Chapter 2

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P.O.V. Layla

-You have to promise me something first.

-And why should I?

-I'll leave you alone.

-What's the deal?

-Don't tell anyone what I did. I mean, don't tell anyone why are we in detention.

-Why? Ur scared? Awwwh lil Marcos is scared. - I said as he pushed me harder against the wall. - Ouch.

-Deal? - He said with anger in his voice.

He's taller than me, he has more strenght than me and I'm not even a bit scared.
Yes I'm fkng sick.

-If I'll have some peace, deal. - he finally lets me go. I guess I'll just go to the park and eat smth or sing.

-What do you want to do now?

-And why do you care?

-Look, if you're not interesed in me, just say it.

-I really have to say it? Like, showing it all the time isn't enough?

-Say it.

-Well, I'm not interesed in you Marcus Gunnarsen.

-Let me change that.

-No way. - I said laughning a bit. He won't get me with that type of shit. Or with anything else.

-C'mon. Layla, look, we have two hours to spend, and I guess you didn't planned anything, huh? - he's right... but why should I plan smth, did I planned these two hours of detention? No.
I didn't said anything because I was trying to find an answer. - And I'm right. So let's spend these hours together. - I almost choked.

-In your dreams.

-Dreams come true sweetie.

-I know I'm sweet, you don't have to tell me but thanks anyway.


-So what? You really think that I'll spend some time with you? I knew you were dumb but c'mon, I didn't knew you were that dumb.

-Y'all are all the same... - he almost whispered.

-What did you just said?

-Nah nothing.

-I asked what did you say.

-I said that y'all are all the same. Fine?

-Are you kidding me? If the "y'all" means "girls" I'm fkng proud that we're like that. You know why? Because WE don't leave an asshole play with OUR feelings. SO NO, it's not "FINE". Y'all better think about yourselves. And this "y'all" means "boys". Do you have something else to add? - I'm like one fkng second from exploding of anger.

-Yeah I have. Nice ass. - I slaped him. I just couldn't stop myself. He put his hand on his cheek and I just left him there.

Meal Time.

-You're serious?

-Yea I am.

-You, Layla Brooks, slaped Marcus Gunnarsen. Marcus. Gunnarsen. Ur crazy.

-I know. - me and Mads put our food on the table and we sat down waiting for Liam and Lucas.

-And btw why are you both in detention?

-His fault, if you want yo know why, ask him.

-He's coming. - she whispered.

-And do you actually think that I care?

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