Chapter 52

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    The night slipped away.
    Norway never truly relaxed, but he didn't leave either. He didn't exactly dance, he mostly just swayed awkwardly to the beat and watched Mary dance away without feel like a creeper. She was able to pull him in every once in awhile, showing him a dance move and coercing him to try it with her eyes and her smile.
    As weird as it was for him to admit to himself, he was having fun.
    But the time became apparent when the dancing around them became dirtier and the bar on the balcony became busier.
    Norway frowned when he saw multiple eyes staring at Mary. He grabbed her hand and spun her toward him, pulling her into a slow dance, even though the song was upbeat and electric. He grabbed her hand and slowly ballroom danced into a far corner, away from the ditzy countries.
    "What time is it?" Mary asked quietly, obviously noticing the change in atmosphere as well.
    He checked his watch.
    "Nearly eleven fifteen," he announced. "The time really flew by..."
    "Ja," she agreed absent-mindedly, looking out at the crowd. He felt a shiver flow up her back as an angry yell split the air along with crashing glass. Norway winced at the sound. Mary's eyes were glued on the balcony, where the commotion came from. Norway, feeling antsy all of a sudden, leaned in toward her ear.
    "I think it'd be all right if ve left now."
    She looked at him at last. There was relief on her countenance.
    "Are you sure?" she asked. He nodded.
    "Ja. Do you vant to go get coffee?" he raised an eyebrow.
    Her smile returned.
    "I'd like that."


    It was surprisingly easy to find a coffee shop that was still open on New Year's Eve. And the shop was across the street from New York's Central Park, so he left the rental car parked on the side of the road and took Mary there. The park was full of celebratory people, but Norway and Mary ignored them for the most part, focusing on their coffee and their intertwined fingers.
    The further they went into the park, the quieter it got. Mary released his hand and walked to a nearby trashcan, throwing her empty coffee cup in. Norway did likewise and Mary smiled at him and then crossed her arms together tightly. Norway suddenly realized it was cold out and she was wearing a sleeveless dress.
    "Oh, I'm sorry," he said, quickly slipping off his jacket.
    "Hm?" she faced him. He stepped forward and draped it around her shoulders.
    "Oh," she said, meeting his eyes with a smile. "Thank you."
    "Velcommen," he whispered, stepping back. She pushed her arms into the sleeves and giggled.
    "It fits," she said, adjusting the collar. The lacy purple skirt looked odd with the black jacket on top, but at the same time it was adorable. Lukas couldn't help but smile at her.
    "Aren't you cold now, though?" she asked as they continued walking down the path, concern in her voice.
    "Nei," he said with a shrug. "I vas hot before."
    He looked ahead. The path led beneath a cluster of tall trees that was completely vacant of people. As they walked under the arching branches, Mary turned her head to look at him. He glanced at her. She was frowning.
    "Why did you tell me you couldn't dance?" she asked. He pursed his lips.
    "I didn't feel like the dancing I knew was relevant," he replied after a moment of silence. "I can't dance like you can, Mary."
    "But you can dance," she said, firmly, "And beautifully. That Scandinavian dance was beautiful." She was silent for a moment. "What other dances can you do?"
    "All sorts," he confessed, looking down at his feet. He could feel her gaze on him.
    "Show me."
    She stopped and faced him. He glanced at her as she held out her hands. In the dark shadows of the trees he couldn't make out her facial features.
    He stepped up to her, accepting her unspoken challenge by grasping one of her hands and putting his other hand on her back.
    He counted a three-four rhythm in his head. And then they began to waltz in the dark.
    Norway tilted his head up, looking for the stars, but there were none to be seen through the branches of the trees. Her hand rested on his shoulder, and she was so close to him it made his heart pound. Her head was lowered so her chin nearly rested on his shoulder. He could smell the delicate fragrance of her soft hair. As they danced in silence, he closed his eyes, his heart aching with the intensity of his feelings. He wanted to say something. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her.
    But when he opened his mouth, his mind emptied and his voice failed him, so he stayed silent.
    And then a distant uproar reached his ears. He opened his eyes. She lifted her face and looked at him, such angelic sweetness on her face that he almost couldn't keep her gaze. She released his hand and reached toward his face, brushing some hair from his eyes gently. And then she set it so both hands rested on his shoulders.
    "Happy New Year," she said.
    "Happy New Year, dearest," he whispered.
    They had stopped dancing and stood silently, their noses only inches apart. Norway's hand trembled as he placed it gently on her back.
    "May... may I kiss you?" he whispered. Their foreheads touched.
    Mary shut her eyes. He slowly moved in, his lips lightly touching hers. Norway's racing thoughts silenced. She gripped his shirt with both of her hands and he held her firmly. When they parted, Mary took a quick breath. Norway kissed her cheek and then leaned his head on her shoulder.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now