Chapter 22

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P.O.V. Layla

Half an hour later we left.

I took a fast shower at home and sat on my bed thinking about this day.

Martinus told me he had his "own" house. It was their parents old one, they were renting it but now they decided to give it to one of the twins. Martinus won a bet and he got the house. He gave me a duplicate of his keys if I ever needed to talk with him or anything, he said i was welcome at anytime.

Since i wanted to talk with Marcus about our little fight i sent him a message.

To Cuscus :

Come at mine's, we have to talk

From Cuscus :

I'll be there in some mins. I ain't coming home for the night, I had a fight with Martinus and I don't want to spend any minute more here.

To Cuscus :

Yeah sure, if you want we can talk about that too.

From Cuscus :

I'm coming

Some minutes later i saw Marcus coming with his backpack so i went downstairs to open the door. He hugged me, we talked some minutes with my parents and we went to my room. He got in first, threw his backpack somewhere and layed on my bed. I sat besides him and he took my hand.

-Can we talk about my fight with Martinus first? - he asked which shoked me a little since as i know he doens't open up at this point.

-Sure. Why did you fight?

-I don't even know, he just came mad at me and started yelling. I just want to forget about that. - i layed next to him and looked in his eyes.

-It will be okay, you two will anyway figure it out. - he kissed my forehead and i cuddled into him.

I was cold.

-And what did you wanted to talk about? - he asked playing with my hair.

-Well uhm our fight but it doesn't matter.

-It matters.

-It was my fault. - i said closing my eyes.

-It was mine. You didn't do anything wrong and i understand why you changed your plans.

-I kind of did something wrong cause i didn't told you i changed my plans.

-Shh. My faulf, I'm sorry.


-No. Layla it was totally my fault, i acted wrong being mad at you after the match since you didn't do anything.

-If you say so... - i said and sighed.

After a little silence Marcus finally decided to break it.

-So uhm... It's been some days that I'm thinking about it and... - he hesitated. He was clearly stressed.

-Hey, it's okay, calm down dude. Tell me, what's the thing you've been thinking about for so long?

-I'm looking for a girlfriend and i think i found her, i just don't know if she wants to be mine... - he said and looked at me in a way i could never explain. - Soo i have to ask you, will you be mine?

-I... I didn't expected that. - i said after some secs.

-If you say no it's okay, i'll understand. - he looked away a little sad.

-No no no Marcus, it's not that i don't want to but... I just have to think about it, okay? I just didn't expected that and yeah it's not really common for me to be asked questions like that so i have to think about it.

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