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Some years later.

P.O.V. Layla

-I'm baack! - i said going in the kitchen with the two bag of food i just brought. I immediately heard some loud foot steps coming from the first floor.

3 persons.

They're all coming.

( idek why but this sounds like she's talking abt sum monsters lmaoo )

The foot steps came closer and my kids quick hugged me.

-Mommyyy! - they both screamed happy.

-I'm here. Who's hungry? - i asked.

-Us! - the boys and my husband answered together. I giggled and started getting out the food from the bags. Everyone helped me and it went pretty fast. I cooked some eggs, we ate together and the boys had their bath. I was taking the dishes back to the kitchen from the eating room when my husband scared me, I acidentally made some forks fall on the ground.

-Fuck. Marcus don't do that.

-Awwh you're so cute when you're scared. - he put his arms around my waist and we were both looking at our children. - And you're also really clumsy.

-Me? Clumsy? I think you're the clumsier one. - i said looking at him and then at the boys suggestively.

-Oh well... Oops? - he smiled innocent and i laughed. I looked at my little boys running around the couch.

Yeah they weren't planned but I'm not complaining, they're the sweetest kids i know.

-Alexander, Jacob, time to sleep. - i said getting out of my husband's embrace.

-I don't want to sleep moooom. - Jacob, the older one, sticked to my leg.

-Come on, you already played more than usually.

-Ughh okaaay. - he sighed and went upstairs with his brother. I followed them, put them to sleep, kissed them both on their foreheads, left their room and went back downstairs. Marcus and me almost finished cleaning up but he had to change his plans. He kissed me and we both started moving until i touched the table with my butt making a glass fall.

-I told you you're clumsy. - he said bitting his lower lip trying not to laugh.

-Shut up. This was your fault. - i laughed. - We're both clumsy, deal?

-Deal. Soo, let's be clumsy in bed.

-Not this time Marcus, not this time.

-Pleaseeeee. - he did his puppy eyes.

-We're not alone.

-And what?

-Just imagine what could happen if one of the boys would see us fucking.

-Well he would just discover how he was created.

-Oh god, i forgot I'm talking with Marcus Gunnarsen... - i shaked my head and he put his arms around my waist.

-Wanna make another little mistake? - he said biting his lip.


Letting him love me wasn't a bad choice.


Whoop whoop peeps

It's officially the end of this story and i want to say thank you.

Thank you to peacefulgunnarsen for always making me smile with your comments, you're one of the best people i know and i luv u bub, remember that.

You prob don't know it but she brought sm happiness the moment she came in my life and fr i love her, remember when i kinda stopped writing? Well it was because she wasn't reading the chapters, i didn't had my "dose" of happiness yk.
Soo yea thank you Matilde for being there for me, i love you

I want to thank every single person reading this book till the end, i hope you liked it.

I'm proud of myself for finishing this fanfic. I'm already writing a new one but it will be like really short.
I know i said this one will be short cause 30 chapters isn't much, but the other one will be even shorter.

And if y'all want to know, it will be about Martinus ;))

I may say the title of the fanfic, what do you think abt it?
Should i?

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