Chapter 17

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Norway gave her multiple opportunities, and he was fully prepared to answer any questions she would have about his wealth, his family, his past...

But she didn't ask about those sort of things. And that confused him. She asked him about his childhood, about the weather, and what his favorite book was- it took awhile, but he caught on to her eventually.

She wasn't going to ask him. Not now. She was waiting.

The thought should've made him dread the night, but instead it made him relax, and he actually enjoyed the last hour of the flight.

Mary did love books a lot.

And then they began to land. Mary stopped mid-sentence and looked out of the window.

"We're here?" she asked.

"Ja, I think so," he said. She didn't look at him but stared out of the window, expectantly, though he knew she wouldn't be able to see anything in the murky gloaming. When the plane came to a stop in his private runway, Norway unbuckled and stood, getting their luggage down. Mary also unbuckled and pulled her winter coat over the simple, red long-sleeved shirt she wore. Norway swung her duffel bag over one shoulder and his over the other.

"Oh, I can take that," she said, gesturing toward her duffel bag with one hand and picking up her galaxy backpack with the other.

"Nei, I'll carry it," he said as he walked to the door and began to open it.

"Oh, well, takk, Professor," she replied. He just nodded.

Norway stepped out of the plane and breathed in the freezing, country air. Immediately he felt stronger. He bounded down the steps, looking toward the lone mountain that towered above the countryside only a mile or so away.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here..." Mary whispered, coming to stand beside him. Between them and the mountain were wide, empty fields and some forests, but between the airstrip and his house, there were no human establishments or modern developments in general. An off-roader jeep drove down the pavement, splattered with dirt and the top still covered in snow. It stopped in front of them, and Norway's butler got out and bowed to them. He had gray hair, a cleanly shaved face, and was wearing his best suit.

"Mary, I vould like you to meet Rolf Egner. He takes care of my home vhile I'm avay. Egner, this is my star student, Mary Shepherd," he introduced them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Mary said, sticking out her hand. Rolf stepped forward and shook it, and then made some signs with his hands. Norway realized he forgot to tell her he was mute.

"Right, Mary, Mr. Egner-"

But then he stopped. Mary began to sign back. Rolf smiled broadly and signed some more. Norway found himself suddenly isolated while they had a conversation in sign language, but then finally Mary turned to him.

"Sorry, let's carry on. It's really cold out here..."

Norway realized that the two humans must be nearly freezing. He quickly took action and put their bags in the back of the jeep. Rolf opened the door for Mary and she climbed in. Norway took shotgun, and Rolf climbed in and began to drive. They drove off of the smooth pavement onto the snowy off-road in silence. Finally, Norway turned to look back at her, seeing only some of her features through the shadows.

"You know sign language?" he asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, I took sign language for three years in high school."

"Oh. Impressive."

And then he looked forward again.

"So, how far away is your house?" she asked.

A Waltz in the Dark (Norway + OC Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now