Part 51

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Jungkook and little one raced to the house, arriving before either of the humans were home for the day. They went inside and shut the door behind them and Jungkook turned and looked at her, his chest heaving with excitement and the effort of their hurry home. He licked his lips, swallowing.

"Okay. So...what do you do?" She asked, looking up at him. "Do you just like...bite me?" Her eyes were blinking curiously and she could feel her heart racing. Jungkook frowned.

"Well...I've never done it before," he admitted, raising and dropping his arms.

"Well...try it," she said, turning her head to bear her throat to him. Jungkook's pupils went wide, his instincts nearly knocking him to the floor at the sight of her offering him her weak spot like that. "Oh wait," she said before he could react, looking back up at him. "You said you were gonna do my shoulder." She reached down and grabbed the hem of her shirt with both hands, easily peeling it up and tugging it over her head. After years at the facility the fox had never quite gotten the point of modesty, and she held the shirt in one hand, looking up at him in her jeans and bra, her chestnut hair flowing over her bare shoulders to nearly her waist, her big eyes looking up at Jungkook.

"Fox stop," he said, squeezing his eyes shut.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" She asked, confusion coloring her tone.

"No - just," Jungkook swallowed and looked down at her. "I don't want to just bite you I want..." he let his eyes slide over her, hesitating. He reached out and lightly touched her wrist with his fingertips, then trailed them up her arm slowly to her shoulder. Then he moved his featherlight touch along her collar bone, trailing up to her throat when he reached the center of her chest. "I really wanted to mark you last night on the the moment."

"Oh," she breathed, goosebumps breaking out over her skin beneath his touch. He dropped his hand back down and took hers, pulling her out of the kitchen, through the house and up the stairs. They went into his room and he shut the door. He leaned back against it then and pulled her toward him, slipping his hands around her waist, her bare skin warm and soft beneath his touch. He slid his hands up over her back, looking down at her. She shivered against him. "Jungkook," she breathed, looking up at him.

"Yes?" He whispered.

"Kiss me."

So he tightened his grip on her, pulling her chest flush with his and leaning down to kiss her again. He started soft, sighing against her lips as if he had been needing to do it all day and the feeling of her mouth against his was a relief. His hands trailed lightly over her bare back and she let out a tiny noise that was part whimper part moan and Jungkook suddenly remembered touching her ear. So he tried it again, his lips moving slowly against hers and his hand sliding up to lightly brush back her hair and then trace the tip of her pointy orange ear, the fur soft against his touch. She shuddered against him and this time it was definitely a moan as she pressed her body closer to his. Jungkook's back was against the wood of the door and he was still softly touching her ear when he heard a low growl mixed with a moan in her throat.

He pulled back in surprise, looking down at her to see her eyes now dark, gazing almost unseeingly up at him with pupils wide and black, her bushy orange tail whipping behind her. "Fo-" he began, but gasped when she suddenly slipped her hands under his shirt and shoved it up. He helped tug it over her head and her hands ran over his heaving chest, fingers tracing the lines of his muscles and trailing over his abs to his waistband. "Wh-what-hh-" Jungkook cut himself off again with a loud gasp when she leaned in and pressed her lips to the center of his chest. They felt hot against his skin and he tilted his head back, letting his eyes fall closed, his long ears pointing straight up at the sensation.

"How about I mark you, rabbit," she growled. Her words made Jungkook freeze, his breath catching in his throat. He had never heard her voice sounding quite like that. He tentatively reached his hands for her waist, hoping to regain some control, but then her mouth was on his chest again, hot, soft lips tracing along his collar bone, her tongue darting out to taste his skin, her hands sliding over his stomach. Jungkook didn't try to contain the moan that fell from his lips beneath her touch, his skin burning in the wake wherever she kissed. She chose a spot on his shoulder and she kissed and licked the skin for a moment before opening her mouth and clamping down, her lips pressed against it and her teeth digging lightly into the skin as she sucked at it, her hands now squeezing his waist as she hummed against his smooth skin.

Jungkook threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut, arching into her touch. His mouth fell open and he moaned loudly at the slight, sharp bursts of pain he felt with the pressure of her mouth on him. She finally pulled away, her lips wet and her eyes slowly returning to normal. She reached up and brushed her thumb over the skin which was already a little discolored.

"Mine," she breathed, a husky touch of animal still behind her voice.

"Shit," Jungkook breathed. And suddenly he wanted that, he wanted his turn to claim her, so he pushed off the wall, grabbing her arms and swapping their places, swinging her around and shoving her against the door this time. Her back hit the wood and no sooner was he dropping his head to the crook of her neck, trailing his lips away from her throat just far enough that his mark would be hidden beneath her shirt, and he was doing exactly what she had done to him, his mouth on her skin, his fingers holding her hips. She closed her eyes and moaned against his touch and Jungkook felt her hand sliding up his arm, over his shoulder and into his soft dark hair. She held his mouth to her and then her fingers were stroking his ears and Jungkook released her skin from his mouth with a pop and a gasp, pushing his head into her hand.

And then they were kissing again and she was touching his ears and his hands were pressed against the door but he was holding himself back from touching her, his hips as far away as he could be and still kiss her, knowing it would be too much to feel her body against his right now. They heard a cardoor and he pulled away, glancing toward the window.

"Namjoon hyung," he breathed, panting down at her. She nodded. "Might be a bit much for him." She nodded again, so he picked both their shirts up and passed hers over, tugging his own over his head.

As the mark set in, Jungkook could smell it taking affect. The scent of himself on little one, the marker that said she was his and warned others to stay away. He could smell her on himself as well, the matching mark beneath his shirt throbbing slightly and he reached for her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest, burying his face in her hair. She returned his hug, holding him tightly and the air was heavy with a mixture of their scents, their hybrid senses singing with it in every inhale.

"You marked me," he breathed. She nodded.

"Mine," she whispered, lightly touching the spot on his shoulder.

"Mine," he replied, leaning down to press his nose into the crook of her neck and drink in the way his scent mixed with hers. "Mine," he breathed again, his lips near her ear. A shiver ran through her body.

"Yes Jungkook, I'm yours," she agreed.

"My little fox," he said, pulling back and smiling down at her now.

"My bunny baby."


Warning - smut coming next chapter c:<

Also, smaller warning - this book is almost over :c

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