Chapter 20

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P.O.V. Layla

It's crazy how things worked out. I literally hated every moment spent with him and now i miss him the second he leaves. Dylan was right, or at least a little. I only knew the worst version of Marcus and i didn't wanted to get hurt.

Some minutes later Madison and Brad came back and we all went to my room to just talk about random stuff. We put some music on to create a vibe but it was late so we were a little tired.

Brad went to the toilet and Mads went to change in her pj so Marcus and me were alone.

-Baaaabeee? - I said looking at Mac. He smiled when he realized how i just called him but didn't make any comment about it.


-Can I have your shiiirt? Pleaaase.

-There u go. - he said taking his shirt off and giving it to me. - Why do you need it tho?

-It's my new pj. - i said smiling and hugging the piece of fabric.

-You're so damn cute. And hot, but that's not the point. - he hugged me.

-Your turn. - Madison just came out of my bathroom so i went there to change my clothes. Since it was quite hot all day and still a little now i decided to wear Marcus's shirt and shorts instead of my basic jogging. I did my evening's routine and got out of the bathroom. Madison and Brad were sitting on the matress we took out of the attic for them and Marcus was on my bed, we continued talking for some minutes but we decided to go to sleep because of tomorrow's match.

The next morning.

I opened my eyes hearing whispers.

-Oops we woke you up, sorry. - Madison said bothered.

-Naah it's okay. - i said rubbing my eyes.

I looked besides me to discover Marcus with some of his hair on his face, sleeping like a baby. His lips were a little open and his breath was regular which affirmed the fact that he was sleeping. I slowly stroked his cheek and then started playing a little with his hair. He smiled and put his arms around me pulling me closer.

-Did u sleep well? - i asked smiling.

-Yeah. - he said with his morning voice after he stretched himself. I was still playing with his hair and he hugged me again.

-What do y'all want for breakfast? - I asked looking at my friends.

-Pancakes. - they answered together, looked at each other and smiled. Madison clearly blushed which made me smile.

-I want pancakes too. - Marcus said yawning.

-You'll get pancakes too, don't worry.

-Thanks. - he kissed my cheek and i got up.

I went to the kitchen, made a horrible bun with my hair, took out everything i needed and started doing our breakfast.

After some minutes i felt someone hugging me from behind and it couldn't be anyone else than Marcus.

-If you want your breakfast let me finish it before we all die of hunger.

-But what if i don't? - he asked leaving small kisses all over my neck.

-Oh well, tell it to Madison, I don't think it's a good idea.

-So if i'm already here, what can i do?

-Well, i would say do the breakfast but you would probably burn the whole house down sooo let me do my job.

-Already sassy? You just woke up.

-Already annoying? You just woke up. - I imitated him.

-If it's gonna be like that... - he said and stopped hugging me. I felt that he went a little away 'cause his natural warmth left me.

Even tho i wanted it back i didn't stopped doing our breakfast. I put the knife i was holding in my hand on the countertop and started searching for something when a pair of strong arms held me by my waist and pulled me away from my work.

Marcus threw me on his shoulder and carried to the couch.

-Let me at least finish the breakfast you idiot. - i said laughning with my hair falling down to Marcus's ass.


I have to cut 'em now.

Just kidding lmao i just wish he won't fart.

-Not this time. - he said reffering to my own yesterday's words.

-Oh god Marcus let me gooo. - i tried to get away but it didn't changed anything.

-Sooo, - he said putting me gently on the couch. - Can I have a kiss?

-Only if you'll let me go and be a good boy, understood?

-But... What if i don't?

-Well, bad boys get punished. - i said without even thinking about it and realized after some secs. - Oh uhm... Forget about that.

I probably blushed really hard but he just laughed at me.

-You're so cute and innocent when it comes to...

-Oh shut up. - I cut him off which amused him even more. - You wanted a kiss, right? Remember what i said?

-Of course, but can I have a little one? Like now? Pleaseee.


-Come onnn. Please only one now and i'll stop.

-You're annoying.

-So it's a yes? - i fast kissed him and he smiled. - It was a yes. - he helped me to get up.

-No kisses until tomorrow. - i said going back to the kitchen.


-Well, i said you'll get a kiss if you let me go and be a good boy but you didn't do any of these things so here are the consequences. - Marcus leaned on the countertop looking at every single move i was making while finishing our breakfast.

-Ohh... - he looked sad but so cute.

-Okay we can maybe make a deal. - i put my hands on my waist and faced him. - If you'll be a good boy, but like a really good boy, you can have a kiss after the match.

-Deal without any doubt. - he said and hugged me.

-It smells so goood ohhh my god. - Madison arrived with Brad hand in hand. - I already love your pancakes. - she looked at them licking her lips.

I knew she would be hungry af.

Basically Madison and me everyday, anytime.

Always hungry.

-Of course you do. - i said laughing. - Happily i finished before you came.

-Why "happily"? - she asked yawning.

-Well, sOmebOdy distracted and bothered me all the time. - i looked at Marcus.

-Why are you looking at me? I didn't do anything.

-Yeah sure. - we ate the breakfast together, Madison and Brad left an hour later. Marcus left too, my parents came back, the day went fast and it was already time to go to the match.

Gonna be wild.

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