Chapter 26

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Norway checked his chest in the mirror before he changed into his suit. He was still surprised at it's size. He hadn't thought it was so big when he had made it, but then again, he hadn't exactly been thinking clearly.

He changed into his suit as quickly as he could, leaving the bow tie unraveled around his neck as he took out his violin and checked the strings. They were satisfactory, so he put the violin carefully back into his case and latched it. He glanced around his apartment, wondering if he needed anything else. He would go pick Mary up as soon as the rehearsal was over.

He was so glad she decided to come. Knowing she would be in the audience helped him relax. It would be just like lecturing every morning; he would focus on her.

His phone buzzed in his pant's pocket. He blinked twice, and then reached in and pulled it out.

It was a picture message from Mary. He opened it, curiously.

It was the picture she had taken of them when they had fallen over on the ice.

He couldn't help but smile as he clicked "save".


Norway glanced at his mileage, pushing the speed-limit as much as he dared. A few last minute adjustments had made him late, and they had tried to stop him from leaving so close to show-time, but he wasn't just going to abandon Mary after he told her he'd pick her up.

He pulled up to the dorms and jumped out of the car. He ran up the path and banged on the door, slightly out of breath. He looked down at himself, and then realized his bow tie was still undone.

The door squeaked as it opened. He looked up. He caught his breath. His eyes grew wide.

"Too fancy?"

She wore a black dress. The blouse sparkled different colors in the low light and the long, flowing skirt hid her feet. Her hair was curlier and her blue eyes seemed more intense than before.

"You... y-you look..." he hesitated before saying it, "B-beautiful."

"Thank you, and you are looking very handsome, sir," she said, straightening her shoulders and nodding to him.

Norway stood in the doorway, flabbergasted as he continued to stare at her.

"So...?" she said, swinging the small black purse she had in her hand, "Do we need to leave...?"

"Oh! Ja!" he said, stepping out of the doorway and walking back to his car. He didn't look back but heard her slam the door and shuffle after him.

He opened the passenger door and she carefully stepped in, making sure her skirt wasn't in the way before he shut it. Norway took deep breaths as he went around to the other side of the car. Beautiful women had never been a problem for him in the past, what was wrong with him?

He hopped in the car and started the ignition, not looking at Mary who sat beside him quietly. They drove down the streets in silence, and Norway wanted to say something, but he wasn't sure what. He wanted to look at her and see if she was really as beautiful as he thought, but his eyes stayed glued on the road.

He parked behind the theater, in a lot specifically for the orchestration. Norway got out of the car and opened the door for her again. She stood and smiled at him, gratefully. Norway took in the sight of her as she adjusted her three-quarter sleeves and skirt.

"Ja," he whispered out loud on accident.

"Ja what?" she said, looking up at him.

"Ja, it's cold out here," he said, "Let's head in, shall ve?"

He held his arm out to her, and she took it.

"You're such a gentleman."

They walked toward the front door, past the crowds of people who were either making their way inside or begging for an extra ticket.

Norway had already given away his other two.

They walked up to the ticket booth, and Norway pulled out Mary's ticket from his breast pocket. He handed it to Eva, who frowned at him as she took it. Norway knew what she was thinking because he was thinking it too. He was late.

"Wait, what about you? What about your ticket?" Mary asked as they walked into the warm building. He didn't reply but took her further into the concert hall. She had a spot near the front, directly opposite of where he would be standing.

He pointed to the seat that was hers and let go of her arm. She walked over to it.

"Bondevik! Lukas Bondevik!"

Norway looked and saw someone poking their head through the curtain on the stage. It was the Director. He gestured for him to come, ferocity in his eyes. Norway nodded, glancing at Mary. Her back was turned to him, so he whirled around and pulled himself onto the stage. He heard a couple gasps and murmurs, but didn't look back. He went to the opening in the curtain and stepped inside.

But not before he heard a worried call, "Lukas? Lukas?"

He didn't look back but hurried to his spot among the orchestra members.

"Where have you been?"

"What were you doing?"

"What were you thinking?"

"We've been waiting for you!"

Norway smirked as he picked up his violin and bow. They would probably never ask him to play for them again. But he was okay with that. He quickly tuned his violin, since the others had apparently already tuned theirs together already, and then nodded to the conductor, who stared at him.

The conductor raised his arms and the curtain rolled back. All the murmuring in the concert hall silenced as the concert began.

The conductor looked at Norway, nodding.

Norway stood and put his violin under his chin. He raised the bow, and then looked to the front row.

Mary stared at him with wide eyes. Her mouth hung open for a second, but then she smiled, brightly.

Norway took a deep breath, then let his bow fly across the strings, filling the air with a beautiful melody. Soon the whole orchestra joined him, and the concert began.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now