Chapter 33

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    Mary pushed the cart of returned books further down the aisle until she found the section she was looking for. She hummed quietly to herself as she put a couple of the books away in alphabetical order on their different shelves. She then moved to the next section of shelves, like she had been for the past hour.
    She had been a volunteer at the library since high school, and, hearing she was back in town, the volunteer service had asked her if she wanted to help at all that week. She had agreed, obviously. She worked from one to five, organizing books, dusting shelves, helping put on events and contests, assisting visitors… it was actually pleasant work and Mary enjoyed it, especially because she was surrounded by books the entire time.
    Her phone buzzed in the back pocket of her jeans. She pulled it out.
    It was a text from her mom.
    “That’s nice of him” was all it said. She opened the message and replayed the video she had sent her.
    It was of Lukas. She smiled as she continued to work, listening to him read the book to the children surrounding him. For the past four days, since he had nothing better to do, Lukas had come with her to the library. He always brought his Norwegian history books to edit “for a friend”, as he told her. But today there had been a handful of kids at the library, and since he had been sitting near the children’s aisle, three brave siblings had asked him to read to them.
    When she checked on him again awhile afterward, there had been nine kids piled around him, listening to the story. She had recorded him for a few seconds and sent the video to her mom and dad.
    But her dad never replied and her mom didn’t seem enthusiastic.
    Mary sighed as she leaned down to the bottom shelf.
    She was beginning to realize what the problem was. Lukas was a major introvert. Of course she understood him, she was an introvert herself, but even so, Mary was more… welcoming than he was. It wasn’t that he was antisocial— he didn’t avoid conversations or social gatherings. He was just solemn, and in a world that was always talking, always gossiping, always making noise… it was nice to find someone who liked to think and appreciated silence. He was majestic in Mary’s eyes.
    But he was intimidating in her parents’. She was pretty sure that Lukas was scaring them, just a little bit. Mary sighed. She wished they could see him like she did, but that was an impossible wish. How could they possible understand how she felt? She could tell them over and over again, but they would never fully grasp how much he meant to her.
    The corners of her lips turning up as she thought of him, the man sitting just a few aisles over.
    It was all so unexpected. She had only met Lukas a few months ago, and now look where they were. It was strange, but Mary knew it was right. Because, even though she couldn’t really put it into words, she knew in her heart of hearts that they were both better off together. Their connection ran deeper than she could fully grasp and, though she didn’t know how or why, she felt as if he needed her. And that was fine, because she needed him, too.
    It was that time of the year again, after all. Heaven know’s she needed him.
    She blinked twice and shook her head.
    But Mary was glad to have him there, not just because he helped distract her and keep the heartache at bay, but because he made her feel understood. She had never felt more herself than when she was with him. It was a freeing. And that’s why she felt totally fine dating him though they’d only met each other a few months ago. She felt completely comfortable around him, as fierce and somber as he sometimes was; he brought out the best in her.  And Lukas… well, he was unique. He was thoughtful, genuine, and he cared about her.
    Truly, he did.
    Taking a deep breath, Mary paused.
    And for a moment, she allowed herself to remember the sadness.
    She quickly stood and pushed the cart to the next aisle, glancing at the time on her phone. Her shift was nearly done, but she’d have to hurry if she wanted to finish stacking all of those books.


A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now