Chapter 15

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Norway couldn't stop thinking about Mary for the rest of the day. And there was no explanation. She hadn't done anything unusual except prove what he had known all along- that she truly was the sweetest girl who walked the earth. Why hadn't he ever thought of giving food to the homeless man? What was the matter with him? Had he ever stopped to wonder what the man's story was and why he was on the streets? He had passed by him everyday but had only ever thought the worst of him.

At least, until Mary came along.

But was he really that conceited? Really?

His mind wouldn't let him sleep. He tossed and turned and tried to shut off his thoughts, but he could see her face almost as if she stood before him.

What was the matter with him?

I yust can't get her out of my head... he thought as he imagined her sitting on the wet snow next to the homeless man, speaking Norwegian with him. He sighed. Vhy is that, hm? Vhy is she so special?

His mind found dozens of reasons in an instant. She had a quick, intelligent mind, yet was honest and compassionate. She was confident in herself and in her writing, but yet she she was humble and gracious. She was a normal, everyday mortal, but she could see through magic, so was she normal, really? She was like a walking paradox, but at the same time she was so... real.

Norway buried his face in his pillow.

And she loves me. His heart began to pound. Nei, I mean, she loves my country... my land. She actually loves it here. She really is special, isn't she? I mean, vhy Norvay? Vhy me? Vhy not France or Spain or England? He couldn't make sense of it. And then he thought about her dream to see the Northern Lights. His heart pounded at the injustice. The one student who actually wanted to be there couldn't afford to enjoy herself, while the other Americans wasted their riches on partying and drinks.

I should yust take her to see them myself.

The thought silenced all others.

Norway sat up, frowning.

That's not such a bad idea.

He glanced at the clock.

It's 2 AM. I'm not thinking straight, am I?


He eventually fell asleep, and there were no nightmares that night. He slept hard, and for the first time in his life he used the snooze button on his alarm clock.

And then he realized that there was a reason why he had never used it before.

Norway burst into his class at 9:05, out of breath, but not coffee-less.

"I apologize for being late," he said as he whipped out his laptop and set it up. "It von't happen again."

There was no response. He quickly set up and jumped right into the lecture. It was the last day on the Viking Age. Starting next week, which was the halfway point of the semester, they would begin to move forward onto the history of Medieval Norway.

He was slightly distracted while he was lecturing, though. He kept glancing at Mary, thinking about the idea he had last night.

I have to go back and get my violin, anyvays... She could tag along. Vhat's the harm? I'll ask her if she vants to, at least.

When the lecture was over, he reminded everyone that their papers were due. All the students came forward to hand in their essays, forming a massive crowd around his desk. He took them as fast as he could, but then he looked up and saw Mary heading for the door.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now