Chapter 1

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P.O.V Layla

And another boring day in school.

I get up, go to the kitchen, eat my breakfast and go back to my room. I pick my clothes for today, black jeans, a T-shirt and my fav oversized red hoodie and go to the bathroom to dress up. I put on some music and start to dance and sing, yeah yk, I have some dancing skills. Jk, but I can sing. I get out of the bathroom, get my backpack from my room, pick some shoes, put them on, take my keys, phone and airpods and go to the living room.

-Hey mom!

-Wow! Why are you so happy?

-I don't know. Can't I be in a good mood? For once? - I left my backpack on the couch and go to the hallway to take my jacket out of the wardrobe.

-Of course you can baby.

-Mooom! Don't call me baby! I'm not a baby anymore, how many times did I told you that?

-You will always be my baby.

-Yeah, sure. - I say as I take my jacket and put it on. I go back to the living room and I take my backpack.

-Aren't you waiting for Dylan?

-Nah, I'll walk and join Mads, Liam and Lucas. Bye mom!

-Bye hunny! Have a good day!

-You too! - I go out, put my airpods and play some music. After some minutes of walking I reach Mads house and I receive a message.

From Mads :

Where r u?

To Mads : 

Get ur ass tf out I'm waiting

I'm standing alone in front her house and I still listen to my fav music when someone calls me.

-Hey Layla! - I turn around and see Liam.

-Heyyy! How r u?

-Good, u?

-Good, thanks.

-Mads still taking her time?

-Yeahh. Where's Lucas?

-He's already at school. He had to talk with someone.

-Someone? Don't u know something about it? Huh?

-I do but I can't say, sorry sis.

-What are you two talking about?

-Finally! What tf took you so much time?

-I couldn't find my charger.

-Ur charger? Why do u need it now? 

-Ugh nvm guys we will be late.

-Ur fault. - and we started to walk to our school talking and joking.

8 am

I leave my things in my locker, take only the books that i need for the next three hours and go to the class.

Two hours of biology and French.

I walk alone and then someone joins me.

-Hey beautiful. - I hear his voice, and I hate it.

-Leave me alone, it's Monday 8 am and I don't want to talk with you.

-But I want to.

-You never seem to give up Gunnarsen.

-That's right.

-But it won't work with me. All ur "Hey beauiful", "Hey gorgeous", "Hello beauty" make me mad as hell and you know it so stop.

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