Chapter 60

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    A cold hand grabbed hers.
    Mary gasped, filling her lungs with clear air. An arm caught her before she faceplanted onto the floor. The floor of the ballroom. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes.
    “Mary? Mary?”
    She lifted her head and opened her eyes.
    Lukas’s eyes were wide. They gleamed purple in the low light. The bags under his eyes were gone, as was the blood on his chest. Dried blood now stained the side of his face from the wound on his head.
    “Lukas,” she whispered, reaching up and putting a hand on his cheek. He bit his lip and lowered his head, shutting his eyes tightly. She quickly sat up onto her knees and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Lukas put his arms around her waist and put his head on her shoulder. And then he began to cry. She petted his hair and hushed him gently.
    “It’s okay, we’re okay,” she whispered into his ear. “I haven’t rejected you. I love you. We’re going to work everything out, and we’re going to be just fine. I love you.”
    His sobs didn’t let up, and he held her tightly. Water overflowed Mary’s eyes.
    “I’m sorry,” Lukas whispered when he caught his breath. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…”
    “You have nothing to be sorry for,” she reassured, quickly. “None of this was your fault.”
    “I nearly killed you,” he exclaimed, not lifting his head from where it rested on her shoulder. “I hesitated, I hesitated…” He took a deep breath. “I don’t vant to hurt you, Mary. I don’t vant to... You need to leave, you need to leave me. It von’t get better…”
    His words terrified her.
    But then she thought about how much she loved him, and she knew that it would be enough to overcome any fear.
    “It will get better,” she said with conviction, “Because I’m staying. We will work everything out. Together.”
    She hugged him tighter and kissed the side of his head. She tried to wonder if she was making the right decision, but all she knew was that he was still trembling, and she just wanted to hold him until he stopped.
    Behind them, the countries began to move. The murmurs soon rose until the room was filled with chaotic noise.
    But Mary could only focus on Lukas, who still hadn’t lifted his head from her shoulder.
    “Are you okay?” she whispered in his ear. She knew he wasn’t, but she needed a response of some kind.
    “Nei,” was all she received.
    “Tell me how to help,” she replied, slowly sitting back, keeping her hands on his arms as she looked up into his face.
    “You’ve already helped me so much…” he whispered, “I can’t ask anything more of you.”
    “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” Mary said, decidedly. “None of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for me.”
    “Mary, you saved me,” he responded, finally looking her in the eyes. “And this vould’ve happened sooner if it vasn’t for you.”
    Mary smiled, though her lips were trembling and tears were welling up in her eyes.
    “Takk,” he whispered, grabbing her hands. “Takk.” He held her hands to his lips and squinted his eyes shut.
    “Norge! Norge!” a voice shouted, desperately. Mary felt Lukas tense. She looked back and saw Berwald running toward them. His eyes were slightly wide.
    “Please, help,” he exclaimed as he stopped before them, “It’s Tino.”
    Lukas looked up at him.
    “Vhere?” he asked hoarsely.
    “Come,” Berwald said. He turned and ran back through the crowd. But Lukas stood still. And then he looked at Mary. She squeezed his hands and stood, pulling him up.
    “Come on, we have to help Tino,” she said, keeping her eyes on the tall Swede they were following. She had to pull Lukas along behind her as they entered the crowd of countries.
    She saw that England was helping Alice. His light green magic illuminated her face, and then suddenly she gasped. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at Matthew, who held her head in his lap.
    “I should’ve gone in the circle, darn it,” she exclaimed with an annoyed sigh. “I should’ve stood inside the circle!”
    Canada laughed gently and then leaned down and kissed her.
    Mary diverted her gaze to give them privacy, continuing forward. She saw the tall blond man hugging the woman with bobbed, dark brown hair, the woman who had faced Lukas’s sword. She hugged him back, tightly. The countries turned to one another, asking after each other and making sure they were all accounted for.
    Some glanced at them. Some stared unashamedly.
    When she glanced over her shoulder at Lukas, she saw that he was keeping his eyes fixed on the ground, and that everyone around him was staring as he passed.
    She sighed in frustration.
    It wasn’t his fault. It was mine. Stare at me, blame me, not him. It’s my fault.
    And then she spotted Tino.
    Berwald knelt over him and looked up as they walked over. He was undoubtedly unconscious.
    “He won’t wake up,” Berwald said in a low voice. “He’s breathing, but…”
    Lukas stepped forward, kneeling down opposite of Berwald. He took a deep breath and touched Tino’s forehead, closing his eyes. Mary got down on her knees next to him.
    “What happened?” Mary asked without thinking, realizing the next second that she didn’t actually want to know. Nobody seemed to want to tell her, either, so they sat in worried silence.
    “He’s… he’s in a coma,” Lukas mumbled, “I think I can vake him, but…”
    He opened his eyes and looked at Mary.
    “Mary, vould… vould you sing a Christmas song?” he requested, quietly. Mary frowned.
    “Am I allowed to ask why?”
    “Tino is magical,” Lukas said, looking back at him. “But his magic is… different. It’s Christmas magic. And… and I can try to vake him, but unless he vants to…” he trailed to silence.
    “Um… okay, if you think it will help,” she said, moving around to the other side of him, so she could be closer to Tino’s ears. Lukas nodded his head and then closed his eyes, putting his hand on Tino’s forehead again.
     Mary picked the first Christmas song that came to mind. She cleared her throat.
    “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…” she sang softly. Lukas nodded slightly, so she continued. “Just like the ones I used to know…”
    She continued to sing, saying a quick prayer for Tino as she did. Time seemed to stand still.
    There was no response.
    “May your days be merry and bright,” she finished a few minutes later, sadness crushing her heart. Please, Tino, wake up.
    But then another voice joined hers.
    “And may all your Christmases be white.”
    Mary looked up as Soren knelt down on the other side of Tino, next to Berwald. He met her gaze, and Mary was slightly unnerved by his blood red eyes. He smiled at her grimly, and then looked down at Tino.
    He placed his fingers on Tino’s lower forehead, next to Lukas’s.
    “I’m sorry, Finland,” Soren whispered in a distinct accent that gave Mary shivers. “You can put me on the naughty list forever, but to do that, you have to wake up. Please, wake up. I’m sorry.”
    And then Tino’s eyes flew open. Lukas and Soren withdrew their hands. Tino grabbed Soren’s arm and sat up, looking him square in the face.
    “You, sir, have only ever been on the nice list,” he stated, firmly. And then he pulled him into a hug, which Soren quickly accepted.
    “And as for you!” Tino exclaimed as he released Soren. He turned and looked at Lukas, and Mary was surprised to see tears sparkling in his eyes.
    “Don’t you ever think that I don’t care for you!”
    He nearly tackled Lukas when he hugged him. Lukas leaned his arms back onto the ground to keep from falling over, but leaned his chin onto the Finn’s shoulder.
    “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
    “And don’t you ever isolate yourself from us again!”
    “Ei, ei, you don’t need to be sorry,” Tino said, gentler, “Just know that you have a family that cares for you, Norway. Me, Berwald, Emil, Matthias, we all—“
    “Matthias,” Lukas repeated, interrupting him.
    Tino released him and sat back, frowning at him.
    “Matthias!” Lukas exclaimed again, jumping to his feet. His eyes were wide.
    “Lukas, where is he?” Tino exclaimed, his voice tight. Lukas turned on his heel and sprinted through the crowd. Mary stood, looking just in time to see him run out of the doors. His name was on the tip of her tongue, but she was too late, so she kept quiet.
    “And as for you…” Mary turned around to look at Tino. He smiled, and the look he gave her said it all.
    “Mary Angel Shepherd,” he said. And then he pulled her into a hug. Mary had to lean down to hug the shorter man, but the gesture was comforting, and Lord knows how much she needed it.
    “You saved us,” he whispered. “Thank you. Consider yourself checked twice.”
    “So… what I’m gathering is…” Mary said as she pulled back and looked him in the eyes. He winked at her.
    “I’d be careful with your magic,” he said as he turned toward his big friend who waited impatiently to the side.
    “Wha—?” she looked down at her hands and her eyes grew momentarily wide. Frost had completely covered her fingers and ice was forming on and around her shoes. She hadn’t even noticed.
    “So you have ice magic, hm?”
    Mary looked up as the blond haired, red-eyed man came up to her, cautiously, it seemed. He smiled, sheepishly.
    “I have fire magic,” he said quietly. He raised a hand and a small tendril of fire danced around his fingers.
    For some reason, the action made her relax slightly.
    “We have opposite powers,” Soren said again, holding out his hand to her. “That’s… cool. I-isn’t it?”
    “Yes, I… I think it is,” she said, taking his hand. When their palms touched, steam sizzled, and Mary quickly pulled away. He laughed, and Mary’s suspicion was confirmed. He really did have fangs.
    “I’m Romania,” he said, “Otherwise known as Soren Vladimirescu. At your service, my lady.”
    “Mary Shepherd, at yours,” she replied. And then she looked over her shoulder, through the door where Lukas had gone.
    She looked back at him in confusion, checking her hands and feet. The frost was still there, but nothing had changed. And then she noticed that everyone except Soren was a considerable distance away from her.
    “You are dropping the temperature,” he said, calmly. Mary’s heart raced.
    “I… I don’t know how to stop it,” she said. She raised her hands, and then suddenly bright blue, red, and yellow lights flashed in her eyes. She gasped in pain and pushed her palms against her eyelids.
    “Ah, I remember the days of being an amateur magician,” Soren said with a short chuckle.
    “Can you help me, please?” Mary asked, a little bit more vulnerably than she meant to.
    “Da, of course I can. First step, relax. Lukas will be back.”


    Norway ran up the stairs, nearly tripping when he made it to the top. He recovered and speedily raced down the hall.
    “Matthias?” he shouted. He slowed as he came up to the broom closet that his demon had shoved Denmark in. Heart pounding, he reached for the handle, realizing a moment later that his Snap had used drastic measure to make sure the door without a lock stayed shut. The metal door handle was twisted and melded into the wall.
    “Matthias?” he exclaimed again. There was no reply, but as he listened, he could hear something faintly. He touched the metal, but he knew the only way to open it would require him to use his powers. He cursed his Snap as he summoned magic, which for some reason was overwhelming at the mansion even though it was thin everywhere else in New York. He put his fingers on the metal and quickly burned through the metal and part of the wooden door. Finally, the door was free, and he threw it open.
    The closet was shallow; there was barely any room for a man in there, especially not a man as broad as Denmark.
    Matthias was sitting on the ground, his knees pulled up to his chest and his hands pressed onto his ears.
    “… To what issue will this come?” Denmark mumbled to himself, rocking slightly. “Marcellus, There is something rotten in the state of Denmark, and then… and then… uh…” Norway knelt down, his stomach twisting as he recognized the lines of Hamlet, a play Denmark knew by memory and only quoted when he was upset or scared. “Horatio, Have after. To what issue will this come? Marcellus, There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark. There’s something… rotten…”
    “Matthias,” Norway said. He didn’t respond, but kept quoting that one line.
    “There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark. There’s something rotten…”
    “Denmark!” Norway exclaimed.
    “I can’t remember what comes next!” Matthias yelled, grabbing his head and putting his forehead on his knees.
    And then it hit Norway that Denmark was still fighting his Snap. He caught his breath.
    “Matthias, come on,” he exclaimed, grabbing his arm and pulling him out. “Ve have to get you to France.”
    But then Matthias dropped his other arm and then looked up at him, his eyes slightly wide.
    “Norway?” he said, his voice full of hesitance and relief at the same time.
    Lukas blinked multiple times, staring at him.
    Denmark tried to rise to his feet, but then he fell forward on to his knees, cursing.
    “My legs are asleep,” he chuckled, sadly, sitting back on the ground. Norway knelt down next to him, staying silent.
    “So… Mary’s here?” Denmark asked after a minute.
    “Ja,” Norway responded, solemnly.
    “I knew it,” Denmark said, excitedly. “I knew she would save you.”
    Norway could only stare at the ground.
    “What’s surprising me is that… you saved me,” Denmark admitted. Norway looked at him, but he diverted his gaze.
    “I mean, I knew you’d come for me eventually, if I was lucky,” he said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “But… I didn’t think…”
    He was quiet.
    “Me neither,” Norway commented, apathetically.
    “Takk for unSnapping me, bror,” Matthias said, seriously, “I’ll try to hug you when I stand, but I know you’ll probably run away.”
    Norway rolled his eyes and stood, holding out his hand. Denmark took it and he hoisted him to his feet.
    “You better do it quick, because I’m determined not to run for exactly thirty more seconds.” Norway said, rolling his eyes again. Denmark laughed and then wrapped him in a bear hug. Norway accepted it, mostly out of guilt.
    “Sorry,” he murmured as he turned away, walking toward the stairs. Denmark was quickly in step beside him.
    “Don’t worry about it,” he replied, rubbing his neck. “That was nothing compared to the other hell you’ve put me through.”
    Norway stopped and looked at him, scowling. Denmark stopped and met his gaze for a moment before looking away.
    “What?” Norway asked, sincerely confused.
    “Aw, heck with it,” Denmark mumbled, crossing his arms. “These last hundred years of spit and mirth from you have hurt more than any torture ever will. Maybe that’s the point, but…” he trailed to silence, and Norway was slightly surprised.
    That, of course, had been the point. But he hadn’t realized that if affected Denmark. After all, the man was smiling and joking all the time.
    “At any rate, can we be even now?” Denmark asked, somewhat meekly, scuffing the floor with his shoe.
    “Ja,” Norway said, quickly, before he could think it through and change his mind. “I’ll put aside my grudge if you vill put aside yours.”
    Denmark nodded, eagerly.
    “Right then,” Norway sighed, looking forward as they began to walk again. “If you’re looking for a second apology, though, you’re not getting one.”
    Denmark laughed.
    “I wouldn’t even think of it.”

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now