Chapter 14

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P.O.V. Layla

-My mom doesn't know you're here... And i think it's better like that.

-What? Why?

-I never came home with a girl.


-I'll explain later. We have to leave now.

-Where do u even want to go?

-Ehm maybe at yours? Or Starbucks? Whatever, we just can't stay here.

-Yeah well i'm hungry so let's go to mines.

-They can't see us. Martinus! - he called his twin.

-Yaa? - he got in the room.

-We have to leave but mom can't see us.

-What do i have to do?

-I'll go and talk with mom, at the same time you'll help Layla to go out and that's it.

-Okay. - we did everything as planned and i was waiting outside for Marcus with his twin.

-Layla, if he ever does something to you, if he hurts you, tell me. - Martinus looked me straight in the eyes.

-Sure. Thanks for caring.

-You're like a sis to me even tho we don't talk much. If you need anything you can always call me.

-You're such a good guy. - we hugged each other and Marcus finally came. He gave his twin a deathly glare but Martinus didn't care and got back home.

-I'm not around for a minute and you're already hugging a guy.

-Don't be so jealous, he's your brother. - we walked to my house.

-Yeah and you're mine.

-Not sure bout that. - i said opening the door. -Hey mom, i'm back but also with Marcus. - i said kind of annoyed but laughed when i saw Marcus reaction.

-Hey Marcus!

-Hello Mrs Brooks! - we went to the kitchen.

-Great! I made too much food so we'll eat together. 

-I guess we will go to my room.

-Oh okay. - my mom said kind of dissapointed but i knew she would anyway ask some questions. We took the food and went to my room.

-So, let's sTuDy. - I said, Marcus nodded with a smirk.

-And what do you want to study? - he asked after we both sat on my bed.

-Hmmm maybe the fact that you never came home with a girl besides the reality, which is that you're a fuckb...

-Let me explain. - he cut me off. - I know, I've been an asshole making fun of those girls... Honestly, i never talked with anyone apart the boys about that... The truth is, mostly i was only mad beacuse i didn't get what i wanted so i made fun of the girl i was dating. But I changed from who i've been, please believe me. - he took my hands in his stroking one of them. - You probably didn't noticed it but i'm not "dating" any girl from a long time now. There are some reasons, the first one is that i wanted to change and i kind of reached what i wanted. The second one is that... i got my eyes on someone. - he looked straight into my eyes. - And i think you already know who is it even tho it wasn't so hard to guess. - he smiled and let his head down. - It doesn't make any sense.

-What? - i asked curious. He raised his head.

-All this mess. I mean i first hated you and now look where we got...

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