Part 41

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Sorry this is late!
You guys all suggested so many different idols it was cool~
I decided to use my number two group 🖤


Whenever Seokjin had to work the next week he would drop Jungkook and little one off at the bakery for breakfast on his way. They would sit together and chat happily, and the fox got to know Jimin and Yoongi a little better from their frequency of visits as well. Jungkook looked forward to their afternoons at the bakery - they would get there fairly early and usually stay for a few hours, talking, eating, joking around with the cats, sometimes meeting other hybrids that were there, either available for adoption or with their owners.

One morning they were sitting together and Jungkook got up to go to the bathroom, leaving the fox alone. She was used to the environment of the bakery, and she was getting more confident and comfortable now, so she didn't mind being alone at the table there. She sipped her hot chocolate and let her big eyes wander the room.

"Excuse me," came a voice suddenly and she looked up to see a hybrid standing at the end of the table. It was another bunny, with long gray ears, dyed soft purple hair, and an adorable smile. He was about Jungkook's height, with smooth, tan skin and a sharp jaw line. He had small, pretty eyes that squinted nearly closed as he grinned down at her, his bunny teeth flashing.

"Yes?" She replied shyly, looking up at him, her orange ears flicking nervously at being directly addressed by a male she didn't know.

"I just wanted to introduce myself," he said, not sounding nearly as shy as she felt begin addressed by him. "I've seen you in here several times, and you have the prettiest laugh, I just needed to know your name."

Her eyes flew wide and she blushed deeply, an unconscious giggle slipping out of her at his words. "Oh! That-that's so sweet," she fumbled, still blushing. He grinned at her cute pink cheeks, slipping into the seat across from her as she recovered. "Um...people call me little one," she said then, looking back up at him shyly.

"Little one?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. His long gray ears folded over adorably and his pretty skin seemed to glow as it caught the sunlight. "That's so cute!" He said.

She giggled again. "What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Bobby," he replied, his charming smile still splitting his face. The fox's eyes slipped over him, taking in his purple hair, earrings, and the soft gray collar that sat at his throat, a silver tag hanging from it. He was wearing a baggy long sleeved shirt, but his sleeves were pushed up to his elbows and he rested his muscular forearms on the table between them. "I've never met a fox before," he said, grinning.

"Really?" Was all she could say, still feeling a bit shy at the proximity of this handsome hybrid.

He nodded. "Most of my friends are predators though, so I'm not scared," he said, flashing his cute bunny teeth in another smile.

"My -" she hesitated, not sure what to call Jungkook. " a bunny," she told him.

"Ah, so I supposed you don't have room in your life for another bunny friend," he teased, hanging his head in mock sadness, but looking up at her through his lashes then with a little smirk.

His teasing made her giggle again and he smiled at the sound. "No, I just meant-"

"It's okay little one, I just wanted to make you laugh again," he told her. She was still laughing lightly, her big eyes focused on his when she heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see Jungkook standing next to the table looking annoyed.

"Hey," he said, looking between them.

"Oh - you must be little one's friend," Bobby said, grinning up at Jungkook. He stood up quickly. "Sorry to take your seat, I just wanted to introduce myself to little one here. My owner likes to come to this bakery and I've seen her around so-"

Bunny Baby : jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now