Part 39

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One morning Jungkook approached Seokjin as he was getting ready for work.

"Hyung, can you take me and little one to the bakery on your way to work?" He asked him shyly.

"Hm? Sure Kook. Want me to stop by and pick up Tae too?"

"No, I just kinda want to go...with just the two of us..." Jungkook said, feeling his cheeks heating a little as he spoke, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

Seokjin raised an eyebrow, smirking a little. " want to have a breakfast date with little one?" He asked.

"No!" The bunny whined, scowling at his hyung. "It isn't a date, I just want to have breakfast with her!" He insisted.

Seokjin laughed and rolled his eyes. "Alright bun, get ready, I'll drop you guys off there."

"Thanks hyung!" he said, scurrying out of the room. Seokjin chuckled to himself as he continued to get ready.


"Bye oppa!" The fox called as she waved to Seokjin before walking into the bakery with Jungkook. She looked around happily. She hadn't been here in a while and it was crowded and a bit over stimulating, but she just reached out and grasped Jungkook's sleeve as her eyes traveled around the room, taking in all the hybrid activity there.

"You okay fox?" Jungkook asked her, feeling her grip on his shirt tightening.

She nodded, looking up at him with her big eyes and he smiled fondly before leading her to the counter.

"Hey guys," Yoongi said, greeting them from behind the register.

"Oh, hi Yoongi oppa," the fox said happily.

"Just the two of you?" The cat said, raising an eyebrow at Jungkook slightly. The bunny widened his eyes meaningfully but only nodded.

"Yes," Jungkook said, his tone steady as the fox continued to peer around the room with interest. He ordered their breakfast and the dark cat winked as he handed it to them. Jungkook scowled and led the fox to a table and they sat down.

"This place is so cool. I've never seen so many hybrids looking so...relaxed," she said.

Jungkook watched her, feeling a bit sad as he thought about the instances where she had seen hybrids, likely mostly in bad situations. "It wasn't always like this - it used to just be a normal bakery. It turned into a hybrid cafe not too long ago," he said, schooling his features to look serious and leaning back a bit, trying to impress the fox with his knowledge.

She turned her big eyes on him and blinked in interest. "Really?" She asked.

"Yep. The owner - Jiminie's girlfriend? She had a birthday and he wanted to redesign it. So I sketched the logo and then when she saw it she got the idea to turn it into a hybrid cafe," he said

"That's so cool," she replied, blinking with interest and leaning toward him. "And your design is so nice!" She exclaimed seriously.

Jungkook wanted to stay cool and confident, but he couldn't help blushing and ducking his head a little at her praise. "You think so?" He mumbled, averting his eyes and sipping his hot chocolate.

"Yep," she said, reaching for her cup as well.

They spent the morning talking, long after their breakfast was gone, just chatting about whatever came to mind. Jungkook found himself doing a lot of explaining and answering a hundred questions from the fox, but he liked telling her things - he loved the way her eyes lit up when she suddenly understood how something worked or when he told her something she didn't know before and she found it interesting.

"So Jimin bakes, Yoongi plays piano, and you draw?" She said, blinking in interest at him. He nodded. "What about Tae?"

"Tae works at the bar where Yoongi plays piano! He's a bartender." Jungkook told her.

"That's so cool! How come you don't have a job? Should...should I have a job?" She asked, as if suddenly having the thought for the first time.

Jungkook shook his head, his eyes squinting with a small smile. "We could probably have jobs if we wanted to but Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung have really well paying jobs, so we don't need them. Maybe some day we will though."

"Cool," she breathed softly. Jungkook couldn't help but smile despite himself at her interest.

"What do you think you might want to do fox?" He asked her, tilting his head so his long black ears flopped to the side.

"What do you mean?" She asked in reply.

"Like for a hobby. I could teach you to draw if you want?"

Her eyes widened with excitement. "Yes please!" She exclaimed.

"Okay!" He said smiling. "We should probably go. I told Seokjin we would walk home if that's okay. It's only a few miles and the weather is nice."

"That sounds good," she replied standing. They waved to Yoongi on the way out. And Jungkook hurried forward to open the door for her. The fox smiled shyly as he did so and went through it, waiting for him to catch her on the other side. They strolled slowly down the sidewalk side by side, falling quiet now that they were outside and alone. Jungkook put his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders up, pulling his lips to the side.

"So-" "Um-"

They both started speaking at the same time and then stopped right away. "Go ahead!" Jungkook told her quickly. She blushed a little.

"I was just going to say...I don't know if I've thanked you. For...for saving me. Cause that's what you did when you got me out of the facility - you literally saved my life Jungkook," she said, looking at the ground as she spoke. She glanced up at him and then back down. "You really risked yourself to help me and I don't know what I even did to deserve it. And I'm just...really happy you came for me. I can't believe you put yourself in danger like that and Seokjin oppa let you - but thank you."

Jungkook was quiet for a moment. "Anybody would have done it," he said then, shyly.

"No," she replied simply. "Not anybody would have done it. But you did."

"I couldn't let you stay in there. We knew what would happen to you. tell the truth Jin hyung didn't...let me come get you out," he said hesitantly. She frowned at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...Namjoon hyung suggested that I might be able to get in and break you out and Jin specifically said I was not supposed to do it. He was afraid I'd get stuck in there and never get out."

She nodded. "I would have said not to come if you had asked me too, so I understand. Seokjin oppa was right, it was very dangerous."

"I would do it again," Jungkook said softly. She glanced up at him to find him looking at her as they continued to walk slowly. "I'd do it and more to be sure no one was hurting you fox," he murmured softly.

She blinked hard and looked away. "Thank you Jungkook," she said quietly.

He took his hand from his pocket then and tentatively let it fall between them, brushing his fingers over hers before taking her hand in his and threading their fingers together.

They held hands the rest of the way with shy little smiles on their faces, letting go before they reached the house and greeting Namjoon and Seokjin when they got there.

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