Chapter 3

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Norway stormed out of the classroom, fuming as he marched down the hall. He didn't hesitate but went straight toward the President's office.

It was only five days into the semester and he was already fed up with the American students. They were so arrogant in their stupidity, but what frustrated him more was their rudeness and complete confidence in their disrespect- and Norway wanted answers.

"I svear to God, I von't come in on Monday if there isn't a spectacular reason for these students being in my country," he growled. He finally came up to the right door and knocked on it with more force than he meant to.

"Come in!" came the gruff reply. Norway stepped into the office, his face burning from anger.

"Ah, Professor Bondevik," the President, Ádám Forseth, greeted. He was an older man with gray hair and a full gray beard. "How may I help you? Shouldn't you still be in your Norwegian class?"

"I released the class early today," Norway said, trying to keep his voice steady. "After an incident vhich I need to report to you. The American students in the class... they... they have absolutely no respect for our language. They vere asking me to interpret the most..." Norway stammered for a moment. "The most... inappropriate of phrases and vords. There is absolutely no respect, Forseth!" Norway leaned forward onto the desk, staring into the older man's unflinching brown eyes. "I demand to know vhy you let them into our school. They are obviously not here to learn and they couldn't care less about Norvay- how did they even get accepted into the abroad program?" Norway shook his head and stood up straight. "If this continues, I vill report them to the Director of the abroad program and have them suspended. This cannot-"

"Let me stop you there, Professor," the President said, folding his hands together and leaning on the desk. "Because I think you have forgotten your place."

He eyed him for a moment and Norway clamped his jaw together tightly.

"They were accepted into the abroad program because they could afford it," the President said, an edge in his voice that warned Norway to stay silent until he was finished. "And they were accepted into our school for the same reason. May I remind you that your job here at the University is to teach the students. Whether they are receptive of your teaching or not is irrelevant." He raised his eyebrows slightly as he stared at him. "If you want to keep your place as Professor, Lukas, I would suggest that you remember why we're paying you the salary we are."

Lukas was silent for a moment, mentally reminding himself that here he wasn't a country. He had no authority to speak like he had.

After all, like the President had said, he was only Professor Lukas Bondevik.

"Ja, sir," he said, keeping a frustrated sigh at bay. "I vill try harder. I am sorry for vasting your time."

And then he turned toward the door before he accidentally did something rash and lost his job. Ádám didn't stop him.

"Money? Money? I have to put up vith those imbeciles because they're rich brats?" Norway fumed as he walked back down the hallway. "This isn't vhat school is supposed to be. School is supposed to help those who vish to be successful accomplish their dreams... not provide millionaire pigs vith something to do."

Norway shook his head and let out the sigh he'd been holding in.

But vhat can I do about it? He laughed bitterly. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Norway pushed opened the front door and took a deep breath. The cold air filled his lungs and rejuvenated him. He glanced at his watch, and then headed down the sidewalk.

It was only three in the afternoon. He deserved another coffee.


The next few days passed quickly for Norway. He had focused so hard on his lectures all week that he had gotten behind on some paperwork. If trading with a few certain countries was going to be legal, he had to finish it before the deadline.

In short, his weekend wasn't very relaxing, like he had hoped it would be.

Norway turned over in his bed, pulling the silk sheets up to his chin. He tried to open his eyes but it felt as if they were glued shut. He was dying to know how much longer he had to sleep, though, so he forced one eye open and looked at the digital clock on the nightstand near his bed.

When he saw the time, the adrenaline rush began. He sat up quickly, making black spots litter his eyesight. Scrambling out of bed and into the bathroom, Norway mumbled to himself.

"Neeeei.... Nei, nei, nei... I forgot to set an alarm. I forgot to set an alarm!"

It was 8:02 AM.

Norway didn't waste time but got ready as quick as possible. He then whipped out his computer and began to put together a quick bullet-point presentation from the notes he had been able to brainstorm the day before. The vague, sloppily written concepts would have to do. But he was getting closer to a topic he knew well- the Viking Age.

Norway's fingers flew across the keys until he had a slideshow he could put up through the projector. It vill have to do. He slammed his laptop shut and began to gather his books. As he put it all into his satchel, he glanced at the clock. 8:34 AM.

I have time to sving by and get a coffee... It didn't really matter if he had the time or not. He wouldn't survive without his coffee and he would rather be late than go without it. He adjusted his tie and then pulled on his coat as he headed toward the door. But right before he touched the door knob, he paused. He whirled around and ran back into his room, snatching up a small object that he had forgotten on the nightstand.

Norway clipped the barrette into his hair as he walked back down the hall way. He shut and locked the door and then headed out of the apartment complex at a quick pace.

The coffee shop was hectic when he got there, but Norway wasn't about to give up on his coffee. He stood in line, glancing at the time on his phone every thirty seconds. It was 8:53 by the time he got to the front counter. As soon as he got his hands on the large to-go mug he was heading toward the door. He walked out onto the street and then jumped into a sprint. He stopped and waited at the crosswalk, once again avoiding the gaze of the elderly homeless man on the side of the road next to him.

The signal finally turned to walk. Norway stepped out onto the street, but he wasn't watching the road as he did so. A car honked loudly and Norway jumped. The truck flew by him, missing his toes by inches. Norway stumbled back and tripped on his own feet, falling into the shallow snow. Coffee spilt everywhere.

Norway sat in shock for a moment, trying to comprehend what just happened. When he finally did, he stared after the truck, multiple curses on his lips. But before he could say one, a hand gripped his arm and helped him to his feet. Norway looked up to see the homeless man.

"Er du okay?" the man asked in a gravelly voice. Norway yanked away from him and brushed himself off.

"Ja," he snapped, brushing off his satchel as he marched out onto the crosswalk again without so much as a thank you. The cold wetness had soaked through his slacks, nearly freezing his legs. Norway fumed silently as he stormed into the lecture hall.

And of course I spilled my coffee. Of course.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now