shaking her head a little. Jungkook felt his heart sink and he scooted away from her, giving her space.

When they got home she went straight to her room and Jungkook watched her go, confused and hurt as she ran from him.

"I don't understand hyung," he gave Jin a brief summary of what had happened in the bakery. "Why won't she talk about it?"

"I don't know bun. But Namjoon will find out and he'll tell us."

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