Final Author's Note

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    Wowee, guys.

    This has been quite the adventure, hasn’t it? As I sit here, writing this final note to you all… I find myself in shock.  You have no idea what a great experience writing this fanfiction has been for me. Markus (Mary + Lukas) was such a fun pairing to write, I loved exploring both of their personalities and growing their relationship. It was so fun and extremely emotional at times (sorry (not sorry) about that). No, but seriously, thank you all so much for the feedback you gave me! Your positivity (and raging feels) encouraged me so much, you guys have no idea. This fanfiction wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for all of you. You’re the best, keep being awesome, okay? <3
    And don’t be too sad, because this isn’t the end of Norway and Mary! I am, for sure, writing at least one more short story about them (short story meaning novella since I can’t write anything short for the life of me), which should be up in the next couple of months, so keep an eye out for it! (Does anyone else hear wedding bells?)

    And I thought I would address the topic of the sequel… I know I hinted at it a couple times throughout this fanfiction, and yes, I have been brainstorming ideas for it… but, unfortunately, I am uncertain whether or not it will ever come into existence. I am a senior in high school and am heading off to college in the fall, so thus I am very busy with school, applications, work, and other obligations and responsibilities. I am also an author of original works, and I have been dying to work on my novels, so I don’t know when, in all the madness, I will be able to plan and then write another fanfiction like this one! (Not to mention that I haven’t finished my other fanfiction Cecilia Holmes yet!) But who knows, really? Maybe I will find the time in the summer, or maybe next fall I will have some free time. We’ll have to see! I’m not giving up on the idea yet.

    But, for now, it is time to say goodbye.

    So farewell, and thank you so much for reading A Waltz In the Dark!


        Mini_ Moffat aka Mary P.J.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now