1. Sweet Moments

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Sweet moments with Eric would include...


Eric pinning you against the mat during fights and kissing you

he'd deny it but he actually likes it when you cuddle up to him in bed and start to hug him

waiting for im to finish training with the initiates, so you two can grab something to eat together

Eric occasionally ending training a few minutes earlier because you're waiting for him

your arguments always ending with a smirking Eric on top of you because you give in every time, having not much of a choice anyway

jumping onto his back and letting him carry you around through the empty corridors

giving him a massage when he comes home stressed from work

Eric gently hugging and kissing you on rare occasions

teaming up on people you both hate

Eric giving you a really, really annoyed look when you ruffle his hair in front of everyone but you do it anyway because he looks cute when he's pissed

you regretting the previous choices you made because Eric isn't one to mess with and you'll get it back 5 times worse when you two are alone again


From that-was-not-supposed-to-happen on Tumblr.

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