Chapter 11

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P.O.V. Layla

-Something's wrong? - he asked worried.

-No, not really. I just want u to stay discreet, okay?

-Yeah sure. I'll let u take your time. - he said stroking my hand and smiled. - You go first, otherwise they'll think something happened between us. - he gave me a wink and i went out.

-Layla! Finally! - my cheerleader group looked at me.

-Yeah sorry, i forgot we had training today, but I'm here so let's just continue.

The next hour we were finalising our choreography for this weekend's match.

-Okay, perfect. Good job girls! - the boys were still training, most of the girls went to change but me and Mads sat on the benches to talk. I saw that Brad looked plenty times at her and it was weird. Madison had a crush on him last year, she didn't want him to know but somehow he got the news. Of course, some people had to make fun of her, including Marcus. Brad didn't really react, he rather acted as if nothing happened which made Mads more confident. After that she stopped caring about Brad but i see that she isn't indifferent when he sometimes walk past her or looks at her.

I can promise one thing : if he hurts her one more time, he can say bye bye to his...

Oof nope. Bad idea.

I'll find another solution.

-So, you're gonna tell me what's going on between you and Marcus? - she asked curious as usually.

-Maybe, but first, tell me what's going on between you and Brad. - she sighed.

-I may... still like him. Some days ago he slid in my dms and said that he has a crush on me. I'm not sure if he's trying to make fun of me and i don't know what to do. Apparently, last year, when someone told him that i liked him he noticed me and started crushing on me. Layla help me, should i trust him? Or what? - she looked so clueless and confused.

-You already know what I'll say but you have to discover it by yourself. In my opinion he's a good person. Just try to remember all the times when the guys made fun of somebody, he didn't take part of it, he was either leaving or trying to stop them. Also when the rumour about u liking him was spread he didn't react, i mean he didn't make fun of u, he preferred to remain silent and let people calm down.

-Okay, thanks sis... Love you. - she hugged me - But don't start any research to have some informations about him.

-Oh honey, it's already too late. 

-He's mine! - she said kind of angry. Some of the boys heard us and laughed.

-Oof calm down sis, i ain't tryna steal him, i tryna protect u from a possible asshole. 

-Soo now, about you and Marcus. - her phone started ringing.

-Oops, looks like u have to go home.

-Shit. Yeah i have to go. BUT you have to promise me that you'll tell me.

-Yeah sure. One day. - she left and i started to watch the boys play. Some minutes later they finished so i thought i'll go. I was leaving when Brad stopped me.

-Ehm hey.

-Hey Brad.

-I know we aren't friends and all but i need your help. - the team went to the changing room and we stayed on the field.

-For what? - i asked in the nicest way i could.

-I just... It's about Madison. I like her a lot but i just don't know how to act when i'm around her so i just act like i don't feel anything and it's killing me. I told her that i like her but she doesn't trust me... - he said and i saw he was sad Inside.

-Look, I don't really know you but you have to know one thing. If you hurt her, you're dead, understood?


-So, i bet u know that she had a crush on u last year, right?

-Mhm. - we got in front of the boys chnging room.

-Just shoot your shot and you'll see how it will work out. I don't think she completely moved on but just go slowly, let her take her time. Okay?

-Yeah. Absolutely. Thank you Layla. - he said much happier.

-You're welcome. - i answered with a smile on my face. 

He opened the changing's room door and every single guy was half naked.

I covered my eyes and they laughed.

-Oh come on Layla, we all know that u liked what u saw. - said one of the boys.

-Maybe i did but i had enough. - i felt someone's presence besides me.

-You can open your eyes now.

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