Chapter 62

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    Mary stared at her phone, waiting. For what? Either the courage to text him first or for him to text her.
    She had been sitting there listlessly for a long time— who knows how long exactly?— and neither had occurred. He never texted her, and she couldn’t force herself to bother him. He was probably very busy, and he’d contact her when he wasn’t, right? And so she waited. She couldn’t focus on anything else. She didn’t eat much and she couldn’t sleep, though she tried forcing both. She didn’t want to write or read or do anything— but at the same time she wanted to do something. She felt like she was going mad.
    A knock came on her door. She frowned slightly and glanced down at herself. She was still in her pajamas, the pajamas her sister had gotten her for Christmas.
    Glancing at her phone, she called, “Who is it?”
    “Isaac. Can I come in?”
    She relaxed slightly.
    Isaac opened the door. He crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side.
    “You’re still in bed?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “It’s nearly noon.”
    “I know…” she replied, crossing her legs and grabbing her phone, setting it in front of her, “But I don’t really have much to do. I’m heading back to Norway in a few days, so…” She trailed to silence, her thoughts swept away at the thought of Norway. Not just the place, but the person. She sighed.
    “What happened in New York?”
    His words snapped her from her thoughts and she frowned. She looked up at him.
    “You may be able to fool our parents pretty easily,” he said, walking further into the room, “But not me. Something happened. It’s been three days and you’re still… lounging around. It’s unlike you, whether you really are tired or not. What aren’t you telling us? Are you okay?”
    She sighed and looked down.
    “Yes, I'm okay. I’m just… not sure anymore,” she whispered.
    “About Lukas?”
    “How did you know?’ she asked, looking at him.
    “What else could this be about?” he said, coming to sit on the end of her bed. “I just put two and two together. What happened?”
    “Everything I told you guys was true,” she said. “The party was great. Lukas and I had a good time.”
    “But… afterward… I found out some things about him. Some things about himself that he had been hiding from me. And…” she sighed and looked at her brother. “We had a fight. I overreacted, and… well,” she sighed and looked at her lap. “We made up before I left, but…” She trailed to silence. Isaac didn’t break it, but let her put her thoughts together, which she appreciated.
    “I know I still love him,” she finally went on, “And… and I can see why he hid those things from me until now… but… I just…”
    “What kind of things?” Isaac asked, crossing his arms.
    Mary was silent. She wanted to tell him, but the truth would be very hard to believe.
    Now she really understood why Lukas had put off telling her for as long as he did.
    Should she tell him? Did she have the right? It didn’t seem like something that should be common knowledge… Another reason why Lukas probably waited so long to tell her. He trusted her. And then she had rejected him, betrayed him to his face.
    No. That’s not true. I made it up to him. I saved him. And I am trustworthy. I can keep a secret.
    She took a deep breath and forced a smile, though it felt so wrong, lying to her brother.
    “Nothing too important,” Mary said, shoving him in the shoulder. “Just small details about him and his past…”
    She became lost in thought again.
    “Sooooooooo if they’re just small details, what’s the problem?”
    “I don’t know,” she whispered, looking at her phone. “I just don’t know anymore. And I just find myself wondering…” she sighed. “If we hadn’t been in the circumstances that we were… would we have fallen for each other? If he hadn’t been lonely, and I hadn’t been in Norway, the land of my dreams… would we have even noticed each other? In any other situation, would we have fallen in love? Maybe it was all circumstance…”
    Isaac snorted.
    “Now that’s the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard,” he exclaimed. “Of course it was circumstance! Duh! You guys met when you did, how you did, and that, mixed with your different personalities and whatever other elements, is how you fell in love. Life is made up of circumstances, that’s how it works. And I’ve seen you two together, enough to be able to say that even if you had met in different circumstances,” he nudged her shoulder, “I don’t doubt that you would’ve fallen for each other. Stop overthinking it, Mary. Just figure it out for yourself— do you like him? Flaws and all? And if he came out one day and told you that… that he hated bananas, would you still love him?”
    Mary giggled and put a hand over her mouth.
    “Lukas is a mysterious fellow,” Isaac said a bit more solemnly, nodding and looking down at his lap, “But I think his affection for you is sincere. I don’t know, maybe I should just shut up. It’s not like I have any experience in this area.”
    “No, no, Isaac, thank you,” she said with a nod. “Lukas is mysterious, but he is sincere.” She was quiet for a minute before continuing. “And he… he is the adventure that I’ve been looking for. All my life, I wanted more than just an ordinary existence. I’ve always written stories full of fantastic fantasies, I’ve always wanted to travel, explore, learn new things… And I think Lukas can help me reach those dreams. I’m just… hesitating, now, I guess.”
    It was so hard to not burst out with the full truth, It was so hard not to tell him everything that had happened in New York and everything about the immortal personifications and demons and magic.
    But she had to keep it a secret. For Lukas, for herself, for her family. It was better for all of them if she remained quiet.
    If You’re trying to teach me a lesson, please believe me, I get it now. I’m sorry for overreacting like I did.
    “Well, no one can really blame you for hesitating,” Isaac said. “Big decisions like these deserve to be wrestled with.”
    He stood.
    “My opinion?” he said as he sauntered toward the door. When he reached it, he turned around to face her, grinning. “Lukas is a great guy. And you were always meant for great things.”


    Norway paced back and forth, glancing over at his phone every once in awhile.
    He couldn’t focus. Not with her on his mind.
    But he couldn’t seem to force himself to call her.
    She probably needs time avay from me to think. She probably doesn’t vant to talk to me right now.
    He sighed, walking over to his bed and flopping onto it.
    “This is ridiculous. I need to do something,” he whispered.
    But then his phone rang.
    Excitement surged through him and he jumped up, running over to his phone. He grabbed it and looked at the number.
    It wasn’t Mary.
    His excitement faded and he sighed. He stared at the number with curiosity.
    He didn’t recognize it.
    It’s probably yust a spam call.
    But he answered it anyway.
    May as vell do something to occupy myself.
    “Hello, Lukas Bondevik,” he answered, sitting down on the edge of his bed.
    “Alo, Norway! It’s Romania!”
    Norway raised his eyebrows.
    “… How did you get my number?”
    “Eheheh, a magician never reveals his secrets, right?”
    Norway couldn’t help but smile a little.
    “Anyway, I just was calling so you would know my number for future reference.”
    “All right, takk,” Norway said, trying to sound enthusiastic when he really didn’t care that much.
    “… Look, Norway…” Romania said after a moment of silence, and Norway didn’t reply but listened. “I know you have Mary now and that everything is going to be fine, but if you ever need someone who isn’t a family member or a lover… if you ever need a friend, just know that I am here, and I will gladly be your friend. Call me whenever, I’m always up.”
    Norway didn’t know why he was surprised. Romania had some dealings with spirits, specifically the Snaps, and he was just doing this because he didn’t want Norway to Snap again.
    The gesture was touching anyway.
    “Takk, Soren,” Norway responded. “I appreciate that.”
    “You are welcome, of course,” he exclaimed cheerfully. “I will leave you to whatever you were doing, then. Have a good day!”
    “You too,” Norway said. And then Romania hung up.
    Norway saved his number.
    And then there was a knock on the door. Norway frowned as he walked through his apartment. He opened the door, just to receive a snowball in the face. He gasped in surprise.
    “Sorry! Sorry, sorry, I mean—“ Denmark cleared his throat, trying to contain his laughter. Norway wiped the snow off his face, wiggling his nose.
    “Matthias!” he snapped, glaring at him.
    But through the intense feelings of hate and resentment, another feeling made itself known-- guilt. It overwhelmed all feelings of anger, and as he remembered his deal with Denmark, he clenched his jaw. He dried his face with his sleeve and then glanced at the other country, who grinned mischeviously, though he saw a spark of fear in his eyes. It made Norway feel better.
    “I guess I deserved that, didn’t I?” he said, quietly. Denmark shrugged.
    “I dunno. It was snowing outside and I couldn’t resist, is all,” Denmark said, quickly. “But hey, Tino and Berwald are on their way over and I was thinking we could all hang out and play football or something.” Matthias hesitated, taking a small step away from the door. “I mean, I thought maybe… maybe it’d be a good idea to hang out and stuff more often. You know, since we’re a family and all… You…  you’re not busy or anything, are you?”
    Norway took a deep breath and looked back a his apartment.
    “Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’ like Mary sometimes did. “I’m not busy today. That sounds like fun, actually... let me grab my coat.”
    “R-really?” Denmark exclaimed as Norway turned and walked further into his apartment.
    “Ja! I’m bored to death. And you said there was snow outside, right?”
    “Uh, ja?”
    Matthias laughed nervously.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now