Chapter 46

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    We actually found it. What are the chances?
    Norway followed the other explorers onto the frozen tundra of Vinland. None of the other sailors were certain they were on Vinland, but Norway knew. It wasn’t Iceland or Greenland, so where else could they be besides Vinland?
    We actually found it. Norway sighed as he looked back over his shoulder at the plain they had just crossed. The oceans was far from view, as was their ship. For a moment he allowed himself to remember Iceland before shoving the memories away. Now what?
    He looked up at the sky.
    We need to find shelter, first off, and quickly. He inhaled deeply. It’s about to storm.
    “Look!” a voice cried from the front of the group. “A village!”
    Norway ran up, looking ahead. In the middle of a shallow valley was a settlement with multiple huts and fires burning.
    “Let’s go!” Norway shouted, “A blizzard is on it’s way, maybe they will help us!”
    The men were quick to listen to him. Norway had earned their respect by saving their lives twice while at sea. It wouldn’t have been possible without a little help from magic, but Norway tried not to think about that as they trudged toward the village.
    The people of the village obviously saw them coming. They sent a dozen men to greet them. The captain explained their situation and, to Norway’s surprise, the leader of the village hospitably invited them to stay the night.
    A stupid decision, in Norway’s opinion. They would only eat them out of house and home if they let them stay. They should’ve sent them back where they came from.
    Or maybe Norway just didn’t want to be there.
    The people were extremely welcoming. Families stepped forward to house a few of the visitors. Everything was calm and peaceful for a time as the tired sailors found places to rest. Norway walked off by himself while arrangements for the men were made, going to one of the many fires. He stood before it, staring at the flames and trying to figure out what to do next.
    I’ll stay here, I guess. I’ll go further into Vinland a build a home to live in isolation, until I can figure out how to get rid of you. He closed his eyes and glared at the spirit. The Snap just grinned at him. Norway sighed and opened his eyes.
    Someone was standing next to him.
    He looked down at the small child. He had wavy blond hair, one piece in the front being curlier than the others. The child had big, blue eyes and wore a thick coat of furs, staring up at him curiously. He couldn’t have been older than five years old.
    “What do you want, little one?” Norway asked gently. The child continued to stare.
    “Do you need something?” Norway tried again, wondering if the child spoke Old Norse or something else.
    “You’re the last one, sir.” Norway looked as a woman, bundled up tightly in thick shawls, walked up to him. She gestured for him to follow her and then headed back toward one of the huts. Norway looked down at the little boy and frowned.
    “Where do you belong?” he asked, holding his hand out toward him. The little boy grabbed his hand tightly but didn’t reply. Norway walked after the woman, thinking she might help. She entered one of the huts and Norway entered after her, shaking the snow from his boots at the door. Half a dozen people crowded in the hut, three of them being from his crew. The woman looked back at Norway as he walked in. Her eyes went down to the small boy who still clutched his hand. Her gaze softened.
    “Will you be staying with us tonight, Matthew?” she asked with reverence, curtsying. Norway looked down at the boy as he nodded his head rapidly and then looked up at him and smiled. Norway glanced back at the woman in confusion, but she was preparing their bedding. The man of the household stared at Matthew for a moment, but then quickly turned and struck up another conversation with the sailors. Norway wondered at their reaction toward the boy. Was he an orphan that the villagers took care of together? But why the curtsy? He looked down at the boy with new curiosity.
    “That’s your name? Matthew?” Norway said, slowly, kneeling down to look the boy in the eyes.
    “Ja,” the child whispered, acting shy. Norway couldn’t help but fall in love with his big, blue eyes. He smiled at him.
    “That is a good name,” he said, gently.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now