Chapter 49

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     Lukas parked the car and stared at the mansion. It was already dark outside and the sky was cloudy and gray, but Alfred’s mansion was lit up with Christmas lights, and you could see the colorful lights flashing and swirling on the inside through the windows. Once the ignition was turned off, Norway could faintly feel the bass of the song from where he sat.
    Mary took a deep breath.
    “Well, this feels slightly familiar,” she said with a nervous chuckle.
    “This vill be fun, I promise,” Lukas murmured, staring at the mansion.
    “Yeah, it will,” Mary echoed quietly.
    “But… Mary,” he said, looking over at her. She met his gaze. He took a deep breath. “You know vhat you told me at the Christmas party ve vent to… about how you called those people your friends even though they veren’t… really… your friends?”
    She nodded, slowly.
    “Vell, that’s how these people,” he looked at the mansion, “are to me. Ve have all been apart of this society together for a long time… and… they vill call themselves my friends, but none of them really know me, and none of them really care.”
    Mary was quiet.
    “Okay. Well, just remember, you don’t have to impress them,” she poked his shoulder. “Don’t make my mistake.”
    He looked back at her. She smiled, grimly. He took a deep breath and nodded.
    “Also, I’m sorry if it gets confusing, vith all of them calling each other by their country’s name,” he said, “But this party is for people of the society, and it’s a bad habit ve have.”
    Norway was beginning to feel guilty about the lie. She deserves to know the truth. I can’t keep hiding it from her.
    She nodded and smiled.
    I need to tell her.
    “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” she said with a shrug as she grabbed her small white purse. “I’m glad they let me come to the party even though I’m not apart of the society.” She opened her car door, the cold winter wind flooding in and ruffling her hair as she looked at him. “You ready to go? We’re already late.”
    Tell her.
    She looked at him expectantly.
    But fear gripped his heart and stopped his voice.
    … I can’t. Not now. Some other time.
    “Never mind.”
    “What were you going to say?” she asked, curiously, cocking her head to the side.
    “Nothing. It vasn’t important. Let’s go in.”


    The door was opened by Joey. Norway had met her earlier, she was the personification of the state of New York and was the hostess while Alfred was away.
    “Hello Norway!” she greeted, opening the door wide. “And you must be Mary! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Welcome, both of you! Come on in!” She smiled wider as she glanced from him to Mary.
    “Thank you,” Mary said politely, smiling back. But then her eyes immediately turned away to study the house as they walked in, and her smile slowly faded to a look of shock.
    Norway took her arm, and she didn’t fight him but let him lead her while she goggled at everything.
    “This place is huge,” she whispered. A handful of countries and states milled about in fancy suits and dresses, talking with one another or walking further into the mansion.
    “If you walk down the hall, there will be two white double doors on your right, and that is where the party is being held for the most part. But feel free to take a look around the mansion if you wish!” Joey said from behind them.
    Norway moved Mary forward through the hall. She relied on him to lead her, obviously, because she wasn’t looking where they were going. They walked into the large corridor that was dimly lit, and the music got louder and louder as they walked, as did the chatter, laughter, and other commotion. Norway soon saw the two white double doors that were thrown open. He could see the crowds inside and he sucked in a deep breath.
    Mary focused on him and then looked through the doorway again.
    “Hey, this will be fun, remember?” she said, putting her other hand on his arm.
    “Ja, ja, sure,” he said, pausing outside the doors. A few people walked past them into the loud room.
    Mary chuckled suddenly.
    “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she said, squeezing his arm. “Relax, okay? We can always leave if we need to. We could leave right now…”
    “Nei, nei, sorry,” he murmured. And then he walked into the room, Mary in step beside him.
    “If you’re sure…” she said. But then she quieted as she took in their new surroundings.
    The ballroom was probably the biggest room in the mansion. It had high ceilings and shiny floors, the flashing lights glinting off all the sparkly decorations on the walls and furniture. To their left were two sets of stairs leading to an upper balcony, and to their right was the dance floor. All around them were hundreds of people, and across the sea of heads, near the wall on the far right, was the DJ’s station, where a blond girl with tan skin sat in a white dress, smacking bubble gum. She smiled out at the crowd as she checked her mix in her bedazzled headphones.
    Countries danced wildly on the floor and mingled on the sidelines, talking and laughing without a care. The lights flashed and the music was so loud it he could feel it in his chest. He was becoming dizzy, and his courage was quickly fading.
    “Hey! Norway! Mary!”
    He looked over to see a couple coming toward them. The girl waved. Mary recognized them faster than he did.
    “Hey! Alice, Matthew!” she greeted as they come up to them.
    “Gosh, Mary, you look gorgeous,” Oregon said, releasing Canada’s arm and walking over to Mary. Canada smiled at Norway and nodded. Lukas returned the gesture and then looked at the girls as Mary released his arm. They were giggling excitedly and complimenting each other. Alice smiled at Norway for a second before turning back to Mary. After a minute, Mary took Norway’s arm again and Alice turned back to Canada. But then there was another greeting from their right.
    “Norway!” He looked over to see Finland and Sweden walking toward them, Iceland not far behind. Norway stared. He didn’t get to see them in suits and ties very often. It made Berwald look three times more intimidating, but it just looked plain strange on Finland. Iceland was classy, like always, even as he looked out at the crowds, spite in his gaze.
    But then Mary was suddenly jerked away from him. She gave a surprised cry. Norway whirled around to see Denmark spin her around and then dip her. Mary laughed and slapped him playfully. Matthias just grinned in his deviously charming way. He set her upright and released her, and Mary quickly walked back over to Norway, her cheeks flushed.
    “You guys look great!” Denmark said, coming to stand in front of them.
    “Kyllä, you are very beautiful, Mary,” Finland said with a smile.
    “Thank you,” Mary responded, standing very close to Norway.
    Alice and Matthew said hello to the other Nordics and then moved on. Alice waved to Mary as they left, and she waved back with a smile.
    And then there came a loud, very unmanly scream.
    “OH MY GAAAAAWD, NORWAY!” Poland dashed between Finland and Sweden, staring at Norway and Mary with wide eyes and a smile.
    “YOU GUYS ARE LIKE TOTALLY MORE CUTE IN REAL LIFE AWWW,” he shouted, running up to Mary. He grabbed her hands and looked her over, his eyes suddenly scrutinizing.
    “Uh, h-hello…” Mary said, frowning slightly as he circled around her twice.
    “Felyks…” Norway grumbled in a low voice, crossing his arms.
    “You’re like totally perfect, girl,” Poland said, coming to stand in front of her and leaning into her face. “Can I hire you as a model for my magazine?”
    “Um…” Mary chuckled.
    “Another time, Felyks,” Norway said, warning in his voice. Lithuania walked around Denmark and tugged on his friends sleeve, saying something too quiet to be heard over the noise.
    “Uh, Mary,” Norway said, glancing at her, “This is Felyks Łukasiewicz, he’s from Poland…” Poland smiled.
    “Cześć, Felyks,” Mary said with a nod. Poland’s eyes grew wide.
    “… And this is Tolys Laurinaitis, from Lithuania,” Norway finished, gesturing to Lithuania. Liet nodded politely.
    “Oh,” Mary said softly. “Sveiki, pone Tolys, kaip jūs?
    Lithuania’s eyes widened and he responded slowly in Lithuanian. Mary responded again in his language and Tolys’s mouth dropped open. He looked at Norway in surprise.
    “I, ehm, learned Lithuanian for awhile,” Mary said, holding her hand out to him. Tolys took it and shook.
    “It is a pleasure to meet you,” he said, barely to be heard. She smiled at him, and Norway frowned and humphed.
    “WAIT I LIKE TOTALLY LOVE THIS SONG,” Poland screamed, grabbing Liet’s arm. “Let’s go!!”
    Tolys looked at them apologetically as he was dragged away by his friend.
    Denmark had been drawn away some time ago, as had Iceland, and now Finland nodded to them and said, “Catch you later!”
    Sweden stayed another moment, studying them carefully. And then he followed his friend.
    “Can we go up there?” Mary asked, pointing to the balcony. Norway didn’t reply but began to walk in that direction. Mary quickly jumped in step beside him, grinning as she looked all around the room.
    “It’s so pretty in here,” she commented as they began to walk up the left stairway.
    “I helped decorate,” Norway replied in a low tone.
    “Really?” Mary said. He nodded, glancing around the room again.
    At the top of the stairs was a long bar with multiple stools set before it. Behind the counter was one of America’s states, Norway couldn’t remember which one, and he was serving drinks. There was a menu hanging on the wall, and Norway smirked when he saw that America was charging money for the alcoholic drinks.
    “Woah, ciaoooo chicka!” Italy suddenly bounded up besides them, startling Mary, who instinctively grabbed a fistful of his jacket. Norway couldn’t help but be amused by the action. She quickly released him and smiled politely at the Italian. Italy grinned.
    “You must-ah be Mary!” he exclaimed, his voice more annoying than usual, in Norway’s opinion. Mary giggled.
    “Yes, and who are you?”
    “I am-ah Italy!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air. “And I love pasta and chicks!”
    Mary stared at him, her eyebrows arched.
    “Well, it’s nice to meet you, uh…”
    “Feliciano,” Norway said in her ear.
    “Right, Feliciano.”
    Italy bounced on his toes excitedly.
    “You are such a beautiful chick! I can’t-ah believe it! Look-ah, Germany! Look!”
    His tall, blond friend came and stood behind the excited Italian, staring at Mary and then Norway.
    “Ja, I see, now leave them alone, Italy,” he said in a low voice, turning toward the bar.
    Italy just laughed and waved a hand flippantly at his friend.
    “Do you like to dance, bella?” he asked, excitedly.
    “Ah, yes…” Mary said, hesitantly.
    “Do you want to dance?” he said, waving his arms. Mary chuckled.
    “No, but thank you for the offer!” she said, cheerfully. Italy shrugged and then ran away.
    “Bye!” Mary laughed, watching him go.
    “There are so many interesting persons here…” she murmured to Norway, looking at him with questioning eyes.
    “Ja, vell, Feliciano is pretty… special…” he replied, rubbing the back of his head.
    “And he’s the representative of Italy?”
    “North Italy, ja.” Norway’s heart skipped a beat.
    I have to stop lying. I have to tell her the truth. She needs to know.
    Mary timidly reached out, glancing at him hesitantly. Norway relaxed and took her hand. She smiled at him.
    Not now. Another time.


    They walked around, greeting and chatting with new people. Everyone seemed eager to speak with Mary, and Norway just kind of faded into the background. He felt more like her bodyguard than her boyfriend, but he didn’t say anything. Mary seemed to be having a good time, and he had to admit, it was funny to watch her reaction to some of the stranger countries.
    Finally, the flood of new acquaintances stopped, and they walked over and stood side by side at the top of the balcony, looking down at the party below. He glanced at Mary. She watched, happily, the lights sparkling in her eyes. Norway glanced at his watch and then stared in disbelief. It was only 8:45! It felt like they had been there for hours.
    Dread settled in his stomach when he realized they still had quite a few more hours left until it would be appropriate to leave. He tried to ignore it.
    He leaned onto the balcony and people-watched with her in silence. Pop tune after pop tune played, and with each new song, his guilt grew. He glanced at her. She was swaying her head to the beat slightly, her eyes clearly trained on the dance floor.
    “You should go dance,” the words came out before he could think them through. She wrinkled her nose and then looked at him.
    “No!” she said, shaking her head, her curls flying around before settling again. “I want to be with you. That’s why I’m here.”
    “It’s okay, I know you like to dance,” he responded in a low voice.
    “I do, but I don’t want to leave you like last time. Besides, I barely know anybody, and I don’t want to go off by myself.” She scooted closer to him.
    “One of us may as vell enjoy ourselves. You should go and— ”
    “Nope,” she interrupted, popping the ‘p’ with her lips.
    “You’re not going to have very much fun standing here with me, Mary,” he pointed out. “Really, you should—“
    “Nope nope nope.” She looped her arm through his.
    Norway gave up, looking down at the dance floor in defeat. They stood in silence for awhile, listening to the music.
    “Why don’t you come dance with me?” Mary murmured after awhile.
    “I can’t dance,” he replied, frowning.
    “Yes you can, it’s easy,” she said.
    “It’s really not…”
    “You could give it a try.” Her voice pleaded with him.
    He struggled inwardly. He almost wanted to. But then he imagined the laughter of the other countries. He imagined the Nordics’ excessive teasing. He winced slightly. They vouldn’t let me live it down.
    “I can’t,” he replied at last. “I yust can’t. I’m sorry.”
    She sighed quietly, and he barely heard the noise.
    “You should really go, though,” he encouraged again, though he wasn’t sure why he wanted her to go— to leave him— so badly.
    “Not by myself,” she murmured, sadly, it seemed, pressing her cheek against his shoulder.
    “So neither of you are drinkers or dancers, huh?”
    Norway and Mary looked back at the same time. Denmark approached them, his hands in his pockets, his red bow tie slightly unraveled and his grin wide.
    “Mary likes to dance,” Norway said.
    “Yes, but—“
    “She loves it.”
    Mary frowned and opened her mouth, but Denmark beat her to it.
    “Why aren’t you out there, then?” he questioned, leaning on the balcony on the other side of her.
    “I don’t want to leave Lukas,” she said, firmly, glancing at him. Matthias laughed.
    “Take it from me, Mary, he’s just going to be standing here all evening,” he said with a roll of his eyes and hearty chuckle. “You should go dance, if you love it so much. It’s not like he’s going anywhere.”
    “But… I don’t want to go by myself,” she said, a little bit more hesitantly. Lukas could feel her resolve slipping.
    The music was calling, how could she resist?
    “Well, if that’s all you’re worried about, I’ll take you!” Denmark exclaimed, standing up straight.
    Denmark threw back his head and laughed.
    “Ol’ Lukas doesn’t like to embarrass himself, but it’s not a problem for me! I do it all the time!”
    Mary laughed, but then hesitated again, glancing at Norway.
    He looked at Denmark, and for some reason the usual anger he felt toward him wasn’t there. And if he could get Mary out having a good time, then he wouldn’t stop him. Norway nodded his approval. Matthias grinned.
    “Come on, Mary!” he exclaimed, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the stairs. She let him, glancing back at Lukas apologetically as they headed down. Lukas waved, forcing a brief smile. Once she looked away, it disappeared.
    He watched as Denmark pulled her onto the dance floor. He did some cheesy dance moves and Mary laughed, though Norway couldn’t hear the sound. And then she began to dance, shyly at first, but it was obvious when the music had swept away her nerves. Soon Oregon and some of her sisters found her and danced with her, smiling and laughing with hands in the air. Lukas relaxed, knowing she’d be fine.
    But now he was alone.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now