Chapter 38

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        "Mr. Shepherd? Mrs. Shepherd?"
        Isaac and Mary were taking care of the dishes in the kitchen just behind them, and their chatter silenced as Lukas addressed their parents. Austin and Kay looked up at him from where they still sat at the dinner table.
        "May I speak vith you?"
        "Why, sure!" Mr. Shepherd said, standing. Mrs. Shepherd followed suit, and they followed him into the front room together. As soon as they exited, Lukas could hear Mary and Isaac begin talking again, and he was slightly relieved.
        Mr. And Mrs. Shepherd sat on the couch, looking up at him. He stayed standing in front of them. Norway took a deep breath and looked at the fireplace.
        He had planned out everything he was going to say, but now it was all fuzzy in his head. He scrambled to find a place to begin.
        "... I am sorry about this morning," he looked down.
        "We're just glad you're okay!" Mrs. Shepherd said, sympathetically, which surprised Lukas slightly. "That was scary."
        Mr. Shepherd nodded his agreement.
        "I didn't mean to avoid you all day," Lukas went on as the silence lingered, "And I hope you von't take it the wrong vay, I yust needed time to think." He took a deep breath. "You asked me some tough questions, and I think I can answer them fully now."
        They looked at him expectantly.
        "Yeah? And?" Mrs. Shepherd encouraged.
        "And," Lukas said, quietly, so only they could hear, "The truth is, my future plans lie solely with Mary. I have a job secured at the University of Oslo and a nice house... I have everything required to live a long, satisfying life. But as for dreams and goals, well, I'm afraid I don't have those. But Mary does. You... you know that. She's your daughter."
        Mr. Shepherd nodded, smiling gently. Mrs. Shepherd just stared at him.
        "And now, my goals are hers," Lukas went on, looking at Mr. Shepherd exclusively. "I don't object to getting married or having a family, but my ambitions lie where hers do. Vhatever Mary vants, I want. It's as simple as that. I will protect her and provide for her and obey her every whim because... because she gives me dreams and a purpose. I..." he closed his eyes, unable to meet their gazes any longer. "I vould be listless... hopeless vithout her. Please, believe me vhen I say that I only have her best interests in mind."
        Norway then nodded and lowered his head.
        "You are an honorable young man, Lukas." Norway opened his eyes and glanced up.
        Mr. Shepherd had rose from the couch and now held his hand out to him.
        Norway reached out and took his hand, and Mr. Shepherd shook warmly.
        "I can't say I'm surprised. Mary wouldn't settle for anything less," he said, glancing at the kitchen door, "But still, I am impressed. You now have my permission to date my daughter."
        "I, uh... didn't have it before?"
        "Oh. I-I'm sorry, I didn't know-"
        Mr. Shepherd burst out laughing.
        "Calm down, I'm only teasing!"
        He slapped Norway on the shoulder and moved to walk into the kitchen.
        "Want some after-dinner coffee?" he offered as he went back into the kitchen.
        "S-sure!" Norway called, chuckling nervously.
        That vent better than I thought.
        But then Mrs. Shepherd stood.
        "Lukas, wait."
        Norway's heart skipped a beat. He turned to face her.
        "Listen," she said, "Yes, you seem honorable, and I have no quarrel with you, but..." she took a deep breath and stared at him, suspiciously. "You stink of secrets and hidden motives. And Mary has already been hurt too deeply to be hurt again. It would probably break her. Break her. Understand?"
        Norway hope his nervousness wasn't evident. Mrs. Shepherd was onto him, but for some reason, he wasn't surprised.
        "I'm not sure I do, Misses Shepherd," he said, frowning and shifting weight. "Vhat are you trying to say?"
        "What I'm trying to say is..." Mrs. Shepherd sighed deeply, "Please, be good to her. She is so tender and compassionate. You are lucky to be her boyfriend."
        Lukas relaxed and he even smiled a little bit.
        "Ja, I am," he said with a nod. "And I promise I vill be good to her. I promise to protect her from anymore harm. Mary deserves the best, and I vill do my best to give that to her." Mrs. Shepherd didn't seem convinced. Lukas sighed a little, relaxing further. "You're a good mother, Misses Shepherd. I am so thankful Mary has a family that vants the best for her. I have the feeling that it's going to be a long time before you fully accept me, and I vant you to know that I'm okay vith that. Because I am not giving up on Mary, and one day, one day you vill see how sincere I am."
        Lukas bowed to her, and then turned to walk into the kitchen.

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