Chapter 24

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TW: Self-harm and suicidal ideation.


Norway dropped the ladle into the stew and whirled around. He stared at the room across from him, where Bondevik and his family lay in their death-like sleep.

None of them had spoken or stirred for hours, maybe days, he'd lost track. He wondered if he had imagined the voice.

"Lukas?" came the scratchy call again.

"Kari!" Norway exclaimed, rushing to her, but being careful as he walked around her other family members. He fell on his knees by her side. She opened her eyes, and the green depths that had always been so full of life were now dull as they stared up at him, helplessly. Norway forced himself to focus on her eyes, though, instead of the big, oozing blisters on her neck. He grabbed her hand, not caring that her fingernails were black and rotting. He was immune to the Black Death, ostensibly. But even if he wasn't, that wouldn't have stopped him.

"What is it, Kari?" he said, gently brushing her greasy hair from her eyes with his other hand.

"Can... can I have a cup of water?"

"Ja, ja," he said, standing up and releasing her hand. He went back through the room, looking down at the pale faces of the other family members, all covered with sores and blisters. He filled a cup with water he'd drawn from the well that morning and took it back to Kari. He helped her sit up so she could drink it and then settled her back down, telling her that he'd have some food ready for her soon.

And then he went back to his stew, glancing back at her every other step.

He reached the pot and picked up the ladle, beginning to stir again.

Somewhere deep inside of him he knew his attempts at nursing them back to health were going to be futile.

Vhat else can I do for them?

Suddenly, a loud cough broke the silence followed by a moan and then more gagging.

Norway looked.

Kari was throwing up.


He ran to her.

He helped her sit up so she wouldn't drown in her own vomit. It spilled onto her dress, and Norway felt sick when he saw it was tainted red. Kari began to cry, leaning onto his shoulder. Norway put an arm around her shoulder and petted her hair softly. He shut his eyes tightly.

Oh God of the Vhite Cross... Please, spare them. They are innocent. It's me you vant. It's me.


A few days later, he dug five graves.

He covered the fourth grave, and then turned toward the fifth body.

The smallest one.

As he picked up the pale, limp body of Langley, tears filled his eyes at last, though he was dead on the inside. He slowly laid the boy in the grave and then covered the hole.

When he was finished with his job, he sank onto his knees before the graves. He wiped his eyes with his hands and could feel the dirt smearing on his face. But he didn't care. His shoulders began to tremble as his silent sobs racked his chest.

"Bondevik, Ingeborg, Stig, Kari, Langley," he whispered, staring at each grave as he spoke the names that had become so familiar to him. "Takk, for all you've done for me. You accepted me and taught me vhat being a family means. And I von't ever forget that. I von't ever forget you." He took a deep, quaky breath. "Thank you. I love you and... and I miss you."

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now