Chapter 9

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P.O.V. Marcus

-Don't play with her feelings Marcus. You barely know her.

-I can ask Dylan anything about her and he will answer.

-But it's not the same as knowing her for real. U better think about what you're doing. She's not like the others.

-Mhm. You also don't know her so why r u talking shit. Let me live my life. As i said, mind your business.

The next morning

P.O.V. Layla

Annnd another day to go to school. When i was ready i left home.
I was walking pas the Gunnarsen's house when one of the twins called my name. I turned around to see Martinus half naked from his window.

-U better wear smth or u will be sick. - I said laughing a little.

-Yeah sure. I'm coming, wait for me a sec.

-Okay. - i took my phone and send a message to Mads.

To Mads : Don't wait for me. Just go to school with Liam and Lucas, I'll come a bit later.

From Mads :
What? Why? Smth happened?

To Mads :
Naah, nothing much. Someone will come with me.

From Mads :
Who is it??? Marcus? 😏

To Mads :
Stfu, just go to school and be a nice kiddo.

From Mads :
Yes momma

-Who r u texting? - Martinus just came next to me.

-Just Mads. I thought she needed to know that I'll come to school with u.

-Sooo, how r u? - he asked and we started walking.

-I'm good, u? - we heard someone running behind us. Martinus turned around and he sighed so i also turned around.
It was Marcus, trying to catch us.

He finally arrived by putting his hair back.

-Hey Layla. Martinus why didn't u wait for me? - Marcus asked his twin out of breath.

-I saw Layla so i thought you'll go with Dylan.

-I told you to go with Dylan. - he said kinda angry.

-Come on guys, we're already here so let's go together. Oh god, you two are such kiddos.

Happily, they didn't continue their lil argument and we started talking about random stuff. When we arrived in front of our school i went to my friends and the twins went to the popular group of people.

-Hey guys.

-Hi. - Liam and Lucas answered at the same time smiling at me.

-So i was right. - Mads said with a smirk on her face.

-There she goes. - Liam whispered to Lucas but i heard it.

-Right about what? - i asked confused.

-Well, i wasn't that right but still a little because u came to school with Marcus and i thought you'll come only with him, so with only one twin but u came with BOTH and what omg tell me everyth...  - she was talking way too fast.

-Wowowoow stop. I don't have to explain but I will. I was going out of home, I walked past their house but then Martinus called me out of his window so I waited for him. He got out, we started talking and walking but then Marcus ran and joi... 

-Layla! - i heard my brother calling my name. He was making some weird signs so i went to him to know what does he want. He was in his popular group which i mainly hate so i don't really spend time with him at school.

-What? - i asked already pissed off.

You don't even understand how much i hate these people.

-You're coming to this weekend's match?

-Yeah. Why r u even asking, it's obvious.

-Just wanted to know. Thanks sis.

-No problem. - right before going back to my friends i caught Marcus staring at me. I just walked away and didn't care.

Lessons started some minutes later and we all went to classes. My day went well, apart some jealous looks of those bitches. Oops, my fault, i mean Aria, Lexi, Sharon and the rest. What did i do to catch their attention.

I mean i know i'm awesome.

This was sarcasm but i don't want to have their attention, i know what they are capable of.

I was almost out of school when I heard Marcus.

-Layla? Where are you going? - i turned around to face him.

-Home? I finished my lessons for today so i guess i can, right?

-It's Thursday.

-Yeah, and? - i asked not knowing what's the point of his questions. After a moment in silence i noticed that he had his stuff for sport. - Fuck. And I thought that i will relax a bit.

-If you want we can relax together after sport.


Whoop whoop new chapter people!

It's been a long time huh?

Does anybody remember me? lmaoo

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, tell me your thoughts about it so i can improve my writing skills.

See you sOoN


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