Chapter 57

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    “Here we are, at last!” Arthur exclaimed, parking the car in the driveway of the mansion. Mary sat in the backseat and Matthew was in shotgun. Arthur opened his door and looked back, smiling at them.
    “I’m going to scout out our entrance and make sure it’s clear,” he said, cheerfully. “You two wait here.” At his words, green light flashed over their laps. “I’ll be right back.”
    And then he leapt out and slammed the door shut. Mary sighed in frustration. She struggled, and her arms shot out. She tried her jaw. It moved. But when she went to move her legs, they didn’t respond. She sighed in despair.
    “So, we’re still stuck here,” she whispered.
    “It looks like it,” Matthew replied, leaning his head back.
    “Do you have any idea what’s going on?” she asked, quickly, looking over to see Arthur entering the house.
    “From what I heard from you and England’s conversation, Norway must’ve Snapped,” Matthew said, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair.
    “So that’s… that’s real? The whole Snapping thing?”
    He nodded, looking back at her grimly.
    “And… and it’s really my fault?” she whispered, looking at her lap.
    “What happened between you two?” Matthew asked, concern in his voice. Mary tried to smile even though her eyes were filling with tears.
    “He… he told me that he was the personification of a country and… and that he had magic and…” she nodded, biting her lip for a second, “I overreacted.”
    Matthew was silent.
    She took a deep breath and looked up at him.
    “Is it true?” she asked, staring straight into his dark, ocean blue eyes. His gaze intensified, and he nodded solemnly.
    “It is,” he replied.
    “How does that work, then?” she asked. “Being personifications? Being immortal?”
    “We… hm, how to explain…” he mumbled, rubbing his forehead, “Our existence is tied to the land, to our people. As long as they exist, so will we. That’s how we’re immortal. We’re like… we’re like walking and talking history. We have a hand in many of our country’s biggest events and have influence in our governments, uh, well, most of the time…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It seems really complicated, but, it’s not that bad… I’m sure it came as a shock. But you’ll get used to it, we’re not that much different than normal people like you. A-and I meant that in the best way possible!”
    Mary nodded.
    “I understand. I… think. What about your relationships, though? Like, I didn’t think the state of Oregon and Canada were that intertwined…”
    “That’s what I mean,” Matthew cut in, quietly, “We can still have personal relationships and lives. We can have hobbies and careers… our existence isn’t limited, like it must sound. We can make our own choices. We can still live and… love. Norway— Lukas… is free to love who he choses.” He looked back at her.
    A tear made it’s way down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away.
    “How do you all survive, though?” Mary asked, her mind whirling. “Being immortal… you must have hundreds of years of regret and guilt on your shoulders. How do you… cope? How can you?”
    “By forgetting,” Matthew whispered. “We forgive, forget, move on… and never look back.”
    Mary nodded.
    “But sometimes… sometimes it still haunts us,” he finished, hoarsely, barely audible. She looked at him.
    They were silent for a minute.
    “Okay, but now what do we do?” Mary asked, trying to move her legs. “I mean, what exactly do the Snaps want? And how do we stop them? How do we save them?” She looked at him desperately.
    “The Snaps want to dominate the world and make it a living hell,” he said with an apathy that surprised Mary, “As for stopping them… well, the only way to get rid of the demon and save the country inside is to touch them.”
    “Touch them?” Mary repeated in confusion.
    “Yes, skin on skin contact. The only catch?” he looked back at her, “It can only be the touch of true love, whether it be from a best friend, a sibling, a lover… As long as they truly love them, the Snap will be cast out and his soul will be returned.”
    “Do you think… do you think I can do it, Matthew?” she asked, taking a deep breath.
    “I don’t know. I hope so.” He took a deep breath. “But unless we can break free of England’s spell, then this knowledge is useless to us. I don’t know what he’s planning on doing, but since he’s Snapped, it not going to be good. And…  I may as well be honest with you Mary, I’m afraid your life is in danger. I can be Snapped, I am probably useful to them. But you?”
    Mary’s heart began to pound and she took a deep breath.
    “How do you break a spell?” she blurted, looking down at her lap. Matthew chuckled, bitterly.
    “I have no idea. I have no magical gifting whatsoever.”
    She frowned and looked up at him.
    “But you turned invisible, didn’t you?” she questioned.
    “Oh! Oh…” he was quiet. “I guess that’s kind of magical, isn’t it?”
    “I would say so…”
    “Well, that’s all I can do. I’ve always been able to do it, I don’t know how… I had never actually considered the possibility that it was magical,” he was quiet for a minute. “I’m sorry, I don’t really know about magic, though. If only Alice were here…”
    “Is… is Alice magical?” Mary questioned.
    He nodded.
    “Look, Matthew, I… I am too. Magical, I… I have magic.”
    The look that Matthew gave her didn’t make her feel any more sane.
    “Lukas told me I did,” she went on, looking down at her hands, “And at first I didn’t believe him, but… I do. I was able to do some right after our… misunderstanding.” She cleared her throat. “But since then I haven’t been able to. I don’t know why, maybe my powers aren’t strong enough?” She looked at him, frustration and desperation building in her. Two very motivating qualities. “But… if I could get them to work again, maybe I could free us. Do you have any advice to give me at all? I mean, you’ve known magic’s existed for longer than I have! Do you know of any way that I could break through the spell? Any way that I could… revive my powers?” The words felt strange coming out of her mouth, to say the least, and for a minute she wondered if she was dreaming or hallucinating.
    Matthew finally broke the silence.
    “I asked Alice to describe magic to me once,” he said, looking back at her, “And she said that it— uh, magic, was kind of like a well… you know, like a water well?”
    “Yes, yes, go on!” Mary exclaimed. She saw Arthur walk out of the house, a smile on his face as he sauntered toward the car. “Hurry!”
    “She told me that… that she could imagine, or, eh, maybe she felt like there was a well inside of her, and that retrieving her magic was like lowering a bucket into the well and…” he nailed her with a look. “Feel it. Look into yourself. Find the well.”
    Mary stuttered and then sighed in despair, shaking her head.
    “I’m a writer. Imagery is my speciality, and I still don’t get it!” she exclaimed, putting her hands over her face.
    “You can do it. I believe in you, Mary.”
    And then the car door was opened.
    “Come on, my dearies!”
    Mary involuntarily opened the door and stepped out. She looked over and saw Matthew doing the same.
    “They’re nearly ready for us,” Arthur said, satisfaction on his face as he looked from Mary to Matthew. “Let’s go in, shall we?”


    Alice dared to glance down at the trail of blood she had made. She had slowly managed to circle around the large group of countries while she and Norway battled it out. Well, while she battled it out and Norway laughed at her feeble attempts, for the most part. She glanced behind her and saw the beginning of her bloody trail just a few steps behind her.
    I’m so close…
    And the best part? Norway hadn’t seemed to notice it yet.
    I just gotta keep him distracted for a little bit longer.
    Unfortunately, she had already done all of her tricks. She had nothing else to surprise him with. Kadi and England had trained her a little bit in magic, but that had been a long time ago, and she didn’t remember most of it. The only thing she knew she could do solidly was make shields and barriers, which didn’t really impress the Viking magician in front of her.
    I’ll improvise then! She thought determinedly. She looked back to where he stood opposite of her. The countries were all kneeling, staying as low to the ground as possible, and for good reasons. Moldova had dragged Romania into the circle with help from Bulgaria and Ukraine, but they still hadn’t revived him, which frustrated Alice because she could’ve used some help. But then again, maybe it was better that he stayed unconscious. She glanced at all the countries. They were paired up and sticking close to each other, some holding hands. All of the countries that had been Snapped had been unSnapped awhile ago, and Alice wasn’t sure if magically Snapping people was just Romania’s thing or if Norway could do it too.
    The idea that he could and that he was just messing with them— messing with her— was immensely frustrating.
    Norway was almost to her, folding his hands behind his back and grinning at her maliciously. She took another step backward, frantically searching her mind for something to stop him.
    I can only do frikkin’ shields! She thought in despair. And then she had an idea. She swung her right hand in a circle motion, and a thin, dark blue disc made of pure magic was before her. She gripped it.
    You’re up, Cap, she thought, and then she threw the shield at Norway. He grabbed it and the dark blue melted into light blue sparks.
    He looked at her just in time to dodge another.
    She threw shield after magical shield, slowly making her way backward as she did.
    Norway easily dissolved her magic, still walking toward her. But he missed once, and her shield hit his face and exploded into dark blue sparks. He stumbled back, putting a hand up to his face and groaning in annoyance.
    Alice giggled, seizing the moment to look back.
    She was almost there!
    “You are much weaker than I originally thought,” he said, shaking his head. Alice took one last step back, meeting his gaze with a cocky smile as her circle was completed.
    “And you’re much stupider,” she said. And then she knelt down and whispered an incantation as quickly as she could. Magic surged from her, making her limbs shake. She closed her eyes until the spell was cast. She looked to see a dome of dark blue magic encompassing the countries. Alice breathed a sigh of relief. They would be safe.
    Norway began to laugh.
    Wait. Hold on. She slowly turned to look at him, wrinkling her nose. Darn it. I should’ve stepped inside the circle before
    “I was wondering what you were going to do. In fact, the only reason I let you live this long is because I was curious. But I am disappointed. I was hoping it would be a little more… clever?” Norway shook his head. Alice raised her fists at him as he approached, but her energy was drained. She had no more magic, no more strength at all to fight him.
    “I didn’t… I didn’t want to be clever, I just wanted to keep them safe,” she said, looking over at the dome, “Safe from you and your tyranny! Safe until they figure out a way to stop you!”
    He did a quick twist of his wrist, and Alice cried out as she fell onto her knees, some mysterious force pushing her from behind. She glared up at him as he came to tower over her.
    “Alice!” she heard muffled voices shout from within her dome.
    “It’s over, Oregon,” he said in a low voice.
    “If… if you’re expecting me to beg for my life like a coward, you underestimate me,” she snapped, breathlessly. “Just kill me and get it over with!”
    “Oh, I’m not going to kill you,” Norway smirked. “You’re needed elsewhere.”
    Alice’s heart skipped a beat.
    “What does that mean?!” she shouted, clenching her hands into fists.
    He chuckles and looks over at the countries who looked on, talking amongst themselves in worried tones, though Alice couldn’t make out what they were saying. And then Norway sighed.
    “Seriously, I am so disappointed,” he said, dramatically, putting a hand on his hip. “This is just too easy!” he looked back at her. “You think they’re safe from me? You think you’ve protected them? Silly girl! Amateur! All I have to do is this…” he leaned down and touched her forehead.
    Alice screamed as an electric shock flowed up her spine and through her nerves. And then her body collapsed and everything went dark.


    Hannah watched in horror as the dark blue magic that shrouded them flickered and then disappeared. Oregon’s scream was cut short as she collapsed to the ground.
    And then Norway drew his sword.
    Hannah stared at the long, sharp weapon, shivers flowing up her arms. Before she knew what she was doing, she ran out of the crowd, toward Alice.
    “Hannah!” Ivan hissed, but it was too late. Norway turned his head to look at her as she knelt down next to Oregon.
    Kaliningrad didn’t know this girl, but she had selflessly risked herself to protect them, and Hannah couldn’t just watch her be murdered by the demon-possessed Northman. She had seen too many terrible and traumatic things that night, and she didn’t want to see any more.
    She grabbed Alice under her arms and began to pull her back toward the crowd of countries. They were stronger together, as a group. If she could just get her there, they could protect her. Hannah refused to look back, not until she felt cold steel on her throat.
    She stopped her movements, slowly kneeling down and placing Alice’s head on her lap. The nearest countries were a couple paces behind her, and none of them moved. None of them spoke or made a sound.
    The empty silence made Hannah angry.
    Will no one stand up to him? Have they all surrendered to their fate? She thought bitterly, raising her eyes to look at Norway.
    “And just what do you think you’re doing?” he said in an irritatingly casual voice. Kaliningrad decided to stay silent. He stared straight into her eyes.
    “Yes, your Snap will serve my purposes,” he said, suddenly. Kaliningrad’s heart began to pound against her ribcage and she glared at him.
    But then her eyes shut, against her will. She stifled a gasp as she stood in darkness.
    “No!” she shouted as the mirror appeared before her. Kaliningrad had only faced her Snap once before, and thankfully she had never given into it.
    But she knew that whatever magic Norway possessed would force her to touch the mirror.
    “No!” she shouted as she found herself walking toward the mirror. “No!”
    But then suddenly there was a loud PANG.
    And then another.
    Whatever force was holding Hannah released her, and she gasped and opened her eyes. Russia stood in front of her and Alice, holding his pipe of pain at the ready.
    Norway stared at him, a gash on his forehead dying his white hair red. The demon had the nerve to smile, probably because he stood out of Russia’s reach.
    But then he walked toward Russia, raising his sword.
    “Your Snap… oh, your Snap, Russia,” Norway said, tauntingly, “it’s precisely what I need. And, you know,” he looked at her and shivers flowed up Hannah’s spine, “I don’t need both of you.” He walked past Russia, who yelled and tried to hit him, but Norway raised a hand and Ivan froze, mid-swing. Hannah’s eyes grew wide as he approached her. He put the sword to her throat again and then looked back at Russia, lowering his hand. Russia cried out in surprise as his pipe hit nothing but air. He looked back at Norway, his eyes growing slightly wide as he saw the sword pointed at Hannah’s throat.
    “She is only such a little woman. She is useless to me,” Norway said, looking back at Hannah. And then he pulled back his sword. Hannah gasped and braced herself.
    “Nyet! Nyet, wait,” Russia exclaimed, stepping toward him, pointing his pipe of pain at him, “Don’t kill her!”
    Hannah had never seen him look so scared.
    Norway hesitated, and looked back at him.
    “Why not?” he said.
    “Because I’ll bash your brains out!” Ivan replied.
    “No you won’t,” Norway said with a smile. “Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t.”
    Ivan seemed at a lost. He looked at Hannah, desperately.
    “Her Snap could be useful,” he tried.
    “Maybe, but I think the horror on your face as her head flies from her shoulders would bring me much more fulfillment, and then your Snap’s job will be that much easier,” Norway said. Hannah tried to remain calm, her mind racing to find a way out. But they were at his mercy, and she knew it.
    “Don’t be doing it, Norway. Please,” Russia said. His pipe of pain was shaking, probably because his hands were.
    “Hm. I like that,” Norway said, looking back at Hannah and readjusting his aim. “Go on then, Russia. Beg me. Beg me to spare her.”
    Russia was silent, so Norway turned his head to glance at him.
    “Fine,” Norway said with a sigh. “Your decision.”
    And then he swung his sword. Hannah flinched and shut her eyes.


A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now