Author's Note~

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My Dear Readers,

Greetings! I told you in the Author's Note at the beginning of this fanfiction that I would post another note when the story's rating came into play. Beginning with Chapter 34, A Waltz in the Dark becomes a little more intense. Nothing absolutely terrible-- the language and romance in the story is, like I said before, appropriate for the general audience. But from this point forward, there will be scenes with escalated emotional intensity and some violence. If you don't think you can handle these things, please, don't force yourself. It's okay if this isn't for you! There are plenty of other touchy-feely stories out there without such complicated plots!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Be warned and, if you are brave enough, carry on!


~Mary P.J. (aka Mini_Moffat)

P.S. While I'm here, there are four people I would like to thank.

1. My dear sister Katie (katiejj221b). Thank you so much for listening to all my rants and brainstorms even though you aren't reading my fanfiction or apart of the Hetalia fandom! I love you so much for putting up with me. <3

2. My tsundere-turd face, Komeko-chan. XD Jk. You're awesome. And your encouragement has meant the world to me. Thank you so much for critiquing my writing and helping me when I get stuck or uninspiried! (GO CHECK OUT HER WRITING, GUYS. SHE WRITES THE MOST AMAZING HETALIA SHORT STORIES EVER. GO GO GO GO GO.)

3. BookBird1497. Geez, what can I say about you, Alex? Without you, Mary Shepherd would never have come into existence at all. :O Even though I always whine and complain and say fanfiction is a waste of time, I really have enjoyed working on this and all of our chats and brainstorms that we've had about it! Thanks for always being there when I need to bounce ideas off you or ask for your advice. You're the best!

4. And finally, thank you to Owl City (Adam Young) for making the song that inspired this whole story-- Up All Night! (Check it out, guys! It's posted on the side!)

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now