Chapter 64

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    Norway adjusted his tie as he walked through the inch deep snow, his computer satchel slung over one shoulder.
    It was Monday, January the Twelfth. Classes began that day. He hadn’t yet begun to dread the class, in fact he had high hopes for the oncoming semester. He knew, however, that his optimistic attitude would be changed over time.
    Or maybe not.
    His Snap hadn’t returned to bother him with memories, so maybe he would make it through the next few months, after all. He looked through the window of the coffee shop as he walked toward the door, and his eyes met hers. Mary smiled at him and waved. He smiled back.
    I think I vill.
    He walked into the warm, familiar shop that was filled with quiet chatter and the smells of coffee. Inhaling the smell deeply, he went to order his coffee. As he stood in line, he glanced back over his shoulder. Mary was reading a book, her hair twisted into two braids which fell down to the middle of her back. She glanced up from the pages, catching his gaze. She grinned, her cheeks flushed slightly.
    “Can I help you, sir?”
    “Oh, ja,” Norway mumbled, walking up to the counter.
    After he received his tall coffee flavored with several extra caffeine shots, he walked to the table where Mary sat.
    “Hei,” he greeted, quietly as he sat down across from her.
    “Hei,” she said, putting her bookmark into her book and setting it down.
    “Takk for agreeing to meet vith me again,” he said, his eyes flitting from her face to her hair. She looked very Nordic with braids.
    “Of course,” she said, sweetly. “I was hoping we might make this a tradition of some kind, or something.”
    “Are you ready for today?” he asked.
    “I think so,” she said with a nod. “How about you?”
    “Ja, hopefully…” he glanced out of the window. It was beginning to snow.
    “Will we still be able to go to Preikestolen this weekend if it’s snowy?” Mary asked, following his gaze.
    “Ja. And it vill be nice because there vill be less people. Because, unlike you, most people are bothered by the cold.” He smirked but took a drink of his coffee to hide it.
    “The cold never bothered me anyway…” she sang quietly, raising her eyebrows. And then she also took a sip of her drink.
    Their casual conversation came to a lull. He knew what she was thinking about, because he was thinking about it too.
    “If you have… anymore questions about… anything, Mary,” he said after awhile, “Please, don’t hesitate to ask me.”
    She looked him in the face and he lowered his eyes.
    “I know I should move on. I know, Mary… but January first vill be a day that haunts me all year, and I vill do anything to make it up to you.”
    He glanced at her. She nodded, solemnly.
    “I am sure I will think of many more questions as time goes on. I always think of some when we’re apart, but I keep forgetting… when… when we’re together.” She took a sip of her coffee. He nodded and then glanced at the time.
    “Ve better start heading over,” he said, standing. She nodded and stood, too. They walked out of the coffee shop together, and as they stepped out into the cold, he held his arm out to her. She took it. They walked quietly toward the University.
    “But… I actually have two questions that I remember now,” she said timidly after a time.
    “Ask avay,” he invited in what he hoped was a carefree manner. In reality, he was bracing himself inwardly.
    “Okay… the first is,” she leaned in, glancing around to make sure no one was nearby, “Will you be able to train me in magic?”
    “Ja, ja, of course,” he reassured, quickly.
    “Good. I would hate for my… powers… to go out of control again,” she said.
    “Ja, ve vill definitely do that as soon as possible,” he said with a nod, “I have never had to train anyone before, so I may have to get help from England and Romania… but ja, ve’ll vork on that.” He took a deep breath. “Vhat is your second question?”
    “This one has actually been bothering me for awhile…” she said, looking at him. “I know you said that it represented the fjords, but now that magic is relevant… what is that, really?” she used her other arm to gesture toward his ahoge.
    Norway’s heart raced.
    “Uh… um, it’s… it’s ah…” he swallowed. “Do you… do you vant to find out?”
    She raised her eyebrows.
    “Do I?”
    He didn’t respond. They stopped at the crosswalk, waiting for the signal.
    “Curiosity killed the cat, didn’t it?” she said.
    He looked off to the side.
    “Er… fine, okay. I have permission to touch it, then?”
    He nodded slightly, his hands beginning to shake.
    “Okay, if you’re sure…” she hesitated. “I’m going to do it…”
    He held his breath.
    She reached out and touched it.
    And then he was kissing her. His arms were wrapped tightly around her back, one hand near her waist and the other slowly moving from her upper back to her lower, pulling her extremely close to him. His heart pounded against his chest erratically and he closed his eyes tightly.
    When they separated, Mary gasped. He relaxed his grip and then released her, quickly giving her space, his cheeks burning from embarrassment. She took deep breaths and fixed her hair, looking very ruffled.
    “S-sorry,” he mumbled.
    “Is… is that what it… always does?” she asked, still slightly breathless, her eyes wide in shock. He nodded, straightening his jacket and then his tie.
    “Oh,” she whispered. She faced forward just as the light turned green. They walked across the street silently. Norway’s heart was still racing.
    “Well,” Mary said as they approached the school. “Everything is beginning to make sense now.”
    Norway was too flustered to reply.
    When they made it to the steps, she grabbed his arm.
    “My first class is actually in the next building over,” she said when he faced her.
    “Oh,” he said with a nod, looking away.
    He glanced at her.
    And then she kissed his cheek.
    “Jeg elsker deg,” she whispered before stepping back. The corners of his lips began to turn up.
    “I love you, too,” he replied. And then she turned and walked away. He took a deep breath and jogged up the stairs.
    When he reached the top, she called out, “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
    He turned back toward her. The gem met his gaze, expectantly.
    “The coffee shop at 8 AM?” he clarified, slowly walking backwards.
    “Ja, sounds good!” she exclaimed.
    And then she smiled.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now