Chapter 48

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Norway moaned and turned over on the bed, groping for his phone until he found it. He checked the time with squinted eyes.
    Adrenaline surged through him and he sat up.
    But then he remembered that he was on vacation and that it was okay that he had slept until noon. He relaxed and leaned back onto the pillows, looking around the room again. It was one of many guest rooms in America’s mansion. The bed was king-sized, the furniture obviously hand crafted, and there was an adjoining bathroom which was almost as big as the bedroom itself. Alfred’s mansion was huge. At least twice as big as Norway’s. But he was America, after all, so he wasn’t at all surprised that it was super sized, just like everything else in his country. He and the other Nordics had been invited to stay there, thanks to Papa Finland. America given a tour when they had got there the morning before, which had taken an accessively long time. When Norway had returned to the mansion after dropping Mary off at her hotel, he quickly found out that they weren’t the only countries staying at his mansion. Thankfully, he had managed to sneak away to his room.
    He slid off the tall bed and stretched. His laptop sat on the desk next to the bed and he clicked play on the music already set up on it. He thought about changing, but he didn’t want to wear his tuxedo just yet and he was too lazy to want to wear another outfit, so he stayed in his sweatpants and University of Oslo sweatshirt. He did bother to fling on the beanie Isaac and Mr. Shepherd had given him to cover his bed hair.
    A few minutes later, his phone vibrated. He picked it up and smiled, flopping down on the bed again.
    “Good morning, Lukas. :)
    “Good morning,” he texted her back.
    “I guess it’s afternoon now, isn’t it?
    They texted back and forth for awhile. She asked for the details of the party that night, and he told her that it started at eight.
    “Would you want to go out for dinner before that, maybe?
    Norway sent the text and then anxiously waited for her reply.
    “Yes, that would be great!”
    He smiled.
    “So I’ll pick you up at six, then?
    “That sounds lovely. I’ll be ready!
    There was a knock on his door.
    “I have to go, but I’ll see you later.”
    “Okay. See you soon!
    Norway jumped up and walked over to answer the door.
    He frowned when he saw who it was.
    “Vhat is it?” he snapped at Matthias.
    “Hey, chill, okay?” Denmark said, his smile fading. “I just came to tell you that Alfred’s cooking hamburgers if you’re hungry.” And then he turned and walked away. Norway huffed, adjusted his beanie, and then walked out, slipping his phone into his pocket.
    He walked down the hall until he found the stairs. He could hear the crowd before he saw it. He stood at the top of the open staircase and paused, looking down at the commotion going on beneath him. Dozens of people chatted, paper plates piled with hamburgers in hand. Others dashed about, yelling or rushing to different rooms. Lukas walked down the staircase and carefully entered the crowd.
    It was hard to wrap his mind around how many states America had until they were all conjugated together. He made his way through the main hall and then past many doors, following the smell and the other countries, er, states.
    He found the kitchen, which was packed full of even more people. Lukas was already tired and he hadn’t even socialized yet. But his stomach rumbled and the sizzle of greasy meat called him further into the large kitchen.
    “Hey, Norway, dude!” America greeted, waving his spatula. “You’re finally up!”
    Norway waved to him, picking up a paper plate and standing in line behind a few other states.
    “Have you met most of my siblings?” America asked with a grin. Norway looked around with raised eyebrows and then shook his head.
    “Yeah, there are a lot,” he said, turning over a few hamburgers on the skillet he stood in front of. “And some of them didn’t even show up!”
    “Really? I didn’t notice…” Norway mumbled, pulling a bun from the plastic bag.
    “So, is Mary coming tonight?” Alfred asked. Norway glanced up at him. His eyebrows were arched.
    “Ja, she is,” he said, stoically, grabbing the mustard.
    “Awwww, really? Darn I’m not even going to be here to meet her!”
    Norway frowned.
    “Vhy not?”
    “I’ve been called in last minute to be the spokesperson for the ball drop in Times’ Square!” he said with excitement. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do that?!”
    “Uh… a long time?” Norway guessed.
    “My WHOLE LIFE, dude!!”
    Norway chuckled.
    “Vell, congratulations. Ve’ll try not to ruin your house vhile you’re away.”
    America laughed and then flipped a burger onto his bun.
    “Enjoy, brah!”
    Lukas nodded and then turned into the dining room where a dozen other people already reclined. He sat near the end of one of the long tables, away from the others.
    He was halfway through his burger when someone slammed their plate down in front of him. He jumped and looked up at Iceland as he sat down. When he was seated, his brother turned his eyes to glare at him.
    “Uh, god morgen, Em—“
    “Did you have a thing for Aud?” Iceland snapped. Norway glanced around nervously, and then narrowed his eyes at his brother.
    Taking a deep breath, he tried to control his rising anger.
    “Aud and I vere very close at one time, but never like that, all right?” he paused for a second, his voice growing gentler. “I’m sorry that I didn’t varn you about Mary. I forgot. Now drop it.”
    Iceland glared at him. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth, but then two people came and sat on Norway’s left, interrupting him before he could begin.
    “Hey guys,” Oregon greeted with a smile, setting her food down. Canada sat down next to her. Across the table, a girl with dark hair and green eyes sat next to Iceland. Iceland shut his mouth and looked down at his plate.
    “Norway, Iceland, have you met my sister Willow?” Oregon said. The girl glanced up at them and smiled at them.
    “She’s the state of Washington,” Oregon finished. Willow nodded.
    “It’s nice to meet you,” Norway said.  Iceland nodded but didn’t look at her.
    “So, is Mary coming tonight?” Alice asked once they were settled with their food.
    “Ja,” Norway replied.
    “Really?! Like, this is totally awesome news!”
    Poland sat down on Norway’s other side.
    “Is she as hot as she looks?” he asked with a mischievous grin.
    “Back off, twit,” Norway said. And then he looked up and winked at Poland, for good measure. Felyks cracked up.
    “Wow, love has changed you!” Poland exclaimed.
    “Love always does,” Lithuania said as he sat down on the other side of Iceland.
    Iceland sniffed bitterly, staring at his lap.
    Just when Norway was beginning to feel claustrophobic, America walked in from the kitchen.
    “Hey, Lithuania, do you think you could help me out with some stuff?” he asked. Lithuania sighed quietly, looked as his plate, and then began to stand.
    “I’ll help you, America,” Norway said, standing. He nodded to Lithuania, who looked surprised. “Liet yust sat down, so... Vhat do you need help vith?”
    America grinned and gestured for him to follow him.
    “I just need some real quick help…”


    Norway got swept away with decorating for the party, and he was glad he could relieve Lithuania, if only for a little bit. Soon he and a handful of the states were in the ballroom, helping America set up.
    The afternoon flew by, and when Norway looked at the clock again, it was a little before five.
    He quickly dropped what he was doing and rushed to get ready.
    He freshened up and put on his tuxedo. But then he had a slight dilemma.
    Grabbing his phone from where it was charging, he texted Mary.
    “I’m almost on my way, but I need your opinion on something.
    He waited for her reply. It was 5:34.
    “What is it?
    “Tie or bowtie?
    “Laugh all you want, but I’m being serious.”
    “Ties have always been more attractive in my opinion.
    “Tie it is,” he whispered out loud.
    When he was finished getting ready, he glanced around the room one more time, hoping he wasn’t forgetting anything, and then turned toward the door. He walked through the mansion, ignoring the stares from the states by adjusting his watch around his wrist. He walked out the front door and slammed it behind him. He had only taken a few steps when it was swung open.
    “And where are you going, monsieur?” a certain Frenchman called after him, “All dressed up and fancy like zhat?”
    Norway turned and looked back. France’s eyebrows were raised. Alice and Matthew could be seen standing behind him through the door. He looked and saw that Poland and Lithuania as well as several states were staring at him through the windows.
    He waved at everyone.
    “Mary and I are going on a date!” he exclaimed. “See you at the party!”
    And then he turned on his heel and walked toward his car.
    Excited chatter sound through the open doorway and he heard Alice cheer. He smiled to himself as he unlocked his rental car.
    “Mary and I are going on a date,” he whispered to himself as he drove away.


    Norway took a deep breath and knocked on Mary’s door.
    “Coming!” she called.
    A moment later the door swung open.
    She stood in the doorway and Lukas stared. She wore a sleeveless, lavender colored dress with a full skirt that reached her knees. She wore white flats and her hair was curlier than usual, the perfect ringlets falling around her shoulders. Her face was flawless and her eyes bright, but it was her smile that stole the show.
    “You look dashing, sir,” she said, folding her hands behind her back. “I like your tie.”
    “Takk,” he said quietly. He cleared his throat. “You… you are… more than beautiful, Mary. You’re stunning.”
    “Why, thank you,” she said with a quick curtsy. “And I’m all yours tonight. So, are you ready to go?”

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now