Chapter 45

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Author’s note: If the following chapter is extremely confusing, then you obviously haven’t read BookBird1497’s “Home” trilogy. (Here is a quick explanation: Kadi is the personification of the Basque Country, one of the oldest civilizations in the world. She is also the Scribe which, long story short, is like the most powerful magician ever and is in charge of protecting and keeping all the dimensions in the universe and beyond in order. The Scribe’s Mansion is basically magic central. It’s where the doors to all the other dimensions are as well as a bunch of other amazingly cool things, like the magic library, which you’re about to read about. Anyway, that’s a looooooooooong story short. Go read Bookie’s “Home” trilogy, because as some of you have probably already noticed, that fanfiction and mine are partially intertwined. At any rate, I really wanted Lukas to visit the magic library, so… yeah. I’m just rambling now. CONTINUE ON.)


    “You know, I don’t believe you.”
    Norway started, almost loosing his grip on his satchel. He whirled around to face America, who was studying him carefully.
    “You saw the picture for yourself,” Norway snapped, tired of the countries being surprised that he had a girlfriend. Why couldn’t he have a love life? Why shouldn’t he? Because he was the cold and heartless country of Norway?
    “Sure, but I want better proof,” the American said, slyly, adjusting his glasses.
    “I don’t have to prove anything to you,” Norway growled, walking away.
    “Fine, fine, okay,” Alfred exclaimed, catching up to him. “Whatever. But I still want you to bring her to my New Year’s Eve party on Thursday.”
    Norway turned his head to stare at him.
    “Hey, that’s a great idea!”
    Oregon and Canada walked up on the other side of America, both smiling.
    Oh no.
    “I mean, I was totally suspicious of you and Mary after I saw you together at the airport,” Alice went on, smiling, “But now that my suspicions are confirmed, I really want to meet her again! We barely got to talk at all and I would love to get to know her better!”
    “Oui, me too,” Canada whispered.
    “Me too,” another French voice exclaimed. An arm went around Lukas’s shoulders, and he quickly jerked away from France, glaring at him. Francis just laughed, good-naturedly.
    “Yeah, see? Everyone wants to meet her! You should totally bring her, dude!” America exclaimed with a smile.
    The peer pressure was too much, and he just wanted to get away from them, so he agreed.
    “Ja, okay, sure,” Norway said with a shrug, “I’ll ask her if she vants to come, at least. If she says no, then too bad for you.” He glared at each of them.
    “But you will ask her?” Canada piped up.
    Norway sighed and nodded, quickly looking away from him.
    “Great!” America exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air. “She’s American, right?”
    Norway frowned and then nodded.
    “Haha! Then there’s no way she’s going to say no to a sick party in New York!” American whooped, dancing away. Alice and Canada laughed and followed after him, waving goodbye to Norway. France sighed, dramatically.
    “Well, I suppose someone has to clean up this mess, oui?” France sighed again, and then smiled at Norway. “Au revoir, Lukas!”
    And finally Lukas was left alone. He took a deep breath and kept walking. Other countries were also still filtering out of the meeting hall, chatting amongst themselves.
    One particular country caught Norway’s eye.
    He was suddenly more conscious of the magic in the air. There was quite a bit of it in France. He walked toward the older country, quickly, his thoughts flitting between magic and nostalgic thoughts of Mary’s laughter.
    “Hi Kadi, how are you?” he said as he came up on the left side of the older country. Spain stood on the other side of her. He smiled and waved and Norway nodded at him.
    “Oh, hey, Lukas,” Kadi greeted him casually, pushing her long, dark brown hair out of her face as she looked at him. Her dark, forest green eyes stared straight into him, searching his soul, as usual. Norway let her without a fight. “What’s up?”
    “I vas vondering if you could do me a favor,” Lukas asked. Spain was called away by France, who demanded that he help him pick up. Spain silently responded with a nod, and then waved to Lukas and Kadi before leaving.
    “Bye, Antonio!” Kadi exclaimed with a brief smile before looking at Lukas, solemness immediately taking over her features.
    “You need to visit my mansion?” she said, reading his mind, almost literally, it seemed. Lukas nodded, gravely.
    “Why?” she questioned, raising her eyebrows.
    “I would like to visit the Inner Library,” he replied in a low voice. Kadi chuckled.
    “I’ve invited you to come see it so many times…” she sighed and shook her head. “What’s the occasion? Why do you want to visit it now?”
    “I have been looking for this spell for a long time, but I can’t seem to find it,” he mumbled, glancing around to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
    “Oh yeah, the library will have it, for sure,” Kadi said, casually. “What kind of spell is it?”
    Lukas was more than hesitant to tell her, but by the way she was looking at him, she wasn’t going to let him go unless he did.
    “An immortality spell,” he whispered.
    Kadi stopped walking. Lukas stopped and turned around to face her, glancing into her eyes for a moment before lowering his gaze.
    “Lukas…” she stopped and then reached out and grabbed his shoulders. There was a loud sound like a rushing wind and bright gold light whirled around them. Lukas blinked and the light faded. They were in Kadi’s mansion, in a long hallway with many doors. They stood before two wooden doors with intricate designs covering it.
    “Is this it?” he asked, studying the golden door handles.
    “Yes, but wait,” she said, keeping one hand on his shoulder. “Lukas, this immortality spell… is it for Mary?”
    His eyes narrowed slightly.
    “Ja, it is,” Norway said, stepping away from her. He took a deep breath. “Are you so surprised? I told you she was mortal.”
    “And… you want her to live forever with you?”
    Lukas didn’t respond.
    “I don’t think mortals were meant to live forever,” she said.
    “I don’t think anyone vas meant to live forever,” Lukas growled in reply.
    “Norway, you know the burden of immortality,” Kadi said, gently. “Do you really want to place that on Mary’s shoulders?”
    Norway had struggled with that. He still struggled with that.
    “I von’t force it on her,” Norway replied, “But I vant to offer it to her, and I pray she’ll accept it, because I don’t know if I’ll be able to bear…” he sighed, “this… burden… vithout her, Kadi.”
    “I won’t stop you from looking for the spell,” Kadi said after a long moment of silence, “But I warn you, Lukas. Making Mary immortal may have disastrous consequences. Are you sure you’re ready to face those?”
    “If Mary is by my side, I think I can face anything,” Lukas replied with a nod.
    Kadi humphed and then smiled slightly.
    “Ah, love, it makes us do the stupidest things,” she mumbled, stepping forward. But then she hesitated.
    “Before you go in, just know that this room contains more magic than you could ever imagine.” She took a deep breath. “One wrong move or untimely word could be… explosive. So… be very, very, very careful.” She threw open the doors. “And have fun. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
    Norway’s mouth dropped open as he walked in. The room was huge. Shelves upon shelves of books and scrolls filled the room from the floor to the high ceiling.
    “Good Lord!” He felt the magic in the air come alive with his words and he quickly shut his mouth.
    “I was hoping you might come visit my library someday,” Kadi giggled.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now