Chapter 8

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P.O.V. Layla

-No. Come on, do it please.

-Ugh okay...

I tried a few dresses and finally found the perfect one. All red.

-This one. - I said while looking at me in the big mirror in the changing room I was in.

Mac came in and he literally was hypnotized.

-You. Look. So. Fucking. Stunning. - he put his hands around my waist.

-Well thank you. I mean, I always look good. - I said laughing.

-True. - our faces were close to each others.

I was looking in his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes.

-Is this one fr... Oh sorry. - I turned my head and saw an old woman.

-No problem. - I said probably blushing really hard.

Mac left me in the changing room, I changed my clothes and we left the shop, not buying the red dress.

We were walking hand in hand when a black car drove slowly besides us.


-Martinus? What r u doing here?

-I was going home. We have to talk.

-Mhm k.

This little conversation between the twins was... Weird?

We got to my house and my mom showed up.

-Hey baby. Hey Marcus.

-Hey mom.

-Hello Mrs Brooks. How are you going?

-Fine and you?

-Also fine.

-I see that you went shopping. - she looked at me with a smirk on her face.

Oml I can't even go shopping with a "friend".

-Yeah yeah, we'll go to my room. - Mac took all my things because since he's with me he doesn't let me carry anything. I can take only my little bag with my phone and some other things. But the shopping bags? Nope.

-So. - Mac said sitting on my bed. - You're going to show me that black dress you have from the other shop?

-If you want. - I took it from the wardrobe. - There it is.

-Mhm yeah. I want to see it on you.

-Nope bro.

-Pleaaaase. - he took my hand.


-Come oooooon.

-Let me guess. You will stop when I'll wear it, right?

-How did you know? - he faked his shock.

-Magic. - I winked and went to the bathroom the change my clothes and put on the dress.

I put some music and changed my clothes. I got out of the bathroom and Mac came to me putting his hands around my waist.

-Well... I prefer the red one but you still look stunning. - he said looking at me.

-Thank you. - I said trying to hide my face with my hair because I was blushing.

P.O.V. Marcus

I just got a message.

From Bro 👽
U comin' soon or what

To Bro 👽
Yeah, I'll be home in 2 mins

From Bro 👽
You better hurry

-Layla... I'm sorry I have to go.

-No problem. It's already late. - we went to the door. - See you at school?

-Yeah. Cya. Bye Mrs Brooks!

-Bye Marcus. It was nice to see you again.

I left their house and went to our house. I went in.

-Hey mom! Hey dad! I'm back.

-Finally. - I saw my brother coming down the stairs.

-What do you want.

-Come. We have to talk. For real. - we went to his room.


-You like her?

-I may like her but why tf do you care? It's none of your business.

-Whatever. Don't play with her feelings Marcus. You barely know her.

-I can ask Dylan anything about her and he will answer.

-But it's not the same as knowing her in real. U better think about what you're doing. She's not like the others.

-Mhm. You also don't know her so why r u talking shit. Let me live my life. As i said, mind yo business.



New chapterrr

What chu think about it huh?

See ya soon I guess?

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