Chapter 28

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Norway was on the brink of hysteria by the end of his language class. He dismissed his class fervently, gathering his things and racing out of the class before some of the students had even stood.

He didn't hesitate but headed straight to the President's office. He pounded on the door when he reached it.

"Come in."

He entered the office and looked into the eyes of the President boldly.

"Forseth, I must talk to you about something urgent," he said, standing in front of his desk, "Do you have a minute?"

The President nodded slowly, gesturing toward the chairs Norway stood next to. Norway stayed standing.

"There is an abroad student, a very specific abroad student," he said, fidgeting and shifting weight, "Her name is Mary Shepherd. She is a Psychology major who graduated with honors, and she has gotten one-hundred percent in all of the classes she has taken here."

He wasn't lying. He'd checked.

"She vants to come back and get her Master's degree here," Norway went on, trying not to be distracted by the memories of her smile flashing through his mind.

"And why are you telling me this, Professor Bondevik?" Forseth said indifferently, leaning back in his chair. Norway leaned onto his desk, staring him in the eyes.

"I vant to know vhat kind of scholarships ve can get her," he said, his voice lowering, "Check her records, make some calls, do vhatever you need to. She deserves this."

Forseth stared at him for a long moment before replying.

"I am a very busy man, Bondevik," he said gravely, "I already have too much on my plate and don't want to waste my time on an abroad student, no matter how good her grades are. You may as well face the facts, Professor- she is just another pretty American who-"

Norway slammed his hand on the desk, making the President jump.

"If you don't do this for me," he growled, "Finding a new Professor to teach viking history and elementary Norvegian vill be on your plate. And I think ve both know I am the best teacher you have, so I suggest you find the time to vaste on this abroad student, Forseth, or else I vill quit."

Forseth's usually dead face contorted in shock. He was silent for a long time.

"Don't be ridiculous, Bondevik," he said, hesitantly. Norway laughed, cutting him off.

"Do you think I'm joking?" he exclaimed, "Look me in the eyes, President."

Norway leaned forward.

"If she leaves, I leave, too. It's as simple as that," he said in a low voice.

Forseth took a deep breath and let it out through his nose.

"What was her name again?" he said, grabbing a pen and notepad.

"Mary Shepherd."

"I'll see what I can do," Forseth grumbled as he wrote it down. "Come back tomorrow after class."

A weight seemed to lift from Norway's shoulders.

"Takk, Forseth," he said. "I von't forget this."

"Neither will I," Forseth mumbled.

But Norway barely heard. He was already out the door.


"So?" Norway exclaimed the next afternoon as he entered the President's office.

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