Chapter 7

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P.O.V. Layla

-Wow. That isn't normal, Marcus NEVER apologizes.

-Yeah that's why it's weird...

After all the boring classes we had I got out of school. I was walking with Mad talking about some random shit when I reminded myself that I'm going somewhere with Mac.

-Oh shit. Almost forgot. I can't go to your place Mad.

-And why?

-Well, uhm, I'm going somewhere with Mac.

-Soooomewhere? - she asked with a smirk on her face.

-You're such a kiddo. - I said laughing.

-Hey beautiful. - Mac joined us and placed him hand around me.

-Oh well... I have to go. - Mads winked at me and walked away.

You traitor.
You were supposed to stay with me and help me get out of this situation.

-Hey Mac. Where are we going?


-What? You like shopping?

-No I don't. But maybe you do so I wanted to make you happy.

Awwwh this is cute oml.

Layla no. Come back. Don't.

-Well, okay. You'll see what shopping with me look like. Even Madison gets tired of me.

-Oh shoot. Looks like it will be a long afternoon. - he said and we both started laughing.

We went to our houses to leave our backpacks and then we went together to the shopping centre.

I anyway wanted to go there.

We went in some shops and I kinda bought too much.
But there was a big promotion, I couldn't let me go out of there without buying anything.
Mac is carrying everything, he didn't wanted me to take any of the bags so he took them.

-I'm hungry.

-Me too. McDonald's?

-Naaah KFC.

-Okay princess. I pay.

-Marcus no. You already wanted to pay for my clothes.

-And you didn't let me so let me pay for our food.

-And you'll give up?


-Fine then. - we got to KFC, we ordered our food and sat in a cozy area.

-So, what do you think about this day? I mean the time we spend together.

-It was pretty... Good.

-Look, I'm really sorry for what i did, I know I shouldn't have acted like that.

-Your food. Enjoy jour meal. - a waiter came with our food.

-Thank you. - we both answered and started eating our chicken wings.

-It's okay now Mac, you know that you did wrong and it's enough.

-Thank you for giving me another chance...

-Everyone deserves a second chance. - I smiled at him.

After a few minutes I couldn't eat more.

-You're not hungry anymore?

-Not really...

-Come on, you have to eat it all.

-But i caaaan't.

-I have to eat them?

-Yes. - he took the last two chicken wings and ate them.

While the next two hours we went to some clothes shops because I needed a new dress and Marcus absolutely wanted to give me his opinion.

-What about this one? - Mac came with a beautiful black dress.

-Well, I already have this one.

-Nooo way.

-If you don't believe me I can show you when we'll be at home. - a smirk apreared on his face. - Okay, no, forget about it.

-Let me take you to one shop and buy something for you there.

-Uhm... If the shop isn't anything lingerie related it's a yes.

-Nah it isn't.

-Great. I'll buy this dress and we'll go.

-I pay for this one.


-Yes Layla.

-I said no so you better stop or I'm leaving.

-Okay m'am, sorry. - he said and we both laughed.

We left the shop and we went to another one, expensive as fuck.

I mean, I'm not poor, I could absolutely buy something from there like, right now but I don't like wearing  expensive things. It feels like I want to show everyone that I'm rich and besides me they're poor and I'm not like that.

-Marcus n...

-Shhh don't say anything. Just try some of these dresses and tell me which one do you like the most.


-No. Come on, do it please.

-Ugh okay...

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