Chapter 9

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Norway's life was a living hell.

He was in agony, but there didn't appear to be anything he could do about it. His flashbacks were becoming more frequent and his nightmares more and more vivid; he woke up every morning feeling more tired than when he went to bed. He hated going home after work. He hated being alone.

But he hated being at the University, too.

His gem, the only thing that had been keeping him sane for the past month, was ignoring him. She still sat in the front and took notes, but for the past week she hadn't asked any questions or given him her usual, friendly smile.

He didn't realize how much he appreciated those things until she stopped doing them. He didn't even realize how much he looked at her until she stopped looking back.

Norway ran his hand through his hair. He stood outside of the lecture hall, his coffee in the other hand and his satchel over his shoulder.

He barely dared to admit it to himself, but he was becoming desperate. And desperation always got him into very dangerous situations. Norway wasn't even sure what he was desperate for. Maybe it was for a good night's sleep. Maybe it was to find something in life to motivate him. Maybe it was to see the spark in her eyes again.

But none of those things seemed possible. His world was falling apart- again.

Sighing deeply, he walked up the steps. He wanted to take action; he wanted to find whatever puzzle piece he was missing; he wanted to ban his ghost, his memories, and his pain for good.

But how?

There didn't seem to be a way out. He couldn't escape the present- he had another lecture to teach, after all.

The morning dragged on and time moved slow, even for him. The words of his lecture were forced from his mouth. He couldn't understand why they weren't flowing like they usually did. Norway, for the first time in decades, was seriously struggling to speak.

But no one noticed, or if they did, no one cared.

Not even the girl in the front.

The end of the lecture came at last, so he reminded the students of the papers that were due in two days, and then dismissed the class early. Again.

This is the second time this veek, and not the first time this month, he sat down in his chair, watching the students exit the room. He thought about last Tuesday, when the girl had asked him about his ahoge.

I shouldn't have yelled at her. Ja, it vas a close call, but I shouldn't have yelled. He looked to where she sat, gathering her things in the front row. I should apologize. He stared at her. I should call out to her and apologize. I should... He shook his head. Nei. Maybe vhen she hands in her paper I vill.

Adjusting his tie, he took a deep breath and then stood. He turned and began to erase the words on the white board. His mind went blank as he ran the eraser over the board over and over again.

"Excuse me? Uh... excuse me? Professor Bondevik? Professor...? Professor Lukas Bondevik?" It wasn't until she said his full name that he realized she was talking to him. He whirled around, and to his surprise, there was his gem.

Relief and embarrassment flooded him as he looked at her. Her blue eyes flitted from him to the ground. Her wavy blond hair fell in her face and she pushed it behind her ears.

"Ah, ja, hei," he said, shifting weight. "I vas actually hoping to-"

She held out a stack of papers, daring to look him in the face.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now