Chapter 15

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P.O.V. Layla

-Nah. Come on we'll see who's that. - I took his hand, we got out of my room and went downstairs.

I recognized the man's voice.

I released Mac's hand and went downstairs even faster.


-Sweetheart! - i hugged my dad as tight as i could. - Suprise, I'm already back. Was it a good idea?

-Heck yes! - i said as he looked at me a little angry. - Oops sorry.

Marcus arrived and i went next to him.

-Good evening sir. - my friend said politely.

Okay sis, i don't know how to call Marcus so i'll call him my friend.

For the moment.

-Hello Marcus. How's school?

-Pretty good.

Ima explain u fast why my dad isn't shook that Marcus is here. Since he's friend with Dylan he often comes here, they stay in his room and i stay in mine. My dad probably thinks that Mac's here for Dylan.

-I got presents for you. - he gave me chocolate and some other stuff.

-Go put this in your room and we'll watch the film. - said my mom with a big smile on her face.

-Oh sorry i can't watch it with you, i'm really tired. - my dad said hugging his wife.

-No problem dad, goodnight then.

-Goodnight everybody. - he said as he went upstairs to my parents room.

-Ehh Marcus help me. Take this and we'll leave it in my room.

-Sure. - we left all the presents from my dad's trip in my room and i took my pajamas.

-I'm sorry but I HAVE to change, so, when i'll be in the bathroom, you'll be a nice kid and you'll go to Dylan's room, okay?

-Of course I'm a good boy so i will do this. - he smiled in such a cute way and left to my brothers room. I fast went to our bathroom and got changed. I was about to go downstairs when i remembered that those kiddos won't come if i won't tell them to. I opened the door of my brother's room and only got my head in.

-u comin' for the movie? - i asked as they both looked at me.

-Yup. - i got out and went to my room. I was preparing my clothes for tomorrow when i heard someone closing the door. I turned my head to discover Marcus stressed and making rounds while walking.

-U good? - i finished preparing my clothes and wanted to walk out of my room but Marcus was staying in front of the door.

-He won't kill me if i date u? - he asked looking at me.


-Your father.

-Noo he won't. - i said laughing. - Why are you even asking for that, we won't date. - I said playing the bored one.

-Aaargh stop lying. - he said pulling me closer by my waist. I couldn't help but laugh because of him.

-Whatever. We should go. - I kissed him on the cheek and we got out.

My mom and Dylan were already waiting for us. My mom just smiled at us but Dylan obviously had to talk.

I love him, when he doesn't talk.

-Hey bud. - my brother looked at me and then at Marcus with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and sat as far from his as i could.

-Hey. - Marcus answered and sat between us.

Some minutes later the film started, we were casually eating our popcorn, my "friend" and me had a bowl for ourselves and my mom with Dylan had their bowl. Half an hour later my brother went to sleep because he was tired, i could finally put my head on Marcus's shoulder.

-I'll bring more popcorn. - my mom went to the kitchen.

-You want do sleep? - Marcus asked me and kissed my forehead.

-Not at all. - he hugged me and i cuddled into him.

My mom came back with more popcorn and we continued our movie.

P.O.V. Marcus

When the movie ended i wanted to get up from the couch but Layla didn't move.

-She fell asleep? - her mother asked me.

-Looks like yes. - i answered without taking my eyes off her.

Why did i fell for her so damn hard.

-Can you please carry her to her room?

-Sure. - i did what her mom asked for and when i reached Layla's room i gently put her down on her bed. - Sweet dreams baby. - i whispered and kissed her cheek. I was about to leave her when she touched my hand.

-Stay. - she whispered with her eyes closed.

Should I?

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