Part 40

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The next day the fox visited Yoongi and his girlfriend to get her hair tinted dark again. She said she didn't want this bleached out reminder of what Dr. Yoon had wanted to make her, she wanted to look how she was supposed to look, wanted her body to return to its normal state. While she was there Yoongi was all smiles, he had grown so fond of the little fox, especially after what had happened last time.

"You know fox, I normally charge for piano lessons," he said as he caught her looking at the pretty white keys on the instrument in the corner. "But for you I'll do it free."

"Oh - you don't have to Yoongi oppa-" she began, but he just ruffled her ears and chuckled.

"It will be fun. Once you get the color on your hair come back out here and I'll teach you some things while it sets," he said.

She chatted with Yoongi's girlfriend while the older girl applied the brown color to her hair and then pinned it out of the way and sent her out to the living room where she hurried to sit down next to the black eared cat hybrid on the bench. He smiled and then put his big hands on the keys, demonstrating some basics for her.

By the time the color was ready to be washed out she was running a clumsy scale with both of her little hands on the keys and Yoongi was grinning proudly. She went back with the girl to rinse the color out and then peered at herself in the mirror as the human helped her blow it dry. The dark color had bled onto the base of her ears a bit, so the orange fur transitioned nicely into the dark hair. She felt like this was how she was meant to look and she loved the way the chestnut hair looked with her skin tone. The girl behind her noticed the serious look come over the fox's face and she gave her shoulder a little squeeze.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"Yes - thank you unnie," the fox murmured, a sad little smile on her features.

"You never have to go back there sweetheart. That part of your life is over now, you get to be who you want to be from now on," she told her, running her fingers softly through her hair.

The fox squared her shoulders and nodded at her reflection. "I get to be who I want," she repeated.

The girl chuckled and ruffled her ears. "Yep! And I hope you have fun figuring out who that is."

The fox left happily when Namjoon came to pick her up, chattering to him on the car ride home about learning the piano and how cool the cat hybrid was and did oppa like her hair? And she was so excited to learn new things she wanted to learn everything.

Namjoon laughed at her enthusiasm and couldn't keep the smile off his face as he reached for her hand when they pulled into the driveway. She looked over at him, her big eyes bright with excitement and he looked at her fondly.

"Yes little one, I love your hair, it looks like the real you. And I want to help you learn everything, just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you," he told her earnestly, brushing the back of her hand with his thumb. She suddenly leaned over the console and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Namjoon blinked in surprise and patted her back. She mumbled into his shoulder.

"Thank you for taking care of me oppa, I don't deserve you but I appreciate it so much," she said, her voice muffled.

"How could you not deserve it? You've had a hard life and now it's time for it to be happy," he replied.

She pulled back and grinned at him then suddenly remembered. "Jungkookie was going to show me how to draw today!" She said excitedly, scrambling out of the car and up toward the house. Namjoon laughed to himself, shaking his head as he watched her dash inside before slowly following after her.

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