Chapter 34

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        The pancake batter sizzled as it was poured onto the skillet. Mary's dad hummed softly as he stood patiently by the stove, waiting for his next batch of pancakes to cook. Mary had already eaten and now sat with a cup of coffee, reading a book. Isaac walked in wearing his boxers and a white tanktop, which was normal, but Mary still rolled her eyes. Isaac grabbed a plate and pulled three pancakes off her dad's neat stack.
        "Good morning!" their dad said cheerfully.
        "Morning," Isaac said with a sleepy voice.
        As he walked past Mary at the table, she exclaimed without looking up, "You're up late."
        "You're up early."
        Mary smiled and glanced up at him. He smiled back.
        Some things never change.
        She looked at the clock. It was almost nine. Lukas still wasn't up yet, which was strange. He usually got up around the same time she did, but she had been up for two hours and she had seen no sign of him.
        But just as she thought it, she heard the creaking sound of slow footsteps on the stairs. Mary looked through the doorway, expectantly, and sure enough, Lukas walked in a moment later. He was dressed in jeans and his large, green University of Oslo sweatshirt, but it was obvious he had just gotten up. His eyes were barely open and he had a severe case of bed hair. He rubbed one of his eyes with a fist as he walked into the bright light of the kitchen.
        "There he is!" her dad exclaimed with a smile in his direction. Lukas managed a half smile and waved at him.
        "Want some pancakes?"
        Lukas picked up a clean plate from the counter and shuffled over to the stack of pancakes next to the stove. He hesitantly took two and then whispered, "Takk."
        "Hm?" her dad said, but Lukas didn't notice. He went and sat down at the table, next to Isaac.
        "Hva gjøre Amerikanerne satt på pannekaker?" Lukas asked, staring at his plate. Isaac swallowed and then looked at him.
        "Uh, what?" he said. Mary grinned to herself and looked back at her books.
        The Norwegian always reverted to his native tongue when he was sleepy. It was adorable.
        But it was awfully confusing for her family.
        "Eh... vhat... do you put on your pannekaker?" Lukas said slowly, rubbing his forehead.
        "Do you mean pancakes, dude?"
        Suddenly there was a vibration in Mary's pocket. She reached in and pulled out her phone, Isaac and Lukas's conversation fading into the background as she focused on the text message she had just received.
        "Here, man, try this..."
        "Vhat is it?"
        "A special syrup."
        Mary's stomach twisted when she saw who the text was from. She slowly opened it, dread rising in her.
        This isn't right. She was my best friend once...
        But that was a long time ago. And for some reason, Kristin still thought they were best friends, when really they had nothing in common anymore. It was almost annoying how she tried to keep their friendship alive, but Mary wasn't about to stop her. Why would she? Kristin was only trying to be nice.
        "Heyyy mary:):):) i heard u r back from ur trip to Nrwy how was it??"
        Mary took a deep breath before replying.
        "Hey Kristin! It's been a long time! My trip was wonderful. How are you?"
        "Do u rly have a bf now??"
        Mary rolled her eyes. Of course that's all Kristin Wondavolt cared about. Wow. Word really travels fast.
        "Yes, I do. His name is Lukas. I met him on my trip!"
        "Wow!!!!!:) so happy for u!! Is he hot??"
        Suddenly there was a choking sound from the other end of the table. Mary jerked her head up to see Lukas spitting out his pancakes, shaking his head with wide eyes. Isaac burst out laughing. Mary glanced down and saw a bottle of soy sauce next to Lukas' plate. She sighed and glared at her brother, but he didn't notice. He was too busy laughing.
        Lukas cleared his throat, pounding on his chest. He looked wide awake now. He stood without a word and walked over to the trash, dumping the pancakes in. Isaac was still snorting.
Her dad was quickly in control of the situation and gave Lukas a new plate with more pancakes and a glass of water, yelling at Isaac to apologize.
        Mary looked back at her text message, and then glanced up at Lukas as he walked by her again.
        "Yeah he's super hot;)"
        She pressed send before she could second-guess herself.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now