Chapter 13

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P.O.V. Marcus

-Don't even try to insult her again. - i just went home and left him there.

When i got home I slammed the door and went upstairs without even saying a word.

P.O.V. Layla

-Hey mom.

-Hello. How was your day?

-Pretty good in general. Uhm mom?


-Can i go to Marcus? He will help me with maths.

-Didn't u hate him?

-Mooom that's not the point. Pleasee.

-Yeah sure. Just be back before midnight.

-I'll be home sooner that that. I'm going to take my shower and then i'll go.

-Okay. - i fast went upstairs, took my shower and got dressed. I took my "books" to make it look real and went downstairs 

-I'll go now. See you later, byee.

-Bye baby, have fun but study.

-Of course. - i said as i was closing the door. I went to the twins house and made the ring bell. Someone finally opened the door.


-Oh hey Martinus. Is Marcus here?

-Yeah he's in his room. I'll lead you there.

-Thanks. - we went upstairs.

-It's the last door on the left.

-Great, thank you.

-You're welcome. - he got in a room which i think was his and i went to the last door on the left.

I heard someone singing so i didn't enter immediately.

"i know true love aint easy, girl i know its you cause you complete me, I'm in love with the thought of you." *

I knocked and Marcus opened the door.

-Oh hey. Didn't know you'll come so fast. - he hugged me which shocked me a little.

-But here i am. - i smiled. He let me go and we both got in his room. I left my books on his desk, he sat on his bed and patted the place just besides him so i sat there. Instinctively I put my head on his shoulder and he hugged me. - You looked mad when i came... Something happened? - he suddenly seemed really nervous.

-I just had my reasons to be mad. - he left me free from his embrace but i liked it. He was looking at the wall without moving. I put my hand on his cheek and turned his face to me making an eyecontact between us.

-It's okay now, I don't know what made u mad and you probably won't tell me but it's gone now, forget about it, okay?

He didn't answer but kissed me. 

-I take it as a yes. - I concluded

-A big yes. - he said and immediately kissed me. I put my hands around his neck and his hands were travelling all over my body while he deepened the kiss. Suddenly, we got interrupted and we separated.

-Oops sorry. I see that you two are clearly busy sTuDyiNg maths.

-Ughh just leave. - said Marcus annoyed.

-Shhh, be happy that it was me and not mom. We will have dinner soon.

-Okay, thanks, leave now.

-Why would i stay tho. - the youngest twin said while closing the door.

-My mom doesn't know you're here... And i think it's better like that.

-What? Why?

-I never came home with a girl.


"i know true love aint easy, girl i know its you cause you complete me. I'm in love with the thought of you."

Yeah well i got inspired from insta.

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