Chapter 1

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The University of Oslo was abuzz, like it always was at that time of the year. The abroad students had checked in over the weekend, today being their first day of class. All of the other students gossiped and swooned over the fifty Americans who had chosen to come to his frozen land instead of France or England or any of the other popular countries.

Norway leaned back in his chair as he looked over the list of students he would have in his Viking and Medieval Cultures class. It added up to exactly sixty, forty-six being abroad students and fourteen being Nordics. He scanned over their names which were in alphabetical order. It was easy to tell which ones were American; easy to tell which ones were required to come to his class.

He shook his head and put down the paper.

Norway had heard the whispers. The students believed the foreigners would be romantic. But if they were anything like the America he knew, they were going to be disappointed.

He rubbed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

Taking a quick glance around the empty lecture hall, he grabbed his notebook and opened it to the first page, scanning the first two pages of handwritten text. He didn't need a history book. He was walking history, for heaven's sake. But of course, he couldn't let the Director of the University know that, so he always brought notes. Plus, they helped him focus. Otherwise he might ramble on and on about things he shouldn't actually know about.

He was only Professor Lukas Bondevik, after all.

Norway looked at the clock on the wall. 8:55 AM. His class began in five minutes.

He picked up a remote from his desk and turned on the screen projector with a click of a button. And then he pushed himself away from his polished, wooden desk, swinging back toward the wall as he looked at the door. Just as he predicted, it opened and students began to filter into the hall. In just a matter of seconds the back row of the class was filled. Norway picked a blue dry-erase marker out of his jar of pens and stood, writing across the whiteboard behind him: Professor Lukas Bondevik.

He turned back toward the students, nodding at the ones still coming in.

They all avoided his gaze or were too busy talking among their colleagues to notice.

The last few stragglers dashed in as the clock struck 9. Norway walked over to the door and shut it.

"Velcome to the Viking and Medieval Cultures class, especially to you who have come from around the vorld to be here today," he began formally, walking back to his desk while he spoke. "I am Professor Bondevik, and I vill be teaching this class."

He paused, his eyes going over all of the students. The majority were girls, many of which were already looking at their phones. They were obviously trying to hide it from him, but Norway had been teaching for longer than most of them had been alive. He knew all the tricks.

He also knew that experience was the best teacher, so he wouldn't take their phones from them. Their bad grades would be their punishment. No, he wouldn't force them to listen to him. He knew better now.

But he wouldn't let them flunk without a warning.

"Despite vhat you might think," he said, going to stand behind his desk. "This class is not going to be easy. You vill have to vork to keep your place here, so I suggest that you bring a writing utensil and notebook everyday so you can take notes. You vill have a paper due once a month on a topic I vill give you as vell as midterms and finals. Your notes may come in handy for both of these things, so you vould be vise to take my advise."

They stared at him and he stared back.

Soon everyone in the class was looking somewhere- anywhere other than at him.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now