Chapter 55

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"I pray this message reaches someone."
Finland choked on his drink. He forced himself to swallow it and set down his beer, turning away from the counter, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Warn the countries, you all have to escape! Norway and England, they're-"
Finland waited, but the voice was gone.
"Who's voice?" he mumbled. "Warn the countries? Warn them about what? Norway... Norway?"
"Yu okay?"
He glanced at Sweden. The blond stared down at him, frowning.
"Did Norway and England ever return?" he asked, urgently, still trying to decipher the message he had received.
"No," Sweden said after glancing around. Finland's heart began to pound.
"Norway and England, they're-"
They're what? They're what?
"Sve, I..." he rubbed his forehead. Was it a hallucination? He glanced at his beer. Maybe it was just his imagination.
But that voice definitely wasn't mine.
He looked at Sweden again.
"I heard a voice," he said, quietly, so only Sweden could hear. "He said... he said to warn the countries and tell them to escape, and then something about Norway and England... I... I'm not crazy, I heard it. I think it was magic-" and then it hit him. "Romania," he whispered, looking away from Sweden. "The message was from Romania." He scanned the crowd and then rushed toward the stairs. He didn't hesitate a second but ran down them, squeezing between the crowds as he ran toward the door. They were outside, Finland knew... somehow.
Magic? He wondered as he ran. He was never sure since magic wasn't inherent to him and since he didn't use it very often. But how else did he manage to just know where they were?
"He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake..." he sang to himself, trying to calm his frazzled nerves.
"Warn the countries, you all have to escape!"
But why? What's going on?
He didn't know, but he was determined to find out.
"Tino, Tino!" Berwald exclaimed. Finland glanced back to see him running after him, concern evident in his intense eyes.
"Something's wrong, Sve," he shouted back to him, "We have to-" He tried to walk out of the ballroom, but was stopped. He stepped back. It felt like he had run into a wall, but the doors before him were flung wide open. He frowned and tried again. Blue light rippled upward and then disappeared, and Finland was still stuck inside the ballroom.
"A... force field?" he whispered, putting his hand on it. It glowed blue. He pushed against it with both hands, with no luck.
"Three... three!"
Finland whirled around at the voice.
Moldova ran toward the door but ran into the force field, just as he had. His face contorted into one of pure horror as he stared at it.
"No, no!" he screamed, his voice much higher than normal. He pounded on the force field with his fists, making it glow brighter with each hit.
"Three... three now..." he stepped back and took of his hat, running a hand through his shaggy hair. And then he gasped. "The magic trio!" He looked at Finland, his eyes wide.
"Do you know what's going on?" Finland asked, quickly, walking toward him.
"I... I..." he looked from him to the force field.
"I got a message, a... mind message," Finland said when he never finished, "From Soren, I think."
"What? What did he say?" Moldova said, urgently, taking a step closer to him.
"He said that we needed to escape," Finland said hoarsely. "He said we needed to warn everyone."
They stood in silence, staring at each other. And then they both looked toward the door.
The upbeat song that was playing seemed louder than before. Finland's heart pounded against his chest in time with the song.
"We may not be able to escape, but we can still warn them," Moldova exclaimed, determinedly.
"Do you know what we need to warn them of?" Finland asked, thoroughly confused. "What's happening?"
Moldova's light brown eyes met his.
"Do you know of the Snaps?" he whispered.
Finland's eyes grew wide and he looked at Sweden.
And then suddenly the music stopped.
Finland looked over just as an explosion erupted, engulfing the DJ's station in flames. Screams and shouts erupted from all over the room.
"Oh no," Moldova exclaimed. He ran toward the commotion, Sweden right behind him.
Finland stayed frozen by the door.
Shouts sounded from the balcony, and some of the countries ran down the stairs to help. Those on the dance floor scrambled away from the flames, helping those who were too close when the explosion occurred. Finland spotted California, her white dress now stained gray and black, being helped away by Washington, Hawaii, and Alaska. The sun-tanned girl sobbed and screamed, holding out her arms and keeping them away from her sisters. They surrounded her, obviously wanting to help, but unable to. Finland's stomach twisted at her pain-filled cries. His hands shook, but he ran toward them. California collapsed to her knees and her sisters cried out, surrounding her.
"Excuse me, excuse me," Finland said, not entirely sure what he was doing. He knelt down next to California. Her arms were red and already beginning to blister. He gently touched her hand but she cried out and pulled away from him.
"I-I was t-too close..." she sobbed.
Tino couldn't stand to see her cry.
Finland held his hand over her arm, something pulsing through him, something familiar, but strange at the same time.
California's tears began to dry and her sisters gasped, drawing close. Finland closed his eyes as he slowly moved his hand up one arm and then down the other.
"Magic, y-you have m-?" California gasped.
"You're healed!" Hawaii exclaimed. Finland opened his eyes.
"Does it hurt anymore?" he clarified, cupping her face in his hands and healing what burns were there. She met his gaze, her chin resting in his palms a moment. Her eyes still overflowing with tears. She took a breath and managed a brief smile.
"No," she whispered as he removed his hands.
"Good," he said, relieved. He stood and the other girls crowded closer, staring at her arms in awe. Finland's mind swam and he nearly fell over, but he managed to keep his footing. He stared at the fire, which was still blazing. Germany, Sweden and some other countries were working together to try and put it out. The other countries stared, muttering to each other and tending to the hurt the best they could, though it seemed that California's burns had been the worst of it. Finland frowned and scanned the crowd, looking for Moldova.
"How the hell did that happen?" he asked no one.
But then there was a loud sound. It echoed through the hall, and the noise silenced briefly as everyone turned and looked. Standing at the top of the empty balcony was a man, and he laughed, cruelly. The sound sent shivers down Finland's spine.
Finland looked over and saw Moldova standing not far from him. Her arms dropped to the side and she took two steps toward the stairs before stopping. Whispering filled the room.
He walked down the stairs, looking out at the countries, a wry smile on his face. When he reached the bottom, he looked straight at the nearest country, who glared at him with fierce eyes.
"Did you do this?" China shouted, asking the question everyone was wondering, pointing at the fire which was still burning bright. Romania pursed his lips, giving China puppy dog eyes.
"Little old me?" he said, putting a hand on his chest. His sarcasm said it all.
China huffed and stomped toward him, his hands clenched.
"Why, you-!"
Romania waved a flippant hand at him, and Yao stopped. He stood frozen for a second, but then he visibly relaxed and looked at Romania. And then looked toward the others.
Finland held his breath. Romania walked further into the room, China in step behind him. He waved his hand at Australia as he passed, and the man grabbed his head and moaned shortly, before looking up with blood red eyes.
And then chaos erupted.
The countries ran toward the doors, only to find what Finland and Moldova had discovered. They pounded on the forcefield, but it was a trap. Romania walked toward the large group that had piled around the only doorway. They turned to face him, trying to hide behind one another. Romania waved at the three who stood bravely near the front, Turkey, Egypt, and Iceland. They all had different reaction. Egypt scowled with his eyes closed before opening them, defeated by his Snap. Iceland grabbed his heads in his hands and let out a long sigh before looking up, his purple eyes also turned red.
"Iceland..." Tino murmured, clenching his hands into fists.
Turkey yelled and clenched his hands into fists, fighting for a few seconds longer than the other two.
But Finland doubted anyone could withstand Romania's dark magic.
"Never fear, everyone," Romania shouted for all to hear, "Soon you will all be Snapped, and we will take control of this hatefully peaceful world together. But until then," his face turned lethal, "I want you all to gather in the middle of the dance floor. Now!"
Someone screamed, but the countries slowly began to move to the middle of the room, where Romania pointed. The already Snapped countries gathered around him and watched with steely gazes as the countries moved. Finland was already at the designated place, so he watched Romania carefully, trying to think up a plan.
He warned me. He warned me that this was going to happen. If only I had acted! He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. No use fussing over the past. What can I do now? He looked at China, who's dark countenance sent shivers up his spine. How do you unSnap someone? Norway had told him once, a long time ago, but he couldn't remember. Romania's eyes landed on him for a moment, and Finland shifted weight but kept his gaze. Then how can I confront them? He looked at the others, who were finally gathered in a tight circle near the center of the dance floor. Some were whimpering, others glaring defiantly at the vampire. How can we survive this? Finland tried to quench his rising panic, but he didn't see a way out. They were all trapped. They would all Snap.
"On your knees!" Turkey bellowed. He and the other Snapped countries began to circle around the group. "Now! Move!"
Finland slowly knelt on one knee, and he glanced back as the others did the same.
"Except you," Romania said, pointing. Finland followed his finger.
"M-me?" Moldova whispered, already crouching slightly. Romania chuckled.
"Da, dear one," Romania said with a malicious grin. "Five of my greatest allies are trapped within you. I cannot release them..."
Romania opened his hand so his palm faced her. Moldova stiffened.
"And you, I'm afraid, are useless to me. Your Snap is worthless, just like Denmark's. I am not as compassionate as Norway, however, and it'd be much easier just to kill you. That will also assure that Romania will remain under my control. For who else can love a vampire? Only family, I'm afraid," black smoke began to swirl around his hand, "and you're all he's got."
The blackness grew.
Finland stood and ran toward Moldova just as she screamed in terror. He pushed her over, holding his hand out toward the magical projection.
There was an explosion of gray light that sent Finland sprawling to the ground. He blinked twice, staring at the ceiling, and then quickly sat up. Romania cursed and Finland looked to see Moldova lying on her back.
"Moldova!" Finland screamed, crawling toward her quickly, "Gabe! Gabe!" he grabbed her shoulders just as she gasped for air. She winced. "Gabi, are you okay?" he said quieter.
Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at him.
"You... you know?" she wheezed. Finland smiled.
"Of course I do. I'm Santa. Now are you okay?"
She nodded.
"Moldova!" Bulgaria crawled over to her, Ukraine not far behind him. Finland looked at Moldova's face, and then up at Romania, a scowl scrunching up his face.
He stood, standing between the vampire and the rest of the world.
Finland wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, but knowing he had to do something to protect the others. And at the moment, he was the only good guy with magic, even though he wasn't exactly sure how. He had Christmas powers, or so he told everyone. So he told himself. But he had never tried to do anything else with them.
He couldn't help but glance down at his hands.
"Your Snap," Romania said slowly, walking toward him, "Is more than willing to join us."
"But I'm not," Finland said, firmly.
Romania smirked, and then waved his hand at Finland. Tino's eyes shut and he was plunged into thick darkness. But there was an electrifying white light coming from his skin, which for some reason didn't surprise him, and he wasn't afraid. There was a strange mirror before him, and he had to blink twice. A mirror? He looked inside it, his reflection staring back at him.
His reflection had red eyes.
And then it smiled, and Finland jumped.
"What?!" he cried out, stumbling away. And then he opened his eyes.
He met Romania's gaze, which quickly turned sour.
"What?!" Soren roared, glaring at him.
"What?" Finland said, raising his hands in confusion.
"What kind of magic do you have?" Romania shouted.
The room was silent as Finland considered the question.
"I... don't know," he finally replied.
The silence after that felt extremely awkward, but Tino tried to ignore it, bravely meeting Soren's gaze.
"Well, I guess it doesn't matter," he said with a smile. "You can still touch the mirror."
"Is that what will make me Snap?" Finland clarified, feeling stupid for not knowing.
"Da," Romania said, nodding.
"And... and why would I do that?" Tino exclaimed, crossing his arms.
"I am glad you asked, actually..." Romania said. He nodded at Australia and China, who walked into the crowd. Finland looked back just in time to see them grab Sweden by the arms, twisting them around his back and forcing him out of the group. Screams and gasps echoed from the crowd, but nobody tried to stop them. Finland's heart began to pound erratically, but he forced himself to focus on Romania, his nostrils flaring.
"Because if you don't," Romania said, calmly, a mocking smile on his face, "He will die. Your choice. You both can join us, or you both can die. And that goes for all of you," his gaze swept over the entire group, "There is no escape." Flames burst into existence on the edge of his fingers.
Sweden shouted in surprise, and Finland looked to see tendrils of fire burning around his feet.
He looked up at him, and Tino had never seen such terror on the face of his stoic friend.
"You will join us or die!" Romania shouted. And then he clenched one hand into a fist. The fire turned into smoke as it whirled around Sweden. As it swirled around his face, Sweden began to cough. And then he began to choke. China and Australia released their grips on him as he collapsed to his knees, clutching his throat with one hand.
Finland took a quick breath, clenching his teeth. He glared at Romania and then, before he knew what he was doing, he was running toward him, a battle cry bursting from him. He held out his hand and white light began to shine.
But then suddenly he was frozen. The light emitting from his hands died, and Finland's vision was tainted blue. He tried to move, but none of his limbs would budge, stuck in a fight position only a few inches away from Romania.
Finland mentally winced at the voice.
"N-Norge," Sweden called out, coughing violently. Finland only heard footsteps.
"Help me," Sweden choked.
Finland wanted to cry, but he couldn't.
Suddenly, Norway stepped between him and Romania, staring him in the eyes.
His eyes were dark red, darker than the others'.
"Touch the mirror or he dies," he whispered through his teeth. "Touch the mirror..." He grabbed his throat and all of Tino's limbs relaxed. Tino grabbed Norway's hands with both of his, gasping for air.
"... Or you die," Norway finished in his ear. Tino choked and shut his eyes. The mirror was before him. The reflection on the other side touched it's side of the mirror, smiling.
"Touch it," the phantom encouraged.
Finland could feel his body dying. He could hear Sweden's labored chokes.
He slowly moved toward the mirror.
"There is no way I could win, is there?" he whispered, dragging his feet. The white light was dim, the darkness was closing in. He stared at the mirror and sighed, clenching his teeth.
"I'm not giving up," he said, determinedly, pathetically, staring into the demon's red eyes. "Just... giving in."
He touched the mirror.

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