Chapter 44

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        Author's Note: The amazing ForevermoreSoul made the fanart posted on the side!! ISN'T IT THE CUTEST?! I'm super excited about it because it is the first fanart of Markus I've ever recieved. :'D Thank you so much, ForevermoreSoul!!


        Norway pulled his luggage, taking exaggeratedly slow steps. Canada and Oregon were right in front of him and he didn't want them to see him, even though he was curious to ask whether they had slept at all or not. The flight, which was supposed to take nineteen hours, only took fifteen.
        The pilots were baffled, to say the least, but Norway imagined they would be pretty happy when they got the rewards of making the fastest flight from West America to France ever.
        "Matthew! Alice! Bonjour!"
      Speak of the devil, Norway thought, watching as Alice and Matthew waved to Francis, who rushed forward to hug them.
        "Papa!" Canada exclaimed quietly. France hugged him and smiled with closed eyes. When he opened them, he looked straight at Norway.
        Ohhhhhh nei.
      Norway quickly focused his gaze ahead as he passed, hoping France hadn't recognized him.

        "Hey! Norway! Isn't zhat Norway?"
        Norway grimaced.
        "Hey, come back here, monsieur!"
        Norway sighed quietly and stopped, turning around.
        "Welcome to France!" the country himself exclaimed as he walked up to him. And then he pulled him into a hug,
        Norway stayed as stiff as a board, frowning intensely. If it had been anyone but France, he would have slapped him for violating his personal space. He was still considering the idea, even though this was normal behavior for the country of love.
     "I will not let you go, monsieur, until you have accepted my embrace," the country said mischievously.
        "Nei," Norway growled, "Now let me go."
      "What, you suddenly don't like hugs, Lukas?" Alice joked from behind them. "Did something change over the course of our flight?"
       Norway saw Canada elbow her a little bit, but Oregon just rolled her eyes at him, smirking. France released him with a grin, looking back at his daughter-in-law.
        "What do you mean, Alice?" he asked.
        "Lukas lives a double life," Alice said, like she was revealing something top secret. "He's secretly a hugger." A silly smile crossed her face.
        "Oh, I see," France said, raising his eyebrows and looking at Norway.
        Norway glared at Alice for a moment and then looked at France.
        "It's good to see you, France," he snapped. And then he turned and walked away.
        "Aw, Norway, come on," Alice said, sounding apologetic.
        He waved his hand over his shoulder without looking back.
        "Norway, Norway!" France called, running up behind him. "Come, no hard feelings, hm? We're just playing around." Lukas glared at him and kept walking, but France kept pace with him.
        "My car is out in the lot, at least let me take you to your hotel. Your staying at the Hotel Scribe again, oui?" France smiled, and Lukas stopped, keeping his eyes on the ground before him. "It'd be cheaper than calling a taxi."
        Lukas looked back as Canada and Oregon walked up to them. Canada apologized with his eyes.
        "... Fine."


        Norway went over his notes for the meeting. He'd created them the night before, after France had dropped him off at the hotel. On the way there, Norway had been informed that the other Nordics were staying there, as well.
        That was one of the main reasons he'd stayed locked up in his room. But he also hadn't prepared anything for the meeting, and he wanted to make a complaint about the plummet in beef prices, even though he know he'd get heckled for it. It was only a few years before that he'd had the butter crisis.
        This is getting embarrassing, he thought as he closed his laptop. It's not like it's my fault, though.         He ran his hand through his damp hair and then reached down and knotted the tie around his neck.
        And then his stomach grumbled loudly. He winced. He hadn't eaten since he'd been with the Shepherds.
        Sighing, he stood and walked toward the door. The Hotel Scribe had a nice breakfast buffet and he was determined to take advantage of it. Besides, he couldn't ignore them forever.
        Norway entered the shiny, spotless dining area and walked to stand in line for the breakfast behind the other hotel guests. When he had gathered an assortment of breakfast foods and balanced two cups of coffee on his plate, he turned and began looking for a place to sit. Most of the tables were full. He walked slowly, looking around as he went and wondering if he'd have to take it back to his room. But then he saw a table that was mostly empty except for one person who sat at it, reading a French newspaper with ease, it seemed.
        Norway recognized the silver hair immediately.
        Hesitating for only a moment, he walked over to the square table in the middle of the room and sat down across from Iceland.
        Emil glanced up for a brief moment, his violet eyes rolling before he looked down at his paper.
        Norway tried not to feel hurt by the gesture.
        "Hei brother," he greeted.
        "I'm not saying it," Iceland snapped.
        "I vasn't asking you to!" Norway replied, defensively.
        "But you were about to." Iceland looked up and met his gaze and Norway managed a half smile.         Iceland straightened his newspaper and kept reading.
        "How vas Christmas for you?" Norway asked before taking a long drink of coffee. Iceland shrugged.
        "Vhat did you do?"
        "I spent the day with Denmark, Sweden, and Finland, like usual," he mumbled, not looking up.
        "... Did you have a good time?"
      "Ja. Sure. What did you do for Christmas?" Iceland looked up at him as he asked. Norway opened his mouth to reply, when the chair to his left scooted back. Norway looked as Finland sat down, setting down a plate that held nothing except three cups of coffee. Norway held his cup up to him and Finland smiled.
        "Good morning!" he exclaimed, nodding to Norway and Iceland.
        "God morgen," Norway greeted and Iceland just grunted. Sweden grabbed an empty chair from another table and pulled it up next to Finland who simply smiled up at his big friend. Sweden set down his plate, tossing Finland an orange. And then he glanced up, staring at Norway through his glasses. Norway nodded to him and then looked down at his plate.
        "G'morning, Norge. Ice."
        Norway glanced up at Sweden who was already focusing on his food. He relaxed slightly.
        There was a loud squeak on the other side of him and Norway jumped, jerking his head just as Denmark sat down.
      "It's so early. Why do we always have to have the meetings so early?" the sleepy country exclaimed, putting his banana down on the table in front of him before running both of his hands through his unruly hair.
        "It doesn't start until noon," Iceland stated, staring at Denmark with slightly raised eyebrows.
        "I knowwww... No one should be up that early! What is that Germany thinking?"
        Finland chuckled into his coffee, grabbing one of his extra cups and setting it before Denmark. Denmark smiled at him as he picked up the cup.
       "Tak," he said as he picked up the caffienated beverage. He downed it in one gulp. Norway rolled his eyes and focused on eating. He glanced up a moment later as Denmark yawned and picked up the fruit he had brought.
        Norway did a double take as Denmark took a bite of the banana.
        Peel and all.
       Norway bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. He slyly took out his phone and pretended to look at it. Denmark's eyes drooped until they were nearly shut, but he kept eating the yellow fruit, crunching away without even noticing his mistake. Norway snapped a picture when Denmark was halfway through with the banana. He had to fight to keep in his laughter. He put his phone away and then sat up straight, sipping his coffee as he watched Denmark finish the banana and wipe his hands on a napkin.
      And then Denmark looked straight at him. Norway startled slightly but was quickly composed again, hoping Denmark hadn't noticed.
        Vhy am I so jumpy? Norway thought, cursing himself.
        "Hey, Norge," Denmark exclaimed, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "Where were you this weekend?"
        Iceland looked up from the newspaper again.
        Norway looked at Finland.
        "So you didn't tell them?" he asked, quietly. Finland raised his hands, shaking his head.
        "Wait, tell us what?" Denmark asked.
        "It wasn't my place to," Finland replied.
        "Wasn't your place to tell us what?" Denmark demanded, leaning onto the table. "What haven't you told us, Norway?"
        Iceland folded the paper and set it on the table.
        "Where were you over Christmas?" Denmark said, his voice full of suspicion.
       "Shut up for a minute and I'll tell you," Norway snapped. Denmark wasn't fazed but raised his eyebrows. Norway tried to gather his thoughts. He wasn't sure where to begin. He wasn't sure he was ready to tell them.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now