Chapter 18

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P.O.V. Layla

-Uhm can i come at yours?

-Guess my mom won't say no. - we were walking when he took my hand in his and smiled like an idiot.

We arrived at my home, got in and went upstairs since my mom was still at work. I threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes. Some seconds later Marcus joined me. He was about to hug me but my phone rang.

Sister <33


-Who is it? - my friend asked curious.

-Madison. I have to answer. - he nodded as i took her call.

-Hey. - i said. I'm a little scared of what does she want to talk about but i will just do this.

-Hey... I'm sorry for today. Can we go out like now to talk? I need to see you. You know i don't like being mad at you for a long time and i feel alone when we fight.

-I don't think i can go out now, i mean I'm not alone. But... maybe we can make a sleepover? I just have to ask mom.

-Like tonight? I would love to. And uhm if I'm not making a mistake you're with Marcus soo can i bring someone with me? I don't want to be the third wheel.

-Of course, until it's not anybody i hate.

-I don't think you hate him. - Him? I guess i know who is it - Tell me what about your mom and we'll come.

-Okay, see you maybe later. - i hung up and quick wrote to my mom.

To Mommy :

Can i make a sleepover pleaseee? We will be four.

From Mommy :

Yeah sure, you have the whole house for yourselves, your dad took me for a little trip, we won't be back for the night. Maybe tomorrow morning. Also, Dylan won't be home.

To Mommy :

Okay thanksss, have fun <3

-So? What did she said? - Marcus took my phone from my hands, put it on the table and sat back besides me.

-We have the whole house for ourselves. I'll just tell Mads they can come.

-They? She's coming with someone?

-Looks like yes but she didn't wanted to tell me who. - i wrote a message to Madison and put my phone back.

-I want to cuddle. - i said like a little kid.

-So come closer.

-Not with you. - i looked at him, he was trying to act like he was shook and hurt. I laughed and hugged him. - Nah, guess your hugs are the bests.

-That's what i thought. - he said and hugged me back kissing my head.

We were talking when i heard the doorbell. We both went downstairs and i opened the door.

-Good evening. - I saw Brad and Madison standing hand in hand.

-Heyy. Come in! We are alone until tomorrow.

We went upsatairs and started talking about random stuff.

-I will order some sushis, I'm hungry. What do y'all want?

-Noodles for us two. - Brad hug Mads and smiled.

-I don't want anything. - Marcus said.

-Ohh come on, we're already ordering so just tell me what do you want.

-Ugh okay so a hamburger and fries. But i will pay.

-Don't start. - i looked at him in a warning way and the two lovers laughed at us. - You payed for me plenty times, now it's my turn.

-Whatever. - he said, i fast ordered our food and half an hour later we were already eating watching tv.

-Sorry boys but me and Layla have to talk.

-No problem. - they said and changed the tv channel to watch a car race.

Me and Mads went upstairs and both sat on my bed.

-I'm really sorry. - Madison said breaking the silence between us. - It is my fault, i shouldn't have put so much pressure on you about such a little thing.

-It's my fault too. I knew that you have to know everything if something happens between a boy and me. I shouldn't have stayed that silent. - we looked in each others eyes and smiled.

-We're good? - we asked together and laughed like we did before our fight.

-Should we do a facemask to celebrate this?

-We have to. - we went to my bathroom, took out some facemasks and went back to the boys.

-What's this? - Marcus asked looking at us as we were going to the kitchen for some bowls for the masks.

-Some face masks. Everyone will have one. - i said with a sarcastic smile.

-Forget about me. - he said.

-Oh honey, want to bet that i'll put it on your little face? - i turned around to face him with a bowl full of the black mixture in my hand.

-Don't even try, you'll loose.

-You're so boring. - i said and turned back to take a brush to apply the mask

Madison was already on the couch so i went there and started putting the face mask on her face. I accidentally drew a dick on her forehead and when i realized what i did a started laughing and fell from the couch which made me laugh even more. The other three laughed because i fell but they didn't saw what i did.

-Why are you laughing so much? - Marcus asked amused. I only pointed to Madison.

-What? What did she do? - she asked turning to the boys. When they saw it the started laughing like me. - I'll be right back. - she said getting up to go see what I did on her face in a mirror. She came back laughing. - You're such a kid but i love you.

-I didn't do it on purpose. - i said when i calmed down. I finished applying her face mask, put mine but there still was a lot of the product.

I got an idea.


Hey chickens!

I'm trying to write daily so i can post daily but it's kind of hard lol, I'm doing my best.

I don't have anything more to say... 

Or yeah i do.

Be ready for the next chapter ;))

This means be ready for sum hot thingzzz

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