Chapter 35

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        Isaac yawned as he started the coffeemaker, slightly ticked that he was the first one up and that it wasn't already ready. He looked around the empty kitchen, wondering why he was up so early, anyway. It was only 9:34.
        He stood next to the counter, running his hand through his shaggy hair. But then a sound came from the living room. He paused and listened. Dramatic music floated to his ears, and he curiously walked to the doorway. Netflix was on and streaming one of his favorite TV shows, BBC's Sherlock. It was on the Reichenbach Fall. He tore his eyes away from the screen and looked around the dark room, wondering why it was on so early.
        His eyes landed to a couple on the couch, and he smirked. Mary and Lukas were sitting side by side on the couch, asleep. Lukas's head was tilted back and Mary's was tilted sideways, leaning on his shoulder. Mary was still dressed up like a candy cane and in their hands were Starbucks coffee cups.
        hey must've tried to pull a marathon when they go back from the party, Isaac reasoned as he looked at the TV. And then a brilliant idea popped into his head. He quietly ran back into the kitchen, opening a drawer and pulling out a sharpie. A grin spread across his face as he tiptoed back into the living room, silently sneaking up to his sister and her boyfriend. He knelt down, taking a moment to appreciate how adorable it was that they were both wearing converse before tying their shoelaces together tightly. He stood and delicately sat on the arm of the couch next to Mary, and then leaned down, opening the pen as he neared her face. He gently placed the tip of the permanent marker on her skin, and Mary didn't even flinch as he drew on a swirly mustache. Isaac's grin grew wider as he added freckles across her nose and cheeks. And then he moved on to Lukas. He got off the arm and went around to the other side so he could reach better.
        A goatee? A mole? Maybe I'll add some angry eyebrows to complete this tsundere turd face.
        Isaac grinned mischievously as he leaned in, sharpie in hand.
        But as soon as the marker touched the Nordic's pale skin, his eyes opened. Isaac startled, but before he could react any further, Lukas's hand was gripping his wrist tightly. Isaac dropped the sharpie and Lukas caught it.
        He gasped as Lukas elbowed him in the stomach, making him lean forward. Before Isaac could blink Lukas had jumped to his feet, yanking Mary off the couch. She yelped as she fell on the floor.
Isaac cried out as Lukas pushed him forward and twisted his arm behind his back.
        "L-Lukas! What the-?!"
        But then suddenly Lukas thrusted the marker into his stomach sharply.
        Isaac tried to catch his breath, his heart pounding against his ribs.
        "D-dude!" Isaac shouted as he struggled under Lukas's tight grip. "What the heck, man?! Hey, ow! Let me go!!"
        "Lukas!" Mary joined in, standing carefully so not to pull Lukas down. Isaac couldn't see their faces, but he saw her grab his arm gently.
        "Lukas, it's fine, it's okay, you're okay," she whispered softly. Lukas dropped the sharpie. He released the hold he had on Isaac, and Isaac sighed with relief, standing up straight and shaking the soreness out of his arm. And then Isaac looked down at his white tank top.
        There was a black streak in the middle of it.
        "Dude, did you just try to stab me with a sharpie?!"
        Isaac looked up at his sister's boyfriend incredulously.
        Lukas's stared back at him shamelessly, his intense dark blue eyes unblinking.
        "Sorry," he mumbled after a long moment. And then his gaze dropped to the ground, to his and         Mary's tied shoelaces. He leaned down and began to untie them.
        "Sorry for..." he didn't finish but tied Mary's shoelace into a bow as well as his. Mary reached down and ruffled his hair.
        "It's okay."
        "Is it okay? Can someone please explain to me why I just got stabbed with a sharpie?!" Isaac said, glaring at the Norwegian who didn't return his gaze.
        "You're the one who tried to draw on his face," Mary snapped, putting her hands on her hips. Lukas stood up again but kept his eyes on the ground.
        "Wait, wait a sec," she turned to Lukas. "Do I have drawings on my face?"
        Lukas glanced at her, smiled for a second, and then looked at the ground again.
        "Hey, I saw the opportunity and I took it," Isaac defended, starting to grin despite himself.
        "Then you deserved that," Mary said, nodding to the black marking on his shirt.
        Isaac frowned again, glancing at Lukas.
        "But I'm still confused why-"
        "Want some coffee, Lukas?" Mary said kindly, nudging his shoulder. Lukas shrugged, indifferently. But then looked into her face a moment and nodded eagerly. Mary smiled.
        "I'll go make some. Be right back, okay? C'mon, Isaac."
        She walked by Isaac and pulled on his elbow as she went by. Isaac followed her into the kitchen, where the coffee pot was already nearly full of the caffeinated drink.
        "Isaac, Lukas has PTSD, remember?" she said in a low voice, turning around to face him.
        "Yes, but-"
        "You startled him. His initial reflex was to defend himself."
        "He freakin' stabbed me!"
        "And if you had been an attacker with a knife, you would be dead. Yes, I realize that."
        Isaac shook his head.
        "Was he a soldier or something?"
        "No, but he's taken multiple self-defense classes, as well as fencing and hand-to-hand combat, so..."
        "Geez. Note to self, don't mess with Mary's boyfriend ever again," Isaac said, pulling down three mugs. He glanced at Mary. "At least I know he'll be able to protect you if the need ever arouse, though."
        "Yeah." Mary smiled. But then an epic tune interrupted their conversation. She frowned and pulled out her phone. But her face immediately lit up. She answered it, giddily.
        "Katheryn! Hi!"

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now