Chapter 16

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P.O.V. Marcus

-Sweet dreams baby. - i whispered and kissed her cheek. I was about to leave her when she touched my hand.

-Stay. - she whispered with her eyes closed.

Should I?

-Please. - she whispered again.

I just can't leave her.

-Fine, I'll stay.  - she moved a little to make some place for me. I took off my t-shirt, put it on a chair and layed down next to Layla. As fast as i lied she got closer and hugged me.

-Goodnight. - i whispered and kissed her forehead. 

She was already asleep.

The next morning

P.O.V. Layla

I woke up with my head on Marcus's bare chest hugging him from the side. I quickly raised my head to check if he was sleeping.

-Good morning. - he said with a morning raspy voice and smiling with his hair being a whole mess. 

-Hey. - i said and yawned right after. 

-U slept well? - he asked stroking my back.

-Not really. - i put my head back on his chest and closed my eyes. - Even tho you're a good pillow. 

-Nice to hear but we have to get up and go to school.

-Ughh why are you ruining such a great moment.

-Oh well sorry princess, I'll go to school alone.

-No no no, I will come with you.

-See? C'mon. - we both got up, i took my clothes and got dressed in the bathroom as Marcus went to my brother's room to ask for a shirt. I went back to my room, put on a little mascara took my things and went downstairs.

-Hello mom!

-Looks like my baby is in a good mood.

-Kind of. - i said and of course blushed because i thought of Marcus. I saw my mom smiling and she probably knew what was going on but she didn't say anything. I was making myself breakfast as the boys came dowstairs.

-Good morning. - they said and searched for food.

-Ohhh what do you have here? - Dylan asked looking at my food.

-Nothing for you, it's mine.

-You're not gonna share your breakfast with the best brother of the whole world?

-Oh what a good joke. Okay move now and let me eat in peace.

-Pleaseee? I want just a little piece of your cookie. Come on, you have two cookies, two wafles and fruits, i bet you won't eat it all by yourself.

-Ughh okay. - I gave him a little bite of my cookie and he went on the couch.

-Can I also have a piece? - Marcus was standing right behind me with his chin on my shoulder.

I knew my brother was watching us and i got a great idea.

-You too? Uh fine, there you go. - i gave him a whole cookie and he kissed my cheeks.

-Thank youu. - he said happily.

-And me?! - Dylan almost screamed like a little kid.

-You? You don't deserve a cookie.

-And why he does?!

-Because he's kind. - i turned around with one of my waffles to discover Marcus in one of my brother's shirts, making some goofy faces to him.

Okay he's also really hot and cute but they don't have to know what i really think.

-Sorry for stopping you there kids but you'll be late if you continue arguing. - our mom warned us.

-We'll leave in some mins, don't worry mom. - i said continuing my breakfast.

-I'll take my stuff and we'll meet in front of mines, okay? - Mac was ready to leave our house.

-Sure. - i fast finished my breakfast, put my shoes and took my backpack. Dylan showed up a sec later and we got out of our house.

-So, what do you think about Marcus when you got to know him a little?

-Uhm, well, we'll see. Right now i don't have a proper opinion on him.

-Okay. - we didn't wait an eternity for Marcus because he just got out of his house.

We went to school together, lessons started and we got to our classrooms. I couldn't focus on the lesson because Marcus was annoying me but in a cute way, trying to catch my attention. The first hour of class ended quickly and i left the room. I was walking calmly in the corridor almost full of people when someone grabbed my arm very hard. 

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